Tuesday, January 28, 2020

28 Jan - 6 Feb 2020

In view of the novel coronavirus situation in Wuhan and other parts of China, MOH has also issued a public health travel advisory to avoid non-essential travel to Wuhan. The public should also exercise caution and attention to personal hygiene when travelling to the rest of China.

If you need to travel to the affected areas, please regularly check MOH’s website at www.moh.gov.sg for updates. Travellers to China are advised to stay vigilant, monitor developments and heed the advice of the local Chinese authorities while in China. Please monitor your health closely for two weeks upon return to Singapore and seek medical attention promptly if you feel unwell, and also inform your doctor of your travel history.


Ricky Lim:
China warns virus could mutate and spread as death toll rises

(1) Countries should ban the consumption of "wild animals" - as they can carry viruses and spread to human.

(2) There are so many examples of wild animals that trigger infectious diseases such as SARs, bird flus, swine flu, and now this virus.

(3) As such epidemic can cross boundary - UN or WHO should issue directives to all Countries to ban the consumption of wild animals.
One Country got infected - it can spread to other Countries - as people with virus can infect others during travelling.

A price list circulating online in China for a business at the Wuhan market lists a menagerie of animals or animal-based products including live foxes, crocodiles, wolf puppies and rats. It also offered civets, the animal linked to SARS.
"We already know that the disease originated from a market which conducted illegal transaction of wild animals," said Gao Fu, director of the Chinese centre for disease control and prevention.
He said it was clear "this virus is adapting and mutating".
(1) Such wild animals are not domesticated that are feed for human consumption.

(2) They should be a global banned for human consumption.

(3) It is not that one Country contracted the virus, it will stay within the Country --- as it can infect other Countries as people travel everywhere.
Others: Good opportunity to reduce non essential travel. And allow the planet to heal. The environment took a big hit 2019 into 2020. The WHO can take a lead on this.
Others: A cooling off period will also prevent further spread of the virus and  save lives
Ricky Lim:
SARs take a few month to go into remission.
Countries should take a deep look on how SARs subside and adopt the same approach to stop this novel virus.
Ricky Lim:
Thereafter WHO should seriously look into banning human consumption of bushmeat and wild animals worldwide.
Others: Couldn’t agree more ๐Ÿ‘
Ricky Lim:
Now all our confirm cases are from Hubei and it is the source of infection all over the World.
Stopping anyone from Hubei is the right move until the virus go into remission.
Others: That would have helped way earlier
Now, it won't be effective since people from other parts of China also kena
@Ricky Lim: totally agree ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
Others: Police who patrol will need to wear mask and identified and check passport for 'suspect' that look like china personnel
Others: Sinophobia
Others: It doesn't look good in general
I already saw it coming before I heard of all the bans against Chinese nationals
Ricky Lim:
These viruses normally reside in a host - animals or now humans.
Outside a host, the virus cannot survive.
Thus effective isolation of infected host until the virus outlive itself will cause the virus to go into remission.
I believe this is how SARs are tackled.
Same approach should also be used for this novel virus.
Others: : Halo , government should go ard giving mask as most of the area in Singapore are out of stock , so how can we take precautions when the mask are out of stock ? Government should have enough mask for everyone but since everywhere out of stock , can’t they give the people some .
Others: Signed up but did not receive any acknowledgment of whether I can get into the group. Again we don’t have to build new things. We have media channels that are reaching singaporeans. People are reading from social media around news that traditional media is not picking up as an example. There may be no better time to execute the fake news legislation
Others: Finally someone I can agree with for real regarding the news outlet
Others: : People must learn to be self-reliant in such times. Take wearing of masks as an example. I still don't see most of the general public wearing masks. And when they see me wearing a mask, they view me suspiciously and distance themselves from me.
Singaporeans are overly reliant on gov to look after their needs, and when things happen, everyone question gov of what they done. Take banning china flights to singapore for example.
Well, i have a piece of advice. Singaporeans, pls stand up. Its your life and safety we are talking about. Help yourself. Mask yourself.
Others: Gahmen insists that sick people then wear mask
Population insists on kiasi mentality
How to balance?
Others: If we are still letting in anyone who embarked from China cities, can we ensure they are given equipment like masks and medical advisory, as well as track their itenarary?
Others: I wouldn't coin it as kia si. Hk, china, and taiwan, they have a culture of wearing masks. I recall during SARS period, wearing a mask is also very normal. So what makes this Wuhan virus any different. Its contagious and incubation period longer than SARS. Rem the time we used to have those ads teaching us how to wash hands? Its time to bring back these practices during trying times. We are not fighting a war with the gov on how to stop china people from coming in. We are fighting a war with WH virus and not spreading it.
Others: Normal ppl dun wear mask unless they r phobia. Mask are to be put only when sick to prevent oneself fr spreading to others.
Others: That is hk, tw n ch countries. What abt other countries, they also dun wear masks. It is not culture thing but more to optional or responsible. Eg if one is unwell, pls be automatic wear mask..
Others: Yes, the intentions of the government and the intentions of the people greatly conflict with each other and this is why people assume those that wear masks are ill when it's definitely plausible that some who wear are scared of getting the virus anyway
Others: There’s one country in Asia who wear a mask when they have cough and flu. They practice as a social ethics and culture. They are the Japanese and being doing this as far back as I know.
Others: What we know so far:
- Carriers of the WH virus do not exhibit symptoms immediately.
- ie. there is an incubation period.
- Are the WH virus carriers infectious during the incubation stage? Unknown.
- Would the WH virus carriers who were in the incubation stage ie. not exhibiting symptoms yet have been able to prevent the spread of the virus if they had been wearing the masks? Most likely, don’t you think?
So, from the perspective, is it being Kiasi or being reaponsible? ๐Ÿคท‍♂
Others: Wuhan virus: $100 a day for those quarantined; severe penalties for people who flout quarantine orders

