China officials who abused health codes to stop bank protests punished
At least one person has been sacked and four others disciplined after victims of a banking scandal were prevented from protesting
More than 1,000 people found their codes had been turned red, tagging them as a health risk under zero-Covid rules
Phoebe Zhang
Published: 12:00pm, 23 Jun, 2022
*A New Governance System - for the current World*
A new governance system may be more appropriate for the World - as opposed to "Democracy versus Communism" - the 2 eminent Governance System that dominate the World today.
1. This new system - should be a hybrid of Epistocracy (Competence and Insight in Political Knowledge and Governance) + Technocracy (Professional knowledge in Specialised Field and in Science) ------- thus Government are not elected based on popularity (a core feature of Democracy system) ---- but proven "Competence" in Governance that cover the entire spectrum in running a Country.
2. Once the candidates of this hybrid Governance System "Episto-Technocratic" is specially selected through a rigorous process - it should be subjected to Universal Suffrage (to undergo election - to acquire mandate from the citizens as voters) - to gain legitimacy as the rightful Government of the Nation.
3. Epistocracy is characterised by candidates who have deep political knowledge, attentive to micro issues, possess macro views - on domestic and global issues, able to connect all the dots - to form a complete picture of the issues face by the Nation (based on domestic developments and Global developments) - that cut across politics, economy, social integration, security (external & internal), welfare, community development, education, healthcare etc.
4. Technocracy is charaterised by candidates with deep professional knowledge and expertise in their specialised fields eg. IT, Finance, Economics, Taxation, City Infrastructure Planning, Manufacturing, Sustainability, Law, Military, Internal Security, Healthcare, Education etc - whereby candidates must demonstrate deep knowledge, proven performance, display relevant skills in their respective field of expertise - to make informed decision that affect the population and the Nation.
5. Democratic Government is elected based on "popularity" - and the demerits of such a system is a less than competent government could be elected by making all sorts of promises to please the voters in election that cannot be fulfilled or if can be fulfilled will have a long term detrimental effects on the Nation or the population; or a coalition government with diverse political interests that tear the governance or Society apart; or a bi-partisan deadlock government with views and interests of uncompromising opposing poles that cause the Nation to plunge into inertia could be elected ----
The democracy system (in many Countries) already demonstrate such governance become extremely difficult, ineffective, deadlock, inertia, chaotic, quarrelsome, polarised, divisive, and repeated re-elections have to be conducted as the coalition government break apart - that divide the population rather than unite them for the greater good of the Nation ---
Such breakdown override the merits of Democracy which suppose to be characterise by political and social freedom, check and balance in the government policies, constructive debate and discussion that produce a more balanced policies that benefit the people, and gaining legitimacy to government through mandate given by the population through votes.
(A feedback and indication of support by the voters - via the democractic process to the Government that the policies formulated indeed benefit the people).
6. Communism is autocratic, as the governmnet are not elected by the people through Universal Suffrage - and the demerits of such a system is that, it may formulate policies that favor the elites and the Nation - but while in doing so, may ignore the needs of the larger population intentionally or unintentionally even though with good intent.
Because at the back of the mind, the Government will not lose its right to govern - as it is not subjected to election votes by the people - and thus unconsciously - will most likely not take into account or fail to look indepth into the needs of the population --- as there are no feedback from the recipient of the policies that impact them.
7. Hence to prevent the hybrid "Episto-Technocratic" Governance System from inheriting the demerits of ignoring the needs of the population - this Governance System must be subjected to Universal Suffrage - to be elected by the citizens so as to win the mandate from the people and acquire legitimacy to govern the Nation.
a. To ensure the Universal Suffrage is effective in order to keep the elected Government on the toe - so that such Government will implement policies that is best for the Nation as well as meeting the genuine needs of the population - this specifically selected candidates in the Party - must be pitted against oppositions during the Election - whereby the oppositions should make up of individuals who felt that their needs have been ignored or are not fully covered by the policies implemented by Government.
b. Such election, whereby selected candidates can lose in the election - will pose a "credible threat" to the Government candidates. - This will ensure the "Episto-Technocractic" Government have to think deeply in formulating and implementing their policies -- to benefit not only the Nation, the elites but also cover the majority of the population it represent.
Some population that fall through the crack - must be actively identified, sorted out and look into - to ensure no one is left out by the "Episto-Technocractic" Government - by introducing relief measures that the policies fail to address.
This will ensure not only the majority needs will benefit from the policies but those who fall through the crack - are also address.
8. Hence I will classify this "Episto-Technocratic" Governance System - as the "Middle Path Governance System" to replace both the Democracy Governance System and Communism Governance System ---- as this "Middle Path" Governance System --- inherit both the merits of the Democratic System and Communism Governance System ---- while doing away with the demerits of the current 2 opposing systems.
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