REACH 186 - As we vaccinate, how community curb the spread (SK)
22 Jan 2021 (1pm - 7pm)
[0:43 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Dear contributors,
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[1:00 pm, 22/01/2021] +: At an interview to mark one year of Covid-19 in Singapore, COVID-19 multi-ministry task force co-chair Minister Lawrence Wong said that the authorities are considering introducing new restrictions and safeguards against COVID-19 ahead of the Chinese New Year period, where more intermingling is expected.
He also said that supplies of the Covid-19 vaccine will not be reserved for people who choose to hold back when their turn to get the jab comes, and will instead go to whoever is next in line. This is because Singapore's aim is to get everyone vaccinated as soon as it can.
Vaccinations will also help speed up Singapore's progress towards a more substantial reopening, added COVID-19 multi-ministry task force co-chair Minister Gan Kim Yong.
📢 Topic 📢
💬 While the nationwide vaccination programme is well under way, the slate of safeguards have to be kept finely tuned to keep infections under control.
How can we as a community continue to do our part to curb the spread of COVID-19?
[1:01 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Same old same old, personal hygiene, yada yada you get it
[1:03 pm, 22/01/2021] +: "Recipients testing positive in Israel sparks concern over Pfizer vaccine efficacy - Global Times"
[1:03 pm, 22/01/2021] +:
[1:03 pm, 22/01/2021] +: seems like with vaccine, SMM is still needed
[1:03 pm, 22/01/2021] +: I think vaccinated, is just a lower risk of getting the virus
[1:03 pm, 22/01/2021] +: low risk, does not mean no risk
[1:04 pm, 22/01/2021] +: He drop this bomb on us... looks like we can’t choose
[1:04 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Either you take it not you on your own 🥲
[1:04 pm, 22/01/2021] +: ?
[1:05 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Oops tag wrong one
[1:05 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Yes
[1:06 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Looks like is not a choice anymore..
[1:06 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Sad but true
[1:06 pm, 22/01/2021] +:
[1:13 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Lol clearly some of y'all need to curb your forwarding game 🙈
[1:13 pm, 22/01/2021] +: - Continue the smm and monitor closely.
- Community (business, agency, school, sport centre, pa) need to increase awareness among residents. Awareness program should be continue and only reduced in frequency once a large number of residents vaccinated.
[1:14 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Community cases have appeared again and creeping up.
[1:15 pm, 22/01/2021] +: these 2 clusters are not normal.
Usually a lot are asymptotic, but this one all have symptoms.
[1:16 pm, 22/01/2021] +: means there are alot of unknown clusters with asymptotic?
[1:16 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Expect more bah... 4 just the based number
[1:16 pm, 22/01/2021] +: *asymptomatic
[1:17 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Social distancing and wearing masks are still a must.
2. Ramp up vaccination is the only solution.
[1:17 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Both Ministers Lawrence Wong and Gan Kim Yong say will send invites to Singaporeans to book for vaccination.
They urge those invited to book to quickly book and not procastinate or wait for others to do so.
Because if people don't take up the offer, the booking slots will be given to others.
If people regret and want to rebook, they will have to go right behind the queue until new vaccine batches arrived which could be many months down the road.
As for elderly, please also book a slot for them, but ask for doctors to check their health and suitability for vaccination.
If doctors check ok to vaccinate, please let the elderly get the vaccination. This will offer protection for the elderly against covid.
[1:18 pm, 22/01/2021] +: This might need to recheck the facts as i read in another article that 1415 infected in x days aft 2nd jab. And 12k aft 1 jab. All these info (included what i read) might be fact check via 5-6 sources as fake info may circulate.
[1:19 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Might need to fact check*
[1:22 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Dont understand why there must be alot of unknown clusters with asymptomatic when there are cluster with symptoms?
[1:23 pm, 22/01/2021] +: based on the logic that, previously there were alot of cases being discovered and they were asymptomatic.