Others: Power sibo get $100!
Others: So....Wearing a mask (if available) even if you are not a known carrier, might help to prevent the spread of thre virus don’t you think? Just in case you are unknowingly a carrier of the WH virus.
Others: Good to follow Japan
Others: I believe Singapore is equipped to fight this wuhan virus if we stand together and do our individual part.
Others: [Sent by Gov.sg]

Update on the Wuhan coronavirus

The 6th and 7th case of Wuhan coronavirus in Singapore have been confirmed. All confirmed cases are Chinese nationals from Hubei.

Further steps will be taken to limit the risk that Hubei travellers pose to Singapore;

Quarantine for travellers
All recent travellers to Hubei will be quarantined.

Quarantine orders have legal force, with severe penalties for non-compliance.

Suspension of visas
The ICA will be suspending previously issued and new visas for Chinese nationals with passports issued in Hubei province.

All flights from Wuhan have ceased since 23 Jan.

New visitors with a travel history in Hubei will not be allowed entry into, or transit through Singapore

Stay updated at www.moh.gov.sg
Others: Is 7 now. Latest update.
Others: Hi REACH contributors

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and sharing your views on the current topic.

As we wish to continue the discussion, this chat group will remain open. You may continue to share your views and concerns on the virus outbreak.

We seek your kind cooperation to exercise restraint on late night texting. In consideration of everyone’s desire for restful sleep, please do not text beyond 10pm.

We may continue our discussion again tomorrow morning at 9am.

Thanks, once again, for your active participation!
Megan :)
Ricky Lim:
Read from the news that   (1) suspected patients overwhelm hospital facilities and many are turned away. It has run out of control in hubei.
(2) medical expert in SARs and military medics are flown in from many provinces to help out.
(3) new field hospitals are currently build in hubei at record speed to be up in 2 weeks time.
(4) hubei are in a lockdown. but strangely some hubei residents still can come out to other provinces or fly to other countries.
(5) fortunately, those that come out can be isolated and contact tracing done to prevent community spreading.
(6) thus banning hubei people is the wise step to do, as many suspected cases have not been tested and they are still roaming around.
 I feel that the govt should BAN all incoming flights from China and not only Hubei Province as passengers can transit to other parts of China and fly back to SG
Ricky Lim:
 as long as those infected people or animals are isolated and let the virus run its course - then the virus will die down like SARs as the virus life span is just a few weeks.

