Gaining fast GDP need not come with polluting the air, water sources or soil.
It come with responsible corporate ethics, individual ethics to ensure that by growing GDP, one must be mindful of protecting the air, water sources and soil - and not mindless reaping of wealth at the expense of other's well being.
All these come from a good mind and kind heart.
ricky l
22 seconds ago
Universal Law of Karma is always fair.
If a person, a corporate or Society - with good heart and mind - through thoughts, speeches and actions ---- do things with mindfully - whether in growing GDP, in building relationship and in promoting the welfare of their people ---- they will reap good karma.
The reverse is also true.
Thus, it is important to do think, speak and do with good heart and mind.
And most important, observe law, cosmic law, Universal Law.
Karma - is contingent to observation of law.
Polluting air - is not infringing the cosmic law and Universal law --- thus reap bad karma.