Monday, October 24, 2016

ricky l

Donald Trump Jr. says lewd conversations about women are ‘a fact of life’

Donald Trump Jr. said that conversations like the one in which his father has described his penchant for groping and kissing women without their consent are “a fact of life.”
The “fact of life” defense seems in line with Trump’s own argument that his comments, while inappropriate, amounted to nothing more than “locker-room banter.”
Well Donald Trump son say that this is a fact of man's life - gossiping about sexually harassment is a "fact of life" ---- is a shameless statement.
It is ok to your father and ok to you ---- but not to many decent man in the World.
It lacks morality and it is disgusting and shameless to talk about harassing women in many well brought up family.
This show that Donald Trump does not deserve to be elected as President - because he has no sense of shame and he did not convey the right values to his son because Donald Trump himself lacks moral and is a big bully - who seems to think that as long as he is rich and powerful, he can bully the weak and helpless.
ricky lThe Universal Law of Karma will make sure that Donald Trump will pay for his sin and bullying acts.

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