[1:23 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Exactly
[1:24 pm, 22/01/2021] +: 90%-95% less chance of catching it, thats all
[1:24 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Was never a choice, that's a luxury we cannot afford right now
[1:27 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
"Israel Vaccine Data Suggests Decrease in Covid-19 Infection Rate After First Dose - WSJ"
[1:27 pm, 22/01/2021] +: My friend in the UK lost his mother after she had the vaccine. Of course people will associate the two. She was 80 and in good health, but died of a lung disorder. Unfortunately people at that age do pass, vaccine or not. It's inevitable there will be deaths following the vaccine, it doesn't mean they are connected.
[1:27 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
"240 Israelis found with COVID after vaccination, underscoring need for vigilance | The Times of Israel"
[1:28 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Maybe because asymptomatic were passing it on to others who contracted symptoms. Otherwise why was it not detected earlier?
[1:29 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Both, yes. Outline the plan for vaccination programme in detail so people can buy into it and maintain discipline.
[1:29 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Why is it not possible to distribute a detailed plan, even if that plan has to change?
[1:31 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Ic, thanks
[1:34 pm, 22/01/2021] +: I think yesterday they said they are changing strategic to aim for something before CNY
[1:34 pm, 22/01/2021] +: or in-view of the 2 cluster
[1:34 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Maybe, low case rate resulted residents relax on the smm
[1:38 pm, 22/01/2021] +: 👍
[1:41 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Vaccination is not only a Singapore drive to stop the covid-19 pandemic.
2. Vaccination is now the global drive to stop the pandemic.
[1:42 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
[1:48 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Okay
[1:48 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Agree
[1:51 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
[1:52 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Abstain from copulation temporarily
[2:14 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. With 9 million people in Israel, 1/4 people or about 2 million are vaccinated.
2. And this lead to 33% decline in infection.
3. As layman interpretation, 25% of population vaccinated lead to 33% decline in infection - this is not even reaching the stage of herd immunity at 25% vaccination but yet contribute to 33% drop in infection.
4. So if Israel reach 80% vaccination, virtually the covid-19 infection in Israel will achieve zero infection.
5. It is a realistic projection that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine can stop the covid-19 pandemic in Israel if at least 80% vaccination is achieved.
[2:16 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
6. But the 20% who are not vaccinated in Israel must not get infected either through travelling outside the country or infected by overseas travellers.
2. Else the covid will start again within the 20% who are not vaccinated.
[2:18 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
[2:18 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
[2:19 pm, 22/01/2021] +: So any complications no need to worry cause Israel did it?
If any complication due to the vaccine what will we do? Just because of luck?
[2:19 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Singapore discouraged pregnant women or women doing breastfeeding from vaccination.
2. Israel on the contrary encourage pregnant women to get vaccinated.
I am not taking a stand here.
But will follow Singapore guidelines.
[2:20 pm, 22/01/2021] +: My wife I currently breastfeeding, so i will not allow her to take. Till the majority population takes it. If anything happens to the baby who answer for it?
[2:21 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Can send regular updates on SMM instead of just the daily updates of cases on the WhatsApp Subscription.
[2:21 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Follow Singapore guidelines to refrain from vaccination for pregnant women and breastfeeding.
[2:22 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Then this information is not helpful in anyway. What are the countermeasures in place if any complication happen. Have the government propose anything yet?
[2:23 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Just because other country did it do we follow?
[2:23 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
For reference.
Information must be transparent and not hide information.
[2:24 pm, 22/01/2021] +: What are the current stand by government if complication arise after taking vaccine other than all the issue they scare you.
How they ensure that those that affected to be taken care as well.
[2:25 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Do they report on those complication affect how many?
[2:25 pm, 22/01/2021] +: If I see a clear picture on that would help us make a better choice.. not a threat that you might not get it.
[2:28 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Defer conception, so if they are pregnant and any thing happen to the baby.