Eh wait ah SARS is SARS, try not to spell SARS as SARs, cuz I interpreted that as Special Administrative Region
Ricky Lim:
i believe there is an economic cost as our trade with china and hongkong is more than $100 billion.
Ricky Lim:
By not banning other provinces other than hubei is just like not banning from other countries who are infected because hubei is in lockdown and hubei people cannot travel outside hubei.
other provinces don't have community spreading like other countries.
strangely few managed to escape from hubei and by plugging this loophole, the spread should be contained without exacting economic cost.
I almost fell off my chair when I watched Lawrence Wong announced on CNA last night that those who are quarantined due to the Wuhan virus will be given $100/ daily for the full 14 days, either to their employers or to the self-employed persons.
I will be blunt. This decision again exposed the 4G pap leadership's stupidity at the highest level. I repeat. This decision to pay $100/ daily to quarantined persons again exposed the 4G pap leadership's stupidity at the highest level. My chinese friend described the Singapore government's decision as "Yuan Dao Toh" which loosely translated as Big Sucker.
Let us be absolutely clear. Those suspected cases which require to be quarantined didn't get into their predicament or situation through the fault of the Singapore government or the Republic of Singapore. We are a sovereign country and the government has every legitimate power and duty to take every actions to protect the health and lives of everyone in Singapore, including those who are required to be quarantined and we definitely don't owe them any monetary compensations whatsoever for keeping them in quarantine, observing them and feeding them while they are being quarantined.
On second thought, knowing this pap government, I suspect that if all those who are quarantined happen to be Singaporeans, the pap government probably would instead of giving out $100/ each day of keeping people in quarantine, most likely would announce that people kept in quarantine can pay $100 each day using their medisave la.
I accuse the pap government of not only having gone soft, it has gone mad. The money that will be paid out to suspected Wuhan virus persons didn't drop from the sky. They are not some jackpot prize winnings. They are not some grandfather's bequest. They are also not people's action party funds. They are our taxpayer's hard-earned money and the pap ministars really, really should have been more discerning, more mindful of their fiduciary duties and stewardship and more careful with its use and not splash it so frivolously like a free-wheeling Santa Claus.
To pay or not to pay $100/ daily to and on those quarantined persons is not a book-smart knowledge but rather a street-smart judgement and all those impeccably educated 4G pap ministars again fail so thoroughly, spectacularly and convincingly on this one.
What choice do our citizens have except to again swallow their political leadership's idiocracy and tolerate being teased as suckers by people of other nationalities. Period. Think!
I thank you all for reading my post again.
What’s your take on this?
REACH [Sent by Gov.sg]
Update on the Wuhan coronavirus
False rumours
Some have circulated falsehoods that quarantine allowances are given to tourists from Wuhan.
This is not true. Quarantine allowances are not given to tourists.
They are given to Singapore-based employers with employees under quarantine, and to self-employed Singaporeans/PRs under quarantine.
Wearing of masks
Wear a surgical mask only if you are sick.
If you are well, you do not need to wear a mask.
Read more at:
๐Ÿ”˜ www.moh.gov.sg (MOH website)
๐Ÿ”˜ go.gov.sg/maskwearing (Mask-wearing guide)
Ricky Lim:The $100 per day is a financial assistance to keep Singaporean business afloat while their workers go on leave for quarantine.
The Government is keeping the welfare of Singapore business and Singaporean health in mind by stopping the deadly virus from propagating with a small price to pay - while not inducing stress on local business and livelihood.
This is a good move and the pettiness and stinging attack on our Government display by this man - has fail to weigh on the effort by our Government to make Singaporean safe and mitigating the economic impact brought on by the virus onslaught.
Ricky Lim:
When there are business activities, the Government will earn revenue through tax such as GST, and other receipts as part of circular flow of income through multiplier effects.
Thus the $100 per day is a small price to pay as business continue to operate and contribute to the GDP.
If business fold up or workers lose their jobs, then Government revenue will drop as tax revenue stop.
So the $100 financial assistance is in fact keeping the economy going to create multiplier effect for business, worker and Government revenue - not what that man say - misuse of public fund.
Yes. It’s a small gesture but a very symbolic one
Ricky Lim:
It is also an economic consideration if that man understand macroeconomic.
Opposition parties supporters sees this crisis as opportunities and a threat. They’re going all out with spouting hatred , racism and division plus propagate falsehood. If the Government doesn’t handle well, they sees this as opportunity to gain more votes .If the Government handle well , it’s a threat to them as it will cement the next generation of leaders so they must make them look bad and at most they will maintain status quo and Government will not gain any opposition votes as they already influence by alot of falsehood , spouting hatred , division and views bordering on racism. I feel ashamed that China people can stand united while we have people in our midst doing such divisive thing at this time. Even though I know GE is coming.

