Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Tim Kaine suggests Donald Trump is a 'maniac' who could cause a 'catastrophic' nuclear event

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
During an exchange on foreign policy, Kaine, Hillary Clinton's running mate, cited former president Ronald Reagan while suggesting that a President Trump would be a "maniac" who could trigger a "catastrophic" nuclear event.

Kaine was referencing a June interview in which Trump suggested Japan should be able to acquire nuclear weapons. Critics have questioned whether Trump's apparent cavalier interest in nuclear weapons makes him unfit to be president.

Actually Kaine assessment on Donald Trump's brush on nuclear events ---- will not be too far off.

Donald Trump is crazy enough ---- and the likelihood of triggering nuclear events is not too far fetched --- when he square off with North Korea.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Donald Trump has misread many foreign events and make many absurd positions that will make the World more dangerous.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
And worst thing is that, Donald Trump response based on his instinct -- instead of possessing the abilities to look at the complex world, identify the root cause - to come up with a pragmatic workable solution.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Among all, Donald Trump :-
(1) Want to cancel Iran nuclear deal - force Iran to acquire nuclear and may use it on US.
(2) Want Japan and South Korea to acquire their own nuclear -- will trigger N Korea to strike with nuclear on US.
(3) Distance itself from NATO - may cause more NATO Countries to acquire their nuclear.

So Donald Trump foreign policies is a real big flop --- and triggering nuclear events are not far-fetched.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
And Arab countries will also acquire their nuclear --- and then there will be nuclear war in Middle East, not withstanding that Iran has missile technology that can reach US.

So Donald Trump will become a Clown - that trigger massive nuclear events worldwide.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
And worst, Donald Trump misreading of the nuclear issue - will lead to proliferation of nuclear weapons ------ and terrorists may even get hold of one ----- and bring it to Donald Trump house and fire one into him.

And the World will end ---- due to Donald Trump clown stupidity.

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