They don’t care? Or if they are already pregnant what can they do? They cannot take till they give birth so they won’t get to be vaccinated.
[2:31 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Vaccines makers conduct vaccines trial on children - Pfizer-BioNTech, moderna, Sinovac vaccines are on trial.
[2:31 pm, 22/01/2021] +: I guess Israel take time to vaccinated most of it populations.
[2:32 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Israel achieve more than 20% population.
By march they target to cover all their population.
[2:40 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. I think we take comfort that Israel go ahead to vaccinate their pregnant women and breastfeeding women.
2. Even though Singapore is not following Israel, the world will take comfort that even pregnant women can be vaccinated successfully.
3. So in future, our guidelines can be adjusted with the new information coming in.
[3:21 pm, 22/01/2021] +: They take, unless they provide with the study results.. don’t think we can take comfort in anything.
[3:21 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Pfizer-BioNTech did not do a trial on pregnant women.
Hence Singapore government is not taking the risk by complying with Pfizer-BioNTech guidelines on the use of their vaccines.
2. Israel decide to do otherwise as they assess vaccinating their pregnant women have more benefits than risks.
[3:22 pm, 22/01/2021] +: If you have kids so young will you let your kids take it?
[3:23 pm, 22/01/2021] +: With no study done
[3:23 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
I will follow our government guidelines.
[3:24 pm, 22/01/2021] +: 👍
🤷🏻♂️ is a personal choice. For me base on current situation for me still no.
[3:25 pm, 22/01/2021] +: My kids can don’t travel for the next 2 to 3 years I don’t think is a issue
[3:25 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
[3:27 pm, 22/01/2021] +: I will take the vaccine cause my work I have to travel, so it is not a choice unless I change job
[3:27 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
[3:28 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Kids vaccination still on trial by the various vaccine makers.
Still not yet approved for vaccination yet.
[3:43 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Mr Wong added that there were limited resources in terms of manpower as well, and deploying one resource to a particular area would have meant channelling it away from another.
[3:43 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Then army for what ah
[3:49 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Singapore reports 1 community case among 15 new COVID-19 infections
One community case was among the 15 new COVID-19 infections reported in Singapore as of noon on Friday (Jan 22), the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in its preliminary daily update.
[3:52 pm, 22/01/2021] +: For those with complications or docs recommendations not to take vaccine first, then how?
[3:56 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Doctors have to go through the medical history of every one before vaccination.
2. Especially elderly to determine if they are suitable for vaccination.
3. Thus those train in medical field are doing the vaccination.
[5:41 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
CNA news just reported that Israel vaccines effectiveness have drive covid-19 infection down.
Statistics projection that covid will go down to zero when herd immunity achieve.
By April and May 2021 will provide a full complete picture.
The world will have a good model of vaccination to follow.
[5:41 pm, 22/01/2021] +: "Pfizer cuts vaccine deliveries to some EU countries in half. Pfizer has slashed in half the volume of Covid vaccines it will deliver to some EU countries this week, government officials said, as frustration over the US drugmaker’s unexpected cut in supplies grows."
[5:41 pm, 22/01/2021] +: It would be good to have visibility on our Vaccine supply.
[5:42 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Btw Israel predominantly use Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
jimmy chew
[6:11 pm, 22/01/2021] +:
[6:17 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Lol
[6:18 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
That's is 99.5% effective - more than 95% efficacy.
[6:19 pm, 22/01/2021] +: means 55% got the virus with vaccinated?
[6:19 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
[6:20 pm, 22/01/2021] +: ... don’t anyhow lar
[6:20 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Is 6.6% infected
[6:21 pm, 22/01/2021] +: They only tested 189000 people
[6:21 pm, 22/01/2021] +: 😑
[6:22 pm, 22/01/2021] +: You can only confirm by testing..
Not those injected never test how you know they got it or not 😑
[6:24 pm, 22/01/2021] +: 5.7 mil x 5% (based on the vaccine promised)= 285,000 still possible be infected
So vaccine is not the end game... mask will still need to be on.