Ricky Lim:
 To defeat those opportunists, state facts and debunk their divisive arguments with sound reasoning and solid arguments.
People are able to make informed judgement.
During the 2009 recession after Lehmann Bros crash in Nov 2008, Spore went into deep recession. Govt paid companies to continue to keep staff and not retrench. Very pragmatic.
Ricky Lim:
Government effort in the current Wuhan virus crisis can be summarised into 3 steps process:-
(1) Prevent imported virus.  Stopping Hubei residents will ensure this.
(2) Prevent community spreading. Quarantine contacts with infected host and $100 financial assistance ensure this.
(3) Next step will be economic assistance to help business and workers that i believe will come later to ensure our Economy continue to grow.

Ricky Lim:
1. News just released. To further restrict imported virus, all China passport holders that recently travel to China cannot come into Singapore or in transit.
(2) Singaporeans or PRs recently visit China need to be quarantine for 14 days.
The above measures will prevent imported infection in tandem with WHO amnoucement declaring Wuhan virus as Global emergency.

Ricky Lim:
This also mean that the economic impact to Singapore is becoming bigger as now whole of China is involved and no longer restrict to one province - Hubei province (as there are sign of community spreading within China).

Ricky Lim:
(1) Reported that 400 tour group from China have been cancelled.
(2) Hundred of Tour guides, bus captain no jobs immediately.
(3) Hotel rooms, air flight, f@b etc impacted

Ricky Lim:
To defeat this damaging wuhan virus, Government and community must do very well in 3 step process:-
(1) Parameter Defence - prevent imported infected host.
(2) Strenghten Internal Defence - Prevent Community spreading.
(3) Protect our affected Economic sectors - business and jobs.

Ricky Lim:
(1) Also include all Nationalities that have recently visit China - will not allow entries and transit - to stop infected hosts.

Is this list true..
๐Ÿ”ด๐Ÿ”ด๐Ÿ”ดFinally updated this List of places to avoid due to suspected cases based on Developers/ MA letters /confirmed cases in news for the Corona Virus
Commercial / industrial
1) Nexus @ One North (Suspect)
2) 18 Tai Seng (suspect)
3) Asia Square Tower (suspect - negative)
Shopping centres
1) Ngee Ann City (suspect)
2) Harbour front centre (suspect)
3) East point (confirm)
4) West coast plaza (suspect)
5) Hillion (suspect)
6) Jewel (confirm)
7) Nex Serangoon (confirm)
๐Ÿ˜Ž Chinatown Point (confirm)
9) Tiong Bahru Plaza (suspect-negative)
1) Woodlands MRT (suspect)
1) SGH (confirm)
2) Raffles Hospital (confirm)
3) Seng Kang hospital (confirm)
4) TTSH (confirm)
5) NCID (confirm)
6) CGH (confirm)
1) ParkRoyal Collection Pickering (3 Upper Pickering Street) (confirm)
2) Oasia Hotel Downtown (100 Peck Seah Street). (Confirm)
3) MBS (confirm)
4) Shangri La Sentosa (confirm)
5) J8 Hotel (confirmed)
6) Village Hotel Sentosa (confirm)
1) Pasir Ris grove (confirm)
2) Ceylon Rd (confirm)
3) Jurong East St 13 (confirm)
4) Lorong Liew Lian (confirm)
1) Singapore American school (confirm)
Quarantine sites
1) Outward bound school @ Pulau Ubin
2) NUS Prince George’s residences R2
3) NTU NTU's Graduate Hall 1
4) SMU's 83 Prinsep Street.
5) Heritage Chalet,
6) SAF Changi Chalets
7) HomeTeamNS Sembawang Chalets, ๐Ÿ˜Ž Treehouse Villas @ Changi in Sealand Road.
Ricky Lim:
Step 3 Process activated ---- Government Budget help to Tourism and Transport sectors impacted by Wuhan virus.                                    

