Monday, January 11, 2021

REACH 181 - Tracetogether data also used for serious crime (SK)

11 Jan 2021 (11am - 7pm)


[10:55 am, 11/01/2021] +: Dear contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 11am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind: 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊


[10:57 am, 11/01/2021] +: πŸ“’ Topic πŸ“’ 

Even as vaccines are being rolled out, we will need to keep up with safe management measures, contact tracing and testing to keep infections low.

How can we continue to encourage our community to participate in the TraceTogether programme? 

The Government will introduce legislation setting out seven categories of serious offences for which TraceTogether data can be used for police investigations, said the Smart Nation and Digital Government Office (SNDGO) on Friday (Jan 8).  

These include offences related to terrorism, drug trafficking, murder, kidnapping and serious sexual offences such as rape.  

"The legislation will specify that personal data collected through digital contact tracing solutions, which comprise the TraceTogether Programme and the SafeEntry Programme, can only be used for the specific purpose of contact tracing, except where there is a clear and pressing need to use that data for criminal investigation of serious offences," said the office.

The legislation will be introduced in the next Parliament sitting in February on a Certificate of Urgency. 



+ changed this group's settings to allow all participants to send messages to this group.



[11:03 am, 11/01/2021] +: Clearly efforts to encourage the use of TT backfired completely thanks to this piece of news 

Ownself shoot ownself in the foot?


[11:04 am, 11/01/2021] +: Lol... cause didn’t consider CPC when he speaks 🀷🏻‍♂️

The person prepare his script need to kena Liao


[11:22 am, 11/01/2021] +: Its unfortunate that the disclosure wasn’t better prepared. But it is what it is. Now, the community needs to help the community to put things in perspective. After all, if commercial entities can track, collect and sell our online lifestyle and personal related data, why should we protest when similar data is used to go against serious crimes that help the society to be safer?


[11:27 am, 11/01/2021] +: Yes, this is the message we need to promote. Of course, the difference is that you can opt-out of private companies whereas TT is mandatory. However, is it much difference to CCTV? Also, can I say that if I wanted to commit a serious crime I'd just turn off BT.... not sure if the benefit of sharing TT data for criminal activity outweighs the reduction of trust and likelihood of adoption.


[11:29 am, 11/01/2021] +: Like this example where our use of the app is monitored, tracked, collected and sold. Public has not made noise about our personal data protection. We should evaluate that versus Trace Together data for law enforcement serious crime purposes, which has strict controls, and serves public good.


[11:30 am, 11/01/2021] +: Avoid unnecessary complications basically.


[11:30 am, 11/01/2021] +: Globally the public don't trust governments.... I have np with Singapore gov using my data and would rather Whatsapp didn't.


[11:31 am, 11/01/2021] +: Great points! We hope for careless criminals πŸ˜… 

Let’s see if anyone who opts out of WA new data consent can continue to use it πŸ€”

[11:31 am, 11/01/2021] +: πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘


[11:31 am, 11/01/2021] +: You can't... therefore should REACH switch to Signal, to protect Singaporeans data from being sent to FB?

[11:32 am, 11/01/2021] +: Signal doesn't collect data and is a non-profit company.


[11:32 am, 11/01/2021] +: Me too


[11:34 am, 11/01/2021] +: Data privacy here isn't as legislated as in the EU and the UK, which is why Facebook/WhatsApp mentioned that the new privacy policy will only affect WhatsApp for Business in said places while affecting all of WhatsApp elsewhere 

Basically Facebook is taking the opportunity to take hold of our data even more, when it's unnecessary to begin with — again, this change is mostly for WhatsApp for Business, so that business contacts can get in touch with one another easily (or so they say) through Facebook yet again, this doesn't need to translate into a forced agreement for the general user population


[11:36 am, 11/01/2021] +: Also, it will help make breaking them up more difficult (and if they are broken up, then at least they got all our contact, location and other data in both companies first!)


[11:49 am, 11/01/2021] +: It is kind of senseless when someone you know got rape and yet you are against police using TT to track down the rapist. It is only senseless that we don't use TT to fight the pandemic together. However, there are many that have activities that they do not want others to know. So, it is probably government's job to be upfront to let the public know that TT info will only be used for serious crime. Nevertheless, it may be an oversight as they didn't think and do not have the intention to use TT info other than to fight Covid.


[11:59 am, 11/01/2021] +: Yes, resistance to tools that deter crime and catch criminals is bizarre. Individually no one would object, but put a crowd together and insanity prevails!

