Canada-EU failure signals more bad news for free trade deals
ricky l17 seconds ago
Trade agreement cannot collapse.
Because trade is the major factor to boost Economic Growth - domestic GDP and World GDP.
There must be safeguard to ensure that people and public benefits from the trade agreement so as to gain support for the trade agreement.
If trade agreement fails, ultimately, the people and the public suffer - due to slowdown in GDP, business - and this will contribute to job loss.
ricky l16 seconds ago
The Government involve in the trade agreement - should redistribute the wealth to the common people after benefiting from the trade agreement.
And the Government should communicate how this wealth is redistributed to the common people and what are the tangible benefit in dollar terms - on what amount are given to the common people.
Only then will the common people support the trade agreement.
ricky l16 seconds ago
ricky l16 seconds ago
Corporate, Business and top income earners must show their way and work with Government to ensure this happen in the context of Capitalism Economy - without sharing wealth, without redistributing the benefits to the common people, ultimately the common people will turn around and hurt the Corporate, Business and top income earners.
Conversely, the common people must also realise that by hurting the corporate and business - it wil ultimately hurt themselves due to economic slowdown and lead to job loss.
Thus, Government, Business and Common people will have to work with one another to protect one another interest.
Else everyone lose - Government lose (lost election), Business lose (lose business) and Common people lose (lose income or jobs).
Ultimately - all lose in Raw Capitalism Economy - where no one help one another to create wealth through trade.
ricky l16 seconds ago
That is in a Country - there should not have a Win-Lose mentality.
As long as one side lose, it will pull down the rest - and will result in a Lose-Lose outcome.
Only in a Win-Win situation - will result in a Win-Win outcome.
Else all will lose.
ricky l36 seconds ago
This is posted in :-
Saturday, July 5, 2014
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Raw Capitalism is the world of jungle - where the fittest (the intelligence) will kill the rest. There is no element of Compassion.
Planned Economy is the needed element - that will help to introduce Compassion into the ruthless system of Raw Capitalism - to make the system more wholesome by helping those who have been routed.
And this Hybrid - should be known as Socialist Capitalism (Intelligent + Compassion)
But has the World arrive to introduce Socialist Capitalism? I think still a long way to go - looking at the very rich Capitalists and the jobless trying to look for job.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Where the ruthless elimination is the characteristics of market competition, the socialist element of planned economy should come in as "catchment reservoir" to "catch" those who are routed by the ruthless competition and go out of jobs.
The planned economy could be Government projects aim to create jobs for the unemployed to ensure the jobless continue to have jobs and earn income to feed themselves and their families - so that they will not be left in a lurch.
Such planned economy - will be more superior than Dole or handout to Jobless as it is also an Economy that will have multiplier effect to the Larger Capitalist Economy - and will contribute to higher Economic output - than if entirely leave the job market to the private sector.
It is also a more Compassionate Socialist element to the Ruthless Raw Capitalism - where ruthless elimination of competition is its characteristics.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
In fact, if I am a Corporate Leader, I will participate in the "Socialist" Element by setting aside certain percentage of the profit - to perform the "Socialist" or "Planned Economy" role - to help the Government to set up the "Catchment Reservoir" to plan and implement the "Government Projects" - to create jobs for the unemployed and jobless - being routed by the market competition, by the retrenchment due to business restructuring, by cost cutting thus retrenching workers and staff.
By doing so, there are few wholesome outcomes :-
(1) Spiritually, Corporate Leader can help to accumulate good merits for themselves and accumulate good karma - to negate their negative karma for chopping workers and cause unemployment to prop up their Corporate profits and hence boost their own earnings at the expenses of more unfortunate workers and staff who have to sacrifices themselves.
(2) By investing some of their profit into the "Socialist cause" of helping the Government to create jobs for the jobless, unemployed or retrenched - the Corporate Leaders are performing a "Cocial Entrepreneur" role - a holistic act.
(3) By investing in the Socalist projects, the Corporate Leaders are also boosting their mainstream business, because any profit make by these unemployed, jobless and retrenched worker, it will help to boost the Corporate Leader's mainstream business bottomline and open up a new business line for them.
(4) By helping the Government to perform the "Socialist role" - the Government can grant tax rebate to the Corporate Leaders and will help to boost the Corporate Leaders' mainstream business bottom line with the reduction in corporate tax.
(5) The Government can legislate law - either Worldwide through UN to jumpstart this "Socialist Capitalism" Concept - known as "Sun Wheel Socialist Capitalism" Concept - because the Sun Wheel - inherit the 3 Wholesome Values of No-Self, Compassion, Panna Wisdom - for the World to adopt - to boost World Economy and at the same time - add an important element of "Compassion" into the Raw Capitalism or Market Economy - the Socialist Aspect ---- to create jobs for the unemployed, jobless, retrenched to help to alleviate the World poverty and help those jobless to get back into the job market to earn income in order to feed themselves and to feed their families.
This smaller "Economic wheel of socialism" is an analogy of bicycle wheel - that also pull along the "Larger wheel of Capitalism or Market Economy" - and make the World Economy even more vibrant.
If UN and the World can put the act together by legislating and coining this "Sun Wheel Socialist Capitalism" Concept - the problem of jobless, retrenched and unemployed in many Countries will be solved.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
And the Hybrid "Sun Wheel Socialist Capitalism" - will truly be a "Mutually Inclusive" Economic System - that will not only encourage Entrepreneurship, Meritocracy - to strive for their best - to earn a good earnings for themselves. (This represent the Panna Wisdom of the Sun Wheel".
But also foster the "Compassion" + "No Self" elements of the Sun Wheel - by becoming a "Socialist Entrepreneurs" - by creating jobs for their retrenched, jobless, unemployed - by investment (not donation, not giveawy) - but investment that will further attract Return On Investment (ROI) for their joint venture with the Government to create jobs and another "Socialist Economy".
Thus the "Sun Wheel Socialist Capitalism" is truly a "Win-Win-Win-Win" Economic System - a more superior Economic System than Raw Capitalism or Market Economic system and the Planned Economic System.
1st Win - Government Win - less political pressure from the jobless and less poverty thus less social welfare expenditure.
2nd Win - Corporate Leaders - social business can help to bring in better bottomline, can help those jobless and retrenched, good socialist cost, more tax rebate and boost further profit.
3rd Win - Staff and Workers got jobs, got income, reduce poverty.
4th Win - Economy of hybrid Socialist Capitalism + Market Economy - will contribute to higher GDP growth to the Country.
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