Ricky Lim:

Ricky Lim:
(1) All major viruses that cause mass infection and death to humans and animals are viruses jump from wild animals or domesticated animals to humans.
(2) Serious thinking of human food chain are required.
(3) Should more beyond meat, cultured cell meat, vegetarian food become an important source of human food chain.
(4) 3 catastrophe will become more frequent manifest as human disaster namely global climate, epidemic and war (ๅคฉ็พ, ็˜Ÿ็–ซ,ๆˆ˜ไบ‰) as an outcome of ่ดชๅ—”็—ด。

 WHO standard primary to tertiary quality healthcare care,  laboratory of international standing,  pharmaceutical companies of reputable respect.

 USA should take the lead and be responsible if H1N1 was started in their country.  Morale obligation to the entire world to help prevent,  find a cure for mankind, come up with preventive measures.

Ricky Lim:
(1) Pig, cow, poultry, bird, camel, monkey, bat, and many yet to identified animals - wild or domesticated animals are found to have viruses that kill human enmass.
(2) Should humans now take more serious and concerted effort to concentrate on vegetarian, cultured cell meat, beyond meat etc to greatly reduced consumption of animals as food source.
(3) It is compassion to do so - as it reduce slaughtering and sufferings of animals.
(4) It help in improving global climate as there are reduction of carbon footprint to rear animals for consumption, less lands to grow crops for animals.
(5) Cultured cell meat don't kill the animals but yet can produce enough meat for human consumption.

Ricky Lim:
(1) Cause and effect is a vicious cycle.
(2) We kill animals for food.
(3) Animals pass their virus, propagate and feed on humans for food.
(4) What comes around, goes around.

You have a point there. I won’t go for beyond or impossible since their GMO foods have never been tested for long term safety. But cultured meat is a worth a try. In Singapore most of us are not consuming sufficient fruits and vegetables, that’s why many of us fall sick in old age.

Ricky Lim:
(1) Kindness and Compassionate messages normally don't get across during good times.
(2) Only when major disaster struck - when fruition ripen - then it is easier to get right message across to humans due to obstacles of ่ดชๅ—”็—ด。

Ricky Lim:
(1) ่ดชๅ—”็—ด refer to Human inherent traits of (greed - greed for taste),
(human hatred, anger), (ignorance - ignorance of things that will harm us).

Ricky Lim:
 (1) And Human these 3 inherent traits of ่ดชๅ—”็—ดๆƒ…, greed, hatred (anger) and ignorance - are translated into fruitions of epidemic, global climate and war (็˜Ÿ็–ซ,ๅคฉ็พ,ไบบ็ฅธ)。
(2) It arises from human heart, mind, speeches and actions
 (ไธ‡ๆณ•ๅ”ฏๅฟƒ้€ )。


Well said ..

Ricky Lim:
(1) In other words, human mind and heart - can determine human destiny.
(2) Be wise, do good - good fruition, good outcome.
(3) Unwise, selfish, self gratification - bad fruition, bad outcome.
(4) Human destiny is in our own heart, own mind in our own hand.

Ricky Lim:
Suddenly the whole REACH forum go quiet reading my discourse.

Ricky Lim:
(1) ๆฒป็พๅ…ˆๆฒปๅฟƒ。
(2)To cure the World from Epidemic, Global Climate and War - first cure Human Heart and Mind.