[0:08 pm, 11/01/2021] +: These are posted in Taxis. Technically they didn't lie... 'When the need arises' by 'authorised officials'


[0:08 pm, 11/01/2021] +:


[0:09 pm, 11/01/2021] +: That's great. When can we expect a more long-term plan to be published. 1,000 people over coming weeks isn't that encouraging with 5,000,000 people needing the jab....

[0:10 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Frontline health care being prioritised makes total sense. How many of those are there in SG?

[0:10 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Then presumably it will be 75+ and at-risk, how many of those are there?

[0:10 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Then over 60's? etc.... I'm hoping by now there is a plan.

[0:12 pm, 11/01/2021] +: "The aim is also to vaccinate the elderly, starting with those aged 70 years and above, from February, before vaccinating other Singaporeans and long-term residents who are medically eligible for vaccination." Will there be addition information provided for School Teachers, Police, those with high people contact?

[0:13 pm, 11/01/2021] +: It would go a long way for public confidence if the plan was published and presented. Just my 2c....

[0:28 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

1. Tracetogether is to keep public safe from pandemic.

2. Home team is to keep public safe from crimes.

3. If tracetogether also play a part in helping Home Team to keep public safe from crimes in addition to keep public safe from pandemic, why do we need to get upset?

[0:32 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

1. Now law is enacted to give assurance to the public that tracetogether data will only be used for 7 serious crime - and will not breach the privacy of the public for other purpose.

2. So there are no reason to be upset if tracetogether data are used by the Home Team - because it's meant to protect us from both serious crime and the pandemic.

[0:33 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Pfizer vaccine is effective against the 2 new strains - UK and SAfrica.

If virus mutate further, the vaccine can be easily tweak to tackle mutations.


[0:38 pm, 11/01/2021] +: It just shows a lack of understanding for how people feel.  The message was that TT was only for pandemic contact tracing. People had concerns over privacy and now the goalposts have moved. Personally I don't care, but many people see this as an abuse of trust.

[0:38 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

By the way, my close friend has noticed a Facebook post of Pfizer vaccine causing a death.

It is not reported by the mainstream media or the medical journal.

Need Pfizer to verify if this is true or fake - as we are using Pfizer vaccine.

Death of a healthy, pro vaccine doctor due to Pfizer's vaccine.

[0:41 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

It is more like an oversight (didn't realize that the crime procedure have an overriding power to use data to solve crime) when tracetogether are push out quickly to stop the pandemic.

[0:42 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Not so much of abusing the public trust.


[0:45 pm, 11/01/2021] +: COVID-19  Vaccines and You: What to expect

As part of Singapore’s strategy to fight COVID-19, vaccinations have started for the nation. 

Vaccinations will be rolled out to the elderly and the rest of the population progressively.

Your answers to key questions on the nation's vaccination strategy, vaccine safety and efficacy at your fingertips



[0:47 pm, 11/01/2021] +: It's an abuse of trust nor because VB did not consider the CPC when he said it, but the other ministers like Shan and Desmond Lee who recently came out to say that the data is subject to CPC did NOT come out to clarify what VB said back then. They knew it's subject to CPC, and yet they kept mum for months, until after TT was made mandatory, until after more than 70% of the people had TT, and only because there was a PQ raised. Since they knew, why did anyone not see it fit to clarify VB's statement earlier? And I find it hard-pressed to believe that no one working for VB would've told him "er boss, actually ah.....". The natural inference is that they kept quiet so that people would buy in to TT and it's actually a bait-and-switch.

[0:51 pm, 11/01/2021] +: And separately, that's also been my gripe with the legislations that's been coming out recently. It tends to be overly broad, but it gets pushed through on verbal representations by ministers/ministries that "no lah, we won't enforce it like that", but they don't change the wording to reflect that. And this TT thing is exactly what can happen. Minister say one thing and months later, another minister says nope, minister 1 says oopsie. But people would've conducted their lives according to the first minister's representations what. Then what? Have to scramble and change whatever they're doing. How is this good law?


[0:52 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Totally agree with you here, they're sending out mixed signals and once again where has the government gone wrong? Communication.


[0:54 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Totally agree. This TT thing is like left hand don't even talk to right hand.

[0:54 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Then both hands taking turns to slap the face (the public).

[0:55 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

I thought all electronic data can be used by government to prosecute crime.

