Talking to Trump's team: China's high-flying U.S. expert
ricky l
To attain 大智慧 :-
“看破,放下,自在,随因缘 - 才能得 清净,平等, 正觉,慈悲。
Else one will have worked itself into a self-inflicted corner on so many pain points - where either one will be force or being tricked into triggering military confrontation and self-harm.
“看不破,放不下,自招灾,得苦难 - 不能清净,十面楚歌。
(1) Taiwan independence
(2) Newly induced South China Sea
(3) Tibet autonomy
(4) Hongkong independence
(5) East China Sea
(6) Korean peninsula
(7) Trade war
etc ---- all these will have potential to trigger 水身祸热之中。
五指松 - 观天下。
拳头紧 - 境地 如入 地雷区。
“看破,放下,自在,随因缘 - 才能得 清净,平等, 正觉,慈悲。
Else one will have worked itself into a self-inflicted corner on so many pain points - where either one will be force or being tricked into triggering military confrontation and self-harm.
“看不破,放不下,自招灾,得苦难 - 不能清净,十面楚歌。
(1) Taiwan independence
(2) Newly induced South China Sea
(3) Tibet autonomy
(4) Hongkong independence
(5) East China Sea
(6) Korean peninsula
(7) Trade war
etc ---- all these will have potential to trigger 水身祸热之中。
五指松 - 观天下。
拳头紧 - 境地 如入 地雷区。
- ricky l
- rricky l
- ricky l
- ricky l
- ricky l
- ricky l