Singapore: PM Lee Hsien Loong reminds China that regional peace and stability is in its own interest
ricky l19 seconds ago
Singapore has a unqiue position of carrying the peace message because of the role it play :-
(1) Singapore is assigned the role of the coordinator, communicator between ASEAN and China.
(2) Singapore has high stake in China - as 3 Eco-City joint developers and promoters of investment into China.
(3) Recent high-level visit to US.
(4) Follow by recent high-lvel visit to China - after OECD and ASEAN meeting.
This speech is make in the context of the Japanese Government delegates and business delegates.
It carry the messages of all the stakeholders as well as the desire outcomes of all stakeholders and interests of all parties involved in the Asia Pacific region and further afield.
The above positions are the shared and joined aspirations of everyone including China.
It is not controversial, not offensive - but a shared vision of all the stakeholders including China.
The purpose of the speech is to reinforced our position as well as all stakeholders' positions - to ensure that any disputes should be resolved in a peaceful manner without resorting to military confrontation.
This is the message that are conveyed to all interest parties ---- so as to avoid misreading and miscommunication - to keep tension and temper in check - while exploring peaceful resolution.
So do not understand why some blog here - interpret the speech as offensive to China ---- it is not, and China did not respond negatively to the speech - which in fact is a constructive speech.

ricky l4 seconds ago
Assume there are no one to bridge and mediate ASEAN and China's interest.
No one to bridge and mediate Japan and China interest.
No one to bridge mediate US and China's interest.
--- of the South China Sea --- what will happen?
China may not be able to get constructive and positive feedback ---- as ASEAN is seen as not friendly to China on the South-China Sea dispute.
Japan and US is not seen to be friendly to China on the South-China Sea dispute.
And what will happen?
China will become more and more defensive, more and more feeling isolated on the issue - and in turn will turn aggressive.
This will spell great danger to the South China Sea dispute --- and clashes will become more likely and retaliation will become sharper.
Singapore by playing a niche role as a trusted friend will be able to :-
(1) mediate, communicate, bridge and cool tension between ASEAN and China.
(2) mediate, communicate, bridge and cool tension between US and China.
(3) mediate, communicate, bridge and cool tension between Japan and China.
And China will become more informed, understand, and less likely to take more confrontational stand --- and likely to adopt communication, mediation, negotiation and arbitration --- to resolve the South China sea dispute.

ricky l14 seconds ago
So for those in the blog, in the post ---- to tell Singapore to shutup ----- should understand the pivotal and crucial role that Singapore play ----- to prevent the South-China Sea issue to turn into a WW3.
So before anyone call Singapore to shutdup ---- who should shutdup first ---- without understanding the consequences?
Syria has no trusted mediator to keep the US blocs and Russia blocs in check -------- thus all the peace deal to date fail, and fail miserably. After half a decade, Syria is still a killing field.
So Singapore role in bridging China and the rest ----- is a vital and critical role ---- that will prevent South-China sea from flaring ---- and quickly escalate into WW3 --- because Singapore is a trusted friends of all the stakeholders.

ricky l4 seconds ago
Thus, Singapore cannot talk :-
(1) on China's term, or
(2) on ASEAN's term, or
(3) on US's term, or
(4) on Japan's term
Singapore must talk on :-
(1) pragmatic term that will contribute to resolution of the dispute - peacefully and not through military confrontation.
(2) with real heart - for a win-win outcome (not win-lose outcome)
(3) based on international law - to ensure justice and equality.
Only then, can peaceful resolution - a lasting one can be achieved with a win-win outcome.
Only then Singapore a true honest broker --- not an opportunist or what some blogger here say 2-headed snake.
Why Singapore has to say what we need to say?
Because the chances of South-China sea escalate into confrontation is very real.
The chances of turning into SuperPower confrontation, into multiple Countries brawl - turning Asia-Pacific region into a region of fire, into WW3 --- is very high (if tension and temper is not cool down).
Singapore, in Asia Pacific, have a very high stake and we cannot 至声事外。As our trade, business, investment, travel, our very lives --- is right in Asia Pacific.
If Singapore can play a part to keep the dispute in check, to keep stakeholders rest-assured --- that peaceful resolution is the right path to go ----- why should Singapore (though a red dot) ---- not perform the Bodhisattva role ---- to help to solve the dispute amicably, wholesomely?
I am sure the China President Xi - will appreciate what Singapore has done.
ricky l4 seconds ago
Suppose Singapore keep quiet as some bloggers here suggest.
China keep receiving hostile message.
No one act as a middleman - feedback positive feedback to China and convey other's position.
Then what will happen?
Misread, miscomm come into play --- and South-China Sea flare up.
Do you think Singapore will be spare?
ricky l4 seconds ago
Take one step further, which Countries can play the unique role -------- to gain the trust of China vs US, ASEAN, Japan?
Seems like no one.
If Singapore keep quiet ---- will it be like Syria --- US blocs (Arab and Syria rebels and EU) vs Russia blocs (Syria gov and Iran)?
Is that all what the bloggers want? South-China Sea turn into Syria?
ricky l4 seconds ago
Look at the trade figures between China and the respective Countries :-
U.S. goods and services trade with China totaled an estimated $659.4 billion in 2015.
with a US$340 billion trade relationship in 2014. China is Japan’s largest trading partner,
China and ASEAN 480 billion - 480 billion U.S. dollars in 2014. 1 trillion - China aims to elevate bilateral trade with ASEAN members to 1 trillion U. S. dollars by 2020.
The stake is very high for everyone.
Only peace in South China Sea, in Asia Pacific --- is extremely vital for all stakeholders.
Thus should Singapore speak and help whatever we can or just keep quiet and let tension escalate - and let trillion dollars of trade vanish into ashes?
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