Whether CCTV, your home computer, your hardcopy record, your bank data etc.

To me this is common knowledge as a public user. A layman should know it.

Tracetogether data is also an electronic data - and I am not surprise that police use it to prosecute crime.

[0:57 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

A police with warrant can raid a home of suspected criminals to confiscate all the above to investigate crime.

It should include TT data - it should not be sacred and untouchable.

I think this is an implicit right worldwide.


[0:58 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Yes they can


[1:00 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Yes they can, but you're missing the point... The issue is 1) VB's initial promise that the data is ring fenced and ONLY for contact tracing and 2) why the other ministers who knew CPC was applicable saw it fit not to clarify until months later.


[1:00 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Personally, I have no issues with police using the data from TT. I am for safety, law and order, as well as deterrence of would-be criminals. Frankly, I feel the benefits outweigh the privacy concerns.


[1:02 pm, 11/01/2021] +: It is still only for contact tracing, just a different kind of contact and a different kind of tracing. If people want to start finding fault with little little things, then one day, we will have mobs storming our Parliament much like what happened over the weekend in some country.


[1:02 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Agree too. Communication needs to be clearer and with some details, like the MOH announcement of the vaccine rollout and the logistics it takes.


[1:02 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Didnt he already admitted the mistake and said he overlooked this?


[1:02 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Still, it backfired and now how can we attain a higher uptake rate of TT? Who knows maybe it'll cause the reverse instead?


[1:03 pm, 11/01/2021] +: I would continue encouraging every one I know to start using TT if they haven't already. What's the fear?


[1:03 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Fear of government tracking them for some weird reason


[1:04 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Do these people seriously think they have privacy when satellite cameras can zoom in on them? And when Google or Siri is listening to every conversation they make and reading or scanning every text they send? Come on lah, wake up.


[1:04 pm, 11/01/2021] +: I also have no issue with the use of the data, and I think a lot of people are fine with this. It's how the "mistake" happened and the feeling of bait-and-switch which leaves a bitter taste.


[1:04 pm, 11/01/2021] +: And now they make a fuss over TT being used to make our streets safer and deter would-be criminals. I don't understand.


[1:06 pm, 11/01/2021] +: I think the correct question to ask is: do they really think the government is so free to track all the people's movement daily?


[1:06 pm, 11/01/2021] +: The issue now isn't comparing privacy while using popular apps vs TT, the issue is how do we get people to trust and therefore accept the use of TT, so as to raise its uptake rate when it was already so difficult to achieve said uptake rate initially?


[1:06 pm, 11/01/2021] +: He did, but I find it hard to believe that no one around him would've corrected him and no one saw it fit to come out and clarify.


[1:07 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Trust is both ways. The governments can't trust the people to be honest and thats why TT is needed. Case in point: auntie scared people think she having affair and refused to disclose where she had been.

[1:08 pm, 11/01/2021] +: So, conspiracy theory? Don't ask, don't tell?


[1:11 pm, 11/01/2021] +: 🀷🏻‍♀️ I call it bait-and-switch. I'm not anti-G but they seriously need to improve their communication, both internally and to the people.


[1:11 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Sometimes there are many things the government doesn't have to divulge 

Cuz once the cat's out of the bag, it's going to be a mess to clean up 

But that juncture is long over, now we have to think of how this mess can be cleaned up and not happen again (and again, and again) 

Yes, people are stupid (ref: privacy while using popular apps) but even so, we need to still think of ways to increase the uptake rate. Can they have the reassurance they need? Perhaps they're already considering and then boom, backfired and now they go back to their so-called comfort zone again


[1:11 pm, 11/01/2021] +: I think there are 2 issues here. #1 politicians and their team who are responsible for the initiative to do their homework more throughly, and to communicate clearly, and #2 this impact on public trust because the initial insufficient disclosure has lead to a level of unwarranted concerns.


[1:15 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Public trust is when the public can be trusted to do the correct and sensible thing. At this juncture, I don't think we are there yet. It's sad, but it's the truth. It is what it is, as someone rightly mentioned earlier.


[1:18 pm, 11/01/2021] +: You know that the tt initiative was a race against time right?

[1:18 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Same goes for covid temp measure act


[1:18 pm, 11/01/2021] +: People with public trust issues should look at the track record and consider what's happened at that point in time.


[1:20 pm, 11/01/2021] +: I'm not saying it was an abuse, I said it is being seen as an abuse.

