Philippine leader Duterte says God told him to stop cursing
ricky l21 seconds ago
Precepts of misdeed in speech --- is the 3rd Universal Law that must be observed.
Unwholesome speeches can cause alot of damages and must be restrained - else will attract Universal Law of Karma.
ricky l29 seconds ago
There is an inner voice (known as the Buddha nature) - will "call upon" you when you are ready (condition ripen) to "repent" to do the wholesome thing.
This inner voice (Buddha nature or Awakening to the Insight) - will only surface under a few condition :-
(1) Repentance of past misdeeds.
(2) Attainment of Jhana Samadhi
(3) Attainment of Nirvana Fruition
This is different from psychotic condition or hallucinations, or schizophrenia.
It can be "Initial Awakening" - the first realisation of Insight.

ricky l19 seconds ago
Some religions called it "Seeing God or Hearing God".
Actually this phenomenon of "Initial Awakening of
Inner Insight" is a supramundane phenomenon.
ricky l19 seconds ago
Ancient founders of religions - cited or documented in holy books -
that they "see" or "hear" Divine Beings or experience phenomenal
supramundane not experience as mundane human ----- are
actually experiencing "Initial Awakening" after "conditions
for Awakening ripens".
ricky l19 seconds ago
Such experience will "change" and "transform" a person's life thereafter.
Toto15 minutes ago
It is within you.
Call it Buddha nature, Nirvana, what ever. Christian term is as the Kingdom of
God is within you.
All that simply means, "You know it." You know what is good and what is evil. It all
depends on how you acknowledge it. By religion, or by your logic. You can even
formulate your own notion or disregard it. The choice is yours. That's what all
prophets say. But.....you can lose your head or get burnt alive for your choice. lol.
ricky l19 seconds ago
Depending at which stage of realisation and depending on the Attainment.
(1) Repentance of past misdeeds - is the 1st step of Initial Awakening.
Because past misdeeds is a hindrance, is an obstruction - to attainment of
"Inner Insight".
Without repentance, 3 poisons will form the obstacles for "Initial Awakening".
The 3 poisons are :-
(1) Ignorance of Universal Truth, Ignorance of Universal Law
(2) Greed, Strong Attachment to Self, Wealth, Desires etc.
(3) Hatred, Anger when fail to meet expectations of material beings.
ricky l39 seconds ago
Upon true repentance of past misdeeds --- it is a phenomenon of willingness
to "let go" of own Ego, and willing to acknowledge past misdeeds --- and
willingness to repent.
This signal the ripening conditions ----- that trigger "Initial Awakening of the
Inner Insight" --- a supramundane phenomenon.
Or some religions say "Seeing God or Hearing God".
ricky l19 seconds ago
Mundane Human who do not understand this - will think that this is a
psychotic condition or hallucinations, or schizophrenia.
There is a physical and subtle different between psyhotic condition
and supramundane phenomenon.
A psychotic condition make a person of unsound mind.
A supramundane phenomenon make a person with sharp insight and
extraordinary Wisdom.
This is the physical and subtle different between psyhotic condition
and supramundane phenomenon.

ricky l18 seconds ago
It means "clearing of the mind and heart - from defiled mind. Mind defile by Ignorance, Hatred, Greed" ---- Clarity of the Mind and Heart emerge (like a mirror).
And the "Initial Awakening" of the mirror arise ---- and "see" the Inner Insight.
ricky l29 seconds ago
And the 2nd supramundane phenomenon :-
(2) Jhana Samadhi - One pointedness concentration --- will require Concentration Meditation to attain "One pointedness nimitta concentration" - like phenomenon of the pointed sharp tip on the crown of Thai Buddha.
This is a very powerful concentrated supramundane phenomenon ---- that will suppress the 3 posions of Ignorance, Greed, Hatred ---- and develop "phenonmenon insights" ---- that will see "insights like running videos".

ricky l29 seconds ago
And the 3rd supramundane phenomenon :-
(3) Nirvana Fruition - is a phenomenon that encompass the entire Physical Universe with 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition with 3 Nirvana Attributes of :-
(i) No-Self - "Let go of Ego"。 无我,大舍
(ii) Universal Compassion - the Compassion to salvage all sentinent beings, Grieving on the sufferings of all sentinent beings。 大慈大悲
(iii) Panna Wisdom - the Insight Wisdom that transcend mundane intelligent and see the "Inner nature"。般若智慧
ricky l42 seconds ago
Note :- Repentance refer to :-
Repenting from 5 Fundamental Universal Precepts :-
(1) Killing
(2) Stealing
(3) Unwholesome Speeches
(4) Sexual Misconduct
(5) Consuming intoxicants and drugs
--- where they are big hindrance to "Initial Awakening".
ricky l19 seconds ago
Each of the 3 Supramundane phenomenon - has "transformative significance".
- Sincere1 hour ago
- ricky l28 seconds agoricky l18 seconds agoricky l18 seconds agoricky l18 seconds agoricky l18 seconds ago
Philippine leader Duterte says God told him to stop cursing

Jim Gomez, Associated PressOctober 28, 2016

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte speaks to journalists after inspecting a coast guard training demonstration at a Japan Coast Guard base in Yokohama, Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016. Duterte is on a three-day official visit to Japan, his first as Philippine leader. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko) More
MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- The foul-mouthed Philippine president, who once called the pope a "son of a bitch" and told Barack Obama to "go to hell," says he has promised to God he won't spew expletives again.
President Rodrigo Duterte's profanities have become a trademark of his political persona, especially when threatening to kill drugs dealers as part of his war on illegal drugs that has left thousands dead since he took office at the end of June.
Duterte made the stunning pledge on arrival in in his southern hometown of Davao city late Thursday from a trip to Japan.
He said that while flying home, he was looking at the sky while everyone was sound asleep and he heard a voice that said "'if you don't stop epithets, I will bring this plane down now."
"And I said, 'Who is this?' So, of course, 'it's God,'" he said.
"So, I promise God to ... not express slang, cuss words and everything. So you guys hear me right always because (a) promise to God is a promise to the Filipino people."
Duterte's vow was met with applause, but he cautioned: "Don't clap too much or else this may get derailed."