Monday, October 17, 2016

Once-tolerant Mosul site of Iraq push against Islamic State


  • The karma, the pay back time for all the atrocities committed by ISIS in Iraq has finally arrived.

    All the ISIS leaders or foot soldiers must be brought to justice - for committing unforgivable atrocities on fellow human beings.
  • Universal Law of Karma has come down into Earth Time - not Universal Time.

    Human will be able to see "What they reap what they will sow - in their lifetime, not after life".

    Do Good.
    Refrain from Evil.

    What goes around, comes around.

    • Now ISIS leaders and foot soldiers will find out --- whether they are descending to Hell or go to heaven --- for committing atrocities on fellow human beings.

      • All international checkpoints will have to be on alert for those who join ISIS coming back when Mosul fall or in the verge of falling.

        They will need to be arrested and they should be trial whether did they commit atrocities in Iraq.

        They should also be interrogated on what type of training they have undergone, the terrorist ideologies that are carried with them --- as they will pose danger by carrying out terrorist threat back home.

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