[1:21 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Yep, communication poorly handled. People keeping quiet for fear of exposure/embarrassment. I see this a lot in all walks of life.

[1:23 pm, 11/01/2021] +: I think everyone here agrees.  The debate is about communication and Public trust.

[1:23 pm, 11/01/2021] +: That's a good sum up.

[1:26 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Lol, like I said earlier, technically they said this at the start. However the implication was that this is only for pandemic contact tracing when people raised concerns over privacy. I don't think we will have mobs because of it. It's ok for Gov to be upfront, and if they think of it later then best to be honest and upfront. We generally like our Gov and trust them. Let's keep it that way.


[1:29 pm, 11/01/2021] +: 

Miami medical examiners investigate death of doctor who got coronavirus vaccine


[1:30 pm, 11/01/2021] +: And iirc, VB's statement about the data being used solely for Covid contact tracing came in the wake of people's concerns over privacy. That's why he said that. Which is a bigger "betrayal" if you think about it, cos the people already had concerns back then, and he assured people that it was a device with a very specific purpose and data was ring fenced and only used in covid tracing.


[1:37 pm, 11/01/2021] +: My BFF commented that he wasn’t surprised that TT would be used for investigation of serious crimes. He expected it to happen.

There have been cases in the past where our G did things that erode our trust - I won’t mention them here coz these are past issues. But they have happened and they will happen again.

Many of us have this naive belief that laws are final and are here to protect us. But what the public needs to understand is this: laws may be cast in stone, but the stone can be replaced by another stone representing a change in the law. This happens not just in Singapore but all over the world. 

Yes, it feels like betrayal, but we need to be practical and get used to it. Yes, it means we no longer 100% trust our G, but we can to some extent trust in their good intentions.


[1:46 pm, 11/01/2021] +: 2nd death - person died 2 days after vaccination. Cause of death was not revealed but has nothing to do with the vaccine. Vaccine dosed to her is unknown.


[1:53 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Any death is sad for friends and family. It does makes sense that with millions are vaccinations happening, then there will be unlinked deaths close to the date of the injection.


[1:55 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Err think share more mainstream ones only. We don’t know how credible non mainstream media are.

[3:35 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Simple principle:-

When a person commit serious crime - it is an "open book".

No stone will be leave unturn.

The reason is simple - to prevent criminals from harming the Society.


[3:58 pm, 11/01/2021] +: [Sent by – 11 Jan]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed no new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 22 imported cases who had already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. 

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.


[4:21 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Thanks - not much specific here, but it's fair enough as there are lots of unknowns right now. I guess we are fortunate for taking action early and steadfastly so that cases are minimal now.

[4:24 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 


9 Jan 2021

Topic :- Succcessful rollout out of quantum encryption in commercial Telco - means current encryption can be crack

1. With reference to the article attached, quantum encryption have been roll out to commercial smartphone calls.

2. Currently the world is using binary bits of 256, 1024, 2048 - in which the encryption key is a huge number - in which traditional computer has a hard time cracking the encryption key.

3. Binary digits use 0 or 1 - on off switch like electrical pulse as encryption key for AES, 3DES encryption algorithms - to encrypt comms link and data - for bank transactions, comms link for military, home affairs and government transactions.

4. But with the successful rollout of quantum computing, it can virtually crack the encryption key - 256, 1024 and 2048 bits in a couple of hours. Please see the below link:-

5. Quantum physics use atomic and sub-atomic structure - which is even more minute than binary digit.

6. With the successful development of quantum computing - basically now all our bank transaction, military Comms, government Comms, e-commerce like SSL VPN encryption can be hacked - by quantum computer.

7. There is a need to speed up and beef up our R&D development in quantum computing and quantum encryption to protect our banking, government Comms and military Comms.

8. Using quantum science make encryption literally uncrackable - even using the most powerful supercomputer.

9. If banks use quantum encryption to encrypt bank transaction and our comms link - then all online banking transactions and all comms links will be very safe.

10. Not sure how far are we in our R&D in quantum computing?

11. If we are still far behind in our R&D in quantum computing the only way to delay and make quantume computer harder to crack is to use private tunneling over encryption or private tunneling over layer 3 encryption over layer 2 encryption - but this is not foolproof .

12. Meanwhile, there is a need to come out with a contingency plan to secure all our bank transactions, all our govt and business comms links and eCommerce transactions that are using traditional encryption methods.

[4:30 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Google search computer have computational power to compute binary of 2048 bits.

