Friday, October 28, 2016

ricky l

Belgian regional parliament approves EU-Canada trade deal

AFP News
This is a good right decision.
Posted in - October 24, 2016
ricky l17 seconds ago
Trade Pacts will be the lifeline for Economic Growth for the World.
Any sharp edges in the pact can be trimmed and the economic benefits can be translated to benefit the people in the member Countries.
Without trade and just based on domestic economy, all the people in the individual Countries will be much worst off. The domestic economies will be too small as compared to the World market.
It will be translated into more business loss and job losses - if trade pacts are cancelled or dropped off.
ricky l
ricky l16 seconds ago
There must be perseverance, stamina and wisdom to see through the trade pacts are finally signed no matter how difficult the obstacles and hindrance is ahead of you.
Most important the ultimate benefits must be brought back and redistributed to the common people at large - so that politically, there will be less obstruction and more support for trade pacts ---- which is one of the main vehicle in creating wealth for the people.
ricky l16 seconds ago
In fact the various trade pacts --- can be used to serve as a catalyst, a cluster - that can be "web up" like a spider web - leading to a complete WTO - World Trade pact - where World trade can be facilitated among all the UN Countries.
When this happen, wealth can created for all the UN Countries through International Trade - and prevent lethargic slow World Economic Growth - that are impacting the World now.
ricky l16 seconds ago
Trade Protectionism must not be allowed to take root.
Any hindrance can be smoothen up, can be cushion, any sharp edges can be sugar-coat, any bitterness can be sweeten ---- so that eventually trade pacts will benefit everyone and wealth can be created - through more business, more job gain.
ricky l16 seconds ago
Trade pacts that lead to increase in volume in trade - will bring about higher production, higher freight activities, higher investment, higher business growth, high job creation, higher business revenue, higher income revenue, higher tax revenue --- with lead to higher business confidence and consumer confidence.
Protectionism conversely will do the reverse --- and this explain why the World is now going into prolong low growth and weak business confidence, weak consumer confidence and consequently weak business investment and lower job growth.
Thus it is important to stand resolute to sign trade pacts to create wealth - and not let protectionist force stop wealth creation by killing trade pacts.

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