Ricky LIm:
(1) Imagine if food scientist can successfully culture cells from domesticated animals to produce :-
- pork
- beef
- mutton
- fish
- prawns
- crab
- seafood

(2) Humans can still continue to enjoy their meat food with little to lose and at the same time :-
- the meat culture from cells are healthier without viruses, less fat - and healthier for human health.
- more compassionate to animals without the need to slaughter the animals, caged them in confine space, force feed them, etc.- as animals are known to eject toxin if they are killed under stress or fear.
- animals need not be farm in large number as only their cells are cultured - and thus large crops need not be harvested to feed a large number of animals - and these reduce carbon footprint and will not harm global climate.

(3) If Singapore food scientists can successfully culture the various meat in the laboratory - then Singapore with small land space can manufacture in large number - and open up a new food sector - and contribute to the GDP - as we can export them as food to overseas market --- without the need to allocate big spaces for animal farms.

(4) And this cell culture initiatives will elevate Human nobleness 1 notch up - as human no longer are cruel to animals - slaughter animals, chop them up and eat their meat, flesh and blood and take away animal lives.
This is in fact curing Human's Greed, Anger and Ignorance - taste for food - by taking lives - and hence has healing effects in curbing flu epidemic, less impact on Global Cliimate and less stress in human conflict on depleting food due to growing World population and need for more lands to farm animals and crops for food.

(5) So if food scientists can help Human to go along this path to transform Human food chain - mass killings from flu epidemic, global climate and war will be greatly reduced ! ---- A Noble Path.


Ricky Lim:
(1) Some touted alcohol can kill Wuhan Virus - and suggest drink alcohol or beer to prevent the virus.
(2) Let us do some sanity check thru Wisdom.
a. Wuhan virus attack respiratory system and lungs. Consume alcohol go thru the gullet and stomach - not thru windpipe and lungs.
Consume alcohol can prevent or cure Wuhan virus?
b. Alcohol damage liver and cause human mind to lose normal function. Is alcohol the solution?
c Antidote to 3 Human inherent unwholesome traits of Ignorance, Greed and Hatred (anger) - are Wisdom, Compassion and Selfless sharing or generosity.

Ricky Lim:
(1) So far no medical news that Wuhan virus can be cured by drinking alcohol.
(1) In this era of fake news thru social media - people may pounce on rumor and start abusing alcohol and trigger unnecessary social ills.

Ricky Lim:
(1) If wiping alcohol can kill flu virus exposed outside body - imply that by drinking alcohol absorb in blood can kill body virus - then SARS, MERS, EBOLA, Spanish flu, cold, bird flu etc - will have been cured by drinking liquor and beer where medically this is not true.

Direct contact with alcohol will kill the virus, not through absorbtion by the body :)

Ricky Lim:
(1) That's why gargle alcohol on the throat may kill the virus - not when the virus enter the lung or into the blood.
(2) Worst people may think alcohol consumption can cure the virus - and start indulging in alcohol and open up social ill triggering another "little india alcohol riot".

Ricky Lim:
(1) Already some rumor touted TCM can cure result in spike purchase.
(2) Some say yoga can cure.
(3) Now our very own talk about alcohol can cure.
The litmus test is - are they scientifically and medically proven to be effective in curing virus patient?

Ricky Lim:
(1) Panic stricken people have drive up mad purchase of fack mask, sanitizers.
(2) Nationalist sentiment of TCM in a foreign country also drive up the purchase of TCM here.
(3) Though touting yoga in another foreign country as cure for virus has not much following here.
(4) Now locally spread rumor about alcohol consumption healing are coup up by rationalisation that since alcohol are used to sanitise the virus - it can be used as cure for virus without medical proof - and soon we will see panic stricken queuing up to buy alcohol.
(5) Ignorance is the cause of all panic and the root of all sufferings.

You seem to emphasize on alcohol abuse a lot when I've already emphasized that we should see it simply as a joke.
Too bad you choose to take it so far.

Ricky Lim:
(1) i understand you meant it as a joke. i don't take offense.
(2) but i also saw the rippling effect coming.
(3) see attached and understand how fast and how far social media spread and its underlying impact.

Ricky Lim:
(1) Some other rumors debunk by epidemic expert at Wuhan.

