Sunday, January 10, 2021


10 Jan 2021

The highest heavenly realm :-


The 2nd highest heavenly realm :-



I was explaining the Dharma (佛法) to my family members.

1. The breakthrough into Nirvana (涅槃) - is attaining of "no self" (无我、大舍)。

And attainment of "no stray thoughts" (无起心动念)。

2. The highest heavenly realm "attain no stray thoughts by using arupa jhana or formless jhana (出色禅) to suppress "no stray thoughts". But once the arupa jhana samadhi is weaken, stray thoughts arises again.

3. Thus Nirvana (涅槃) is attainment of "no-self" - where "stray thoughts" don't arise by itself.

4. Formless jhana samadhi (出色禅定) - the highest heavenly realm (出色禅天) - "suppress stray thoughts from arising" - and hence think that he has attain "no-self" and has enter Nirvana.

But in actual fact, the moment he loses his arupa jhana, stray thoughts arises again, and "self" arises again.

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