[6:28 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
CNA news report that the full picture of successful vaccination will be out early April and May 2021.
Israel health authority is confident to achieve zero infection - as reported.
[6:28 pm, 22/01/2021] +:
[6:29 pm, 22/01/2021] +: 8 unique visitors a day from Jan 26. Individuals should also limit themselves to visiting at most 2 other households a day.
[6:29 pm, 22/01/2021] +: 12.39 percent over 65 years old
5.7 mil x 12.39% x 5% that might be infected and might be seriously ill due to underlying disease.
35k old people will still be at risk. So don’t think too much
[6:30 pm, 22/01/2021] +: The May’s World Economic Forum in Singapore is a great opportunity for Sg. However, If the current trend of infections that started from “imported cases” from controlled cross-border travels is enough to cause merit this warning, what are the Task Force’s plans for the WEF and post-WEF event? How should Singaporeans prepare and what to expect?
[6:31 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Anyone manage to record that part of CNA news?
[6:32 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
If vaccination cannot achieve zero - then vaccines still not perfect - because it will still spread.
[6:33 pm, 22/01/2021] +: We didn’t account for mutated variety lol.. so oh well
[6:33 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Not yet.
[6:34 pm, 22/01/2021] +: provided, moderna and SINOVAC are approved bah
[6:34 pm, 22/01/2021] +: if not sure delay
[6:35 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Pfizer vaccine is partly develop in China if anyone know.. lol
Most of the vaccine out there are somehow joint develop in China in some form
[6:36 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Fosun pharma 🤣🤣 don’t know why they didn’t add their name in
[6:36 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Early vaccine I mean”
[6:39 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Government will continue to monitor supplies closely to ensure that there will be enough vaccines for all Singaporeans and long-term residents in Singapore by the end of the year.
[6:40 pm, 22/01/2021] +: The shangri-la dialogue might be affected too
[6:40 pm, 22/01/2021] +: this week right?
[6:41 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Soon
[6:41 pm, 22/01/2021] +: or over already?
[6:41 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Preliminary sessions ongoing before hand now
[6:43 pm, 22/01/2021] +:
Individuals should also limit themselves to visiting at most two other households a day, *as much as possible. *
[6:43 pm, 22/01/2021] +: means not a must to follow?
[6:44 pm, 22/01/2021] +: can gov give a more strict rule
Nicolette Tan
[6:46 pm, 22/01/2021] +: “we will impose a cap of 8 distinct visitors per household per day. This will take effect from 26 January 2021.”
[6:46 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Dear Contributors!
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[6:52 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Gg
[6:52 pm, 22/01/2021] +: It’s going to be a headache to enforce though
[6:52 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Just checking YouTube for news on Israel vaccines drive - few foreign news channels report Israel is on right track for successful vaccination.
But because the news contain some political unhappiness - I am not attaching the videos here.
[6:53 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
About racial divide in the vaccination drive.
[6:52 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Cos I’m certain many will have more than that visiting per day
[6:53 pm, 22/01/2021] +: not possible unless people report you
[6:53 pm, 22/01/2021] +: lol who OT on CNY weekend?
[6:53 pm, 22/01/2021] +: So a gentle reminder not to take and post photos of more than 8 pax during CNY
[6:54 pm, 22/01/2021] +: unless you can prove they from different household lor
[6:54 pm, 22/01/2021] +: extra work for them lol
[6:55 pm, 22/01/2021] +: If got faces in photo can easily prove with IC leg
[6:55 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Lol
[6:55 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
But I can't find the CNA news that report Israel is confident of zero infection in YouTube.
[6:55 pm, 22/01/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
After vaccination.
[6:56 pm, 22/01/2021] +: My views are still the same. Carrot and stick. Reward those who comply and punish those who don’t.
[7:01 pm, 22/01/2021] +: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
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