Thus quantum computing can crack 2048 bits of current encryption.


[4:34 pm, 11/01/2021] +:


[4:35 pm, 11/01/2021] +: ζˆ‘ηš„ε€©ε•Š

[4:43 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Commercial rollout means - hackers can possess commercial quantum computers to crack encryption links and data.


[4:44 pm, 11/01/2021] +: 01000100 01001001 01000001 01001101 🀫


[4:49 pm, 11/01/2021] +: And you are asking Megan to do what exactly? I'm sure our IT team at Gov.SG are already aware from those articles published in 2019....

[4:51 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Currently if do nothing - will be disastrous worldwide.


[4:52 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Maybe set up a meeting with your MP? You shouldn't keep quiet about this.

[4:52 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

This is what REACH is for.


[4:53 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Is it? I thought they posted topics for us to discuss and give feedback on?

[4:54 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Clearly you have access to exclusive information about a world-wide technology catastrophe. Seems like it should be elevated pretty fast. Reach might not be the best forum....!


[4:54 pm, 11/01/2021] +:


[4:54 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Lol pls stahp 

Quantum or not, surely gahmen will keep up with the trends, no need you to pew pew everywhere one


[4:54 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Kindly write in and/or call Minister Iswaran

[4:54 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Can't find the shrug shoulder emoji.


[4:54 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Minister for Communications and Information


[4:55 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Ah, now I see the problem. You're not sure why you are here.

[4:57 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Having said that, clearly this is an issue close to your heart, along with Bluetooth security. Maybe this is the right place to air those views and I'm in the wrong place!

[5:03 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Well anything that can hurt the public or the nation, I will raise it.


[5:04 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Repeatedly? or can we agree a single time is sufficient?


[5:04 pm, 11/01/2021] +: The scmp article is reporting that china telecom user in anhui can make encrypted call via the new Quantum cryptography format. It is a secure end to end call just like whatapps. Whatapps secure end to end call is protected by 32-byte SRTP and its message is protected by aes256


[5:04 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Aww you hurt my feelings πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ€£

[5:05 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

WhatsApp 256 binary bit can be hacked below 8 hours by quantum computing as per that article.


[5:05 pm, 11/01/2021] +: πŸ˜…

[5:05 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Lol so much for 8 letter password

[5:06 pm, 11/01/2021] +: End of days are coming

[5:06 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Repeatedly if things still have not change.

Once if things have changed.


[5:06 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Speaking of passwords I marah leh, some sites say need to include symbols, some sites outright reject symbols LOL help la


[5:06 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Thanks everyone for the sharing but sincerely appreciate if we can stick to the topic. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜


[5:06 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Next time the password rule need what? Lol

Bio matrix, eye scan, password plus 2FA


[5:06 pm, 11/01/2021] +: how much time will you give them? before mentioning it again?


[5:06 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Yasia if not I must type in binary again

[5:07 pm, 11/01/2021] +: PLS MAKE IT 99 YEARS


[5:07 pm, 11/01/2021] +: It appears the topic can be whatever someone makes it.

[5:07 pm, 11/01/2021] +: 2*2048 would be a good number of years.


[5:08 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Do not use for any other reason than for covid or similar. No exceptions would be made even for CPC


[5:08 pm, 11/01/2021] +: πŸ“’ Topic πŸ“’ 

Even as vaccines are being rolled out, we will need to keep up with safe management measures, contact tracing and testing to keep infections low.

How can we continue to encourage our community to participate in the TraceTogether programme?


[5:08 pm, 11/01/2021] +: BANISH HIM FOR 2^65536 YEARS

Ok that'll be the end of the (not so enjoyable) banter


[5:08 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Want to do don’t let use find out 🀣

[5:09 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Want to do don’t let us find out 🀣


[5:09 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Exactly, keep info secret lor 

Anyways gahmen also not supposed to be crystal clear transparent one what 

If you don't say, no one will say one


[5:10 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Exactly... I pretty sure there is bill higher then CPC. Which can over write any of such bill binding for the sale of country security

[5:10 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Sake”

[5:11 pm, 11/01/2021] +: The point is not make it easy, just based on the bill. Police don’t even need clearance from PMO kind.

[5:12 pm, 11/01/2021] +: When you need such high up approval you will think twice before applying for it. Unless is really calls for it.