Must be 40% alcohol level. As posted in Mdm Ho Ching fb

Ricky Lim:
(1) I am also concern that PM wife is quoted not in the right context - and this has a strong persusasion effect - that may implicate her unitentionally.
(2) Right fact and sound reasoning are needed to close the issue swiftly and effectively.

Unfortunately, people want to twist whatever way they want with what public figures say.

It's even easier to convince people who are unaware
I remember there were also some ads featuring other local politicians but those are inclined to investment stuff

The difference is people would believe that Dr M endorse that watch. ๐Ÿ˜‚

So we put it into context
If we say Ho Ching cite correct facts, those sharing it have the potential to twist the words both intentionally as well unintentionally

Reputation is paramount.

Ricky Lim:
(1) GST increase from 7% to 9% - i think is a burden to lower and middle income group.
(2) But if we do a detail calculation, with GST offset package - the impact is not as worrying.
(3) Eg. Assume on average, a household spend $40,000 a year (about $3,3333 a month for a household - a reasonable sum for lower and middle income group family).
(4) Based on past history, Government provide $1,250 GST offset package for lower and middle income household per year - in the form of GST voucher, Utilities rebate etc.
(5) Based on $40,000 expenditure at 9% GST - $3,600 as GST are tax payable to the Government.
(6) But with $1,250 GST offset - only $2,350 per year as GST tax is paid to the Government - which means only $195.83 per month as GST tax ---- which look manageable.
(7) The increase in GST by 2% - sounds alarming - but the devil is always in the detail.
(8) Also if a family spend a big part on healthcare and education from its $40,000 per year --- then the family pay less GST tax to the Government because healthcare and education GST are fully absorb by the Government - which means a family pay less than $2,350 per year as GST tax to the Government.
(9) Now with this detail breakdown of GST expenditure - is it more reassuring - and less alarming for the Oppie to harp on the 2% GST increase?
(10) Also the DPM announce a bigger GST offset will be given when the GST increase is announced - that means more than $1,250 GST offset - assume it is true. Then people are even better off.
Isn't it good news rather than bad news?
So it is the perception of "half full" or "half empty".


Ricky Lim:
(1) Also someone in the last forum mention that LTA mainframe is used to manage the 5G and autonomous system.
(2) This is not correct.
(3) Mainframe use SNA protocol whereas 5G and autinomous use TCP/IP protocol
(4) SNA can't talk directly to TCP/IP - it needs gateway to do encapsulation or tunneling of the IP payload via the SNA packet and vice versa.
(5) Also mainframe handle text based data not graphic, video, image and heavy AI based data from the autonomous bus or car.
(6) Just want to correct the wrong info.

Ricky Lim:
 (1) Even if local infection did not go up - but China infection and death go up exponentially - it don't smell good to us - because our Economy is still impacted.
(2) Because China tourists are still not coming. China tourists make up the largest group to Singapore and they are one of the biggest spenders - and it impact many of our Economic sectors - namely tour guides, bud captain, air flight, cruise business, hotel, f@b, retail, taxi services etc.
(3) China business, investment and trade will also impact us - as China is our largest trading partner.
(4) Only when China announce drop in infection rate and death slow down or stop - can Singapore feel relieve.
(5) China is a major manufacturing, tourism hub - when the World stop them from coming the impact is global not just between China and us.

Ricky Lim:
(1) One mega trade deal will already be impacted which is RCEP where China is the main lead.
(2) RCEP suppose to mitigate the US-China trade war.
(3) Now RCEP impacted. Economically how to feel relieve.

This includes all religions that are supernatural in nature—all religions should be banned in Singapore, because all their miracles and their supernatural worlds cannot be proven at all and therefore are unscientific and should be banned. All their followers should be persecuted and thrown in prison and tortured till they renounced their unscientific faiths. The only religion permitted is Scientism. Only science represents absolute truth. Anyone who refuses to bow down before the altar of science are to be publicly executed in the most horrific manner.

Ricky Lim:
(1) Do you agree that what human knows, can create and proven is consider Science.
(2) What humans don't know now, cannot prove, invent, reