China to return US drone; keep it, says Trump
US grizzly bear: "Return my toy or I'll beat you up."
China Panda: "Here's your toy. It's tasteless. I like sweet bamboo, better." Singapore 'singa' lion: "Hey, not fair. When you returning my toys too."
China Panda: "Here's your toy. It's tasteless. I like sweet bamboo, better." Singapore 'singa' lion: "Hey, not fair. When you returning my toys too."
- ricky lChina seizing of US seaborne drone and Singapore Terrex is signaling something - I think.
Seizing US drone is a signal to Trump - that China is unhappy about Trump's phone call with Taiwan President and Trump stand on South China Sea.
China also want to see how will US respond to the seizure.
China through HK as proxy to seize Singapore Terrex - I believe has far wider meaning and strategic intent :-
(1) US is now undergoing a transition from Obama to Trump Administration - and essentially a "lameduck period".
(2) Philippine Dutre has shift its diplomatic balance from US to China and Russia.
(3) Trump make statement that it want to engage less with outside World and instead concenttrate on its America soil.
(4) Trump want to drop TPP trade deal - the moment it ascend into office.
(5) China want to win more strategic allies and partner over.
China consider the above circumstances, as the best moment to pry all of US influence from its past Allies and Partners - decide to seize Singapore Terrex to signal that China want Singapore to shift away from US military influence and move Taiwan training area out - as Singapore training with advanced military assets - is seen as a hindrance to China;s pressure on Taiwan. - ricky l
I think Singapore has many considerations and not as simple - as it make out to be :-
(1) Singapore like China, has benefitted from US and West influence - whether in technology, business, trade, investment as well as security.
The most notable security influence is the cooperation with US and the West on terrorism - in which US and the West has up-to-date intelligence and information in tacking terrorism - which is currently Singapore top priority.
China does not have such leverage and advantage over the US and the West.
(2) US and the West in particular have been providing Singapore with advanced technologies whether in commercial and military field.
China is also not as forthcoming in this area.
(3) Singapore's foriegn policies is always making as many friends as possible and not make any enemies - and not to forsake any friends who has stand thick and thin with us.
This imply that whether Taiwan, China or US --- who have been our friends, partners and allies for so many years - Singapore cannot and will not simply dump them because of changes in geopolitical influences.
Singapore, to be credible, to be an honest broker - will have to maintain a balance, cordial relationship with the various Countries - not side one party to hammer another party - which are all our friends.
(4) If we shift our Taiwan training area out, then where will we go? China previously offer Hainan island.
Does this offer still stand?
If yes, then many considerations need to be accounted for. Not so simple as - move means move.
Singapore has signed a bilateral agreement with Taiwan - cannot say move means move. Otherwise, who on Earth will respect any international agreement, international law or domestic law or contracts - where such agreement can be simply revoke or disregarded?
In addition, I don't think Singapore is keen to help any SuperPowers to contain one another --- that will cause confrontation and friction.
Singapore is more interested to ensure SuperPowers keep their cooperation, engagement and diplomacy through trade, business, investment and diplomacy - and make the World a better place to do business to ensure peace and prosperity.
Thus careful re-calibration as situation changes will be needed.
Meanwhile, let us see how soon will we get back our Terrex - with the above circumstances in mind. - EchthraThe moment when commentators comment something that is clearly far from what is written in the news article.
- ricky lAnd Taiwan pro-independence party win - essentially step on China's nerve.
China proxy HK seizure of Singapore Terrex - in actual fact --- is a strong signal to Taiwan newly elected President - that it want to further squeeze Taiwan diplomatic space and military exchanges.
In addition, China want to ensure there are no complication if China does eventually take action against Taiwan - as Singapore training area is seen as a technical hindrance. - ricky lSimply say :-
(1) US want to contain China - because China is seen to challenge US world dominance - economically and increasingly militarily.
(2) China do not want to be contain by US - thus China is challenging US world dominance - economically and increasingly militarily.
(3) Singapore want both US and China to be active in Asia Pacific region - because economically US and China is benefitting Asia Pacific vastly if both work together.
And militarily, US has kept peace in Asia Pacific since World War 2 and in fact has helped to liberate SE-Asia and China - and has maintain peace and prosperity in Asia Pacific.
But China is seeing US will hinder China reunification of Taiwan as well as China military rise in South China Sea to keep US out. - ricky lUS cozing up to Russia - is seen in this light - that US view China challenges (economically and militarily) as more real - than Russia's threat - as Russia economically is still far far away from China's economic rise.
- ricky lObama Administration is more friendly with China and focus more on economic cooperation, trade cooperation, business cooperation - and less friendly with Russia.
Trump Administration though has not started - is doing the reverse. Where its statement and Cabinet line-up - is more friendly to Russia and less friendly to China.
And in terms of trade, the statement is, it will drop the TPP - though much will be seen what will really happen after that.
Without trade and business cooperation and with focus on more aggressive approach in military response ------- the World will have to see whether it will lead to US and China military confrontation ----- that will be disastrous in Asia Pacific and the World.
The atmosphere in the air ---- does not sense good ---- but all have to see what happen down the road. - China to return US drone; keep it, says Trump
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China to return US drone; keep it, says TrumpBEIJING – China will return an underwater US drone seized by a naval vessel this week in the South China Sea with Beijing complaining that Washington had been “hyping up” the incident.But US president-elect Donald Trump tweeted, “We should tell China that we don’t want the drone they stole back – let them keep it!”He vowed to take an aggressive approach in dealing with China over its economic and military policies as he jumped on the unusual drone seizure with a pair of provocative tweets, accusing Beijing of stealing the equipment.The drone, known as an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV), was taken on Thursday, the first seizure of its kind in recent memory. The Pentagon went public with its complaint after the action and said on Saturday it had secured a deal to get the drone back.“Through direct engagement with Chinese authorities, we have secured an understanding that the Chinese will return the UUV to the United States,” Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said in a statement.The drone, which the Pentagon said was operating lawfully, collected data about the salinity, temperature and clarity of the water about 50 nautical miles northwest of Subic Bay.It was seized just as the USNS Bowditch was about to retrieve it, US officials said.China’s Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun issued a statement late Saturday saying a Chinese navy lifeboat discovered an unknown device on Thursday.“In order to prevent this device from posing a danger to the safe navigation of passing ships and personnel, the Chinese lifeboat adopted a professional and responsible attitude in investigating and verifying the device,” Yang said.– Reuters, AP, Delon Porcalla