[5:12 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Ya ah I know is counterintuitive to mention it now but you see last time people complain about LTA budget and spending 

But now I hear crickets 

It's that logic lor, let it die down


[5:13 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Enforcement sad to say. Expect lots of breaches during CNY period. Esp lohei events.

[5:13 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Locals keep to the rules cos enforcement is strict and fiercely enforced.

[5:14 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Ppl tend to disobey or “close one eye” once enforcements stops.


[5:15 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Ultimately if TT is essential for access to Malls, Transport etc people will have to adopt and get into the habit of using it. We need the tokens to be made available for non-Mobile users.


[5:15 pm, 11/01/2021] +: I would expect people to know how to behave... if not thank them for contributing to our country budget

[5:16 pm, 11/01/2021] +: I really hope they step up on the enforcement, currently SDA officer like walking mascot.

[5:17 pm, 11/01/2021] +: If you don’t even enforce might as well just disband them. Why pay for walking scarecrow?


[5:19 pm, 11/01/2021] +: 🀷🏻‍♂️

[5:20 pm, 11/01/2021] +: They are like scarecrows though


[5:20 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Ah there, shrug shoulder emoji, copy it

[5:20 pm, 11/01/2021] +: The ones I met are like tourists LOL snap here snap there πŸ˜‚


[5:20 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Restaurants become strict when SDA nearby


[5:21 pm, 11/01/2021] +: You see most will agree @REACH Singapore this is not just a single person view but many


[5:21 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Typical la 

"Quick, SDA coming!! GET OUT GET OUT!!"


[5:21 pm, 11/01/2021] +: - Continue awareness program for residents and visitors (entry point and their duration in singapore)

- collaborate with ntuc and seng siong on trace together question and anwers in their lucky draw program

- collaborate with business to support the use of trace together


[5:21 pm, 11/01/2021] +: +1


[5:22 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Wow?


[5:23 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Wow can’t be a question right?


[5:23 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Sorry, typo. Should be exclamation mark


[5:23 pm, 11/01/2021] +: You see ah cuz gahmen didn't reach desired uptake rate, they had to execute Phase 3 first before TT is widespread so now they have to wait ages (no way to encourage or even enforce apart from waiting for restock meh?) before they can implement TT-only SE (something like a Phase 3A or 3.5 or 4 or whatever fanciful name you want to give it)

[5:24 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Confusion πŸ’―


[5:24 pm, 11/01/2021] +: They expect more than one year for phase 3 mah...


[5:25 pm, 11/01/2021] +: 🀣 surprice if sda become walking mascot


[5:25 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Huh why walking mascot.


[5:25 pm, 11/01/2021] +: People recongise them, but don’t care them lor


[5:25 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Maybe next time got bear bear with SDA shirt!!


[5:25 pm, 11/01/2021] +: I care, cos I will kenna fine if my mask is down!

[5:26 pm, 11/01/2021] +: lol cool can give my ah girl.


[5:26 pm, 11/01/2021] +: I never say teddy bear πŸ˜‚

Can be the big mascot bear ma πŸ˜†


[5:26 pm, 11/01/2021] +: 🀣🀣🀣


[5:27 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Can also, SHE LIKE!


[5:27 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Install camera on the bear.. so they can take picture of offense πŸ€ͺ


[5:28 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Hahaha later got kids go hug it, COUNTERINTUITIVE πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©


[5:36 pm, 11/01/2021] +: πŸ˜„


[5:37 pm, 11/01/2021] +:


[5:40 pm, 11/01/2021] +: πŸ‘πŸ‘ This award recognised the effort of the food enterpreneur in hawkers by society. Congratulations to the 15 hawkers, a boost to the our hawker culture.


[6:04 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Useful tech for here?


[6:47 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Dear Contributors!

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes* ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


[6:57 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

No used.

If the link and data can be crack - no matter how many factors authentication are useless.

The encrypted data become clear text when transmitted across the link - and can be intercepted.


[6:57 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Lol you refer to the recent US issue?

[6:58 pm, 11/01/2021] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: 

Don't know what US issue.

I comment purely based on technical points of view.


[6:58 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Orh.. ok


[6:58 pm, 11/01/2021] +: ζˆ‘ε•ε€©,ζˆ‘ε•ε€©


01000100 01001001 01000001 01001101


[7:00 pm, 11/01/2021] +: Hi REACH Contributors,

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.

Good night!😴

Megan ☺

+ changed this group's settings to allow only admins to send messages to this group.


[7:39 pm, 11/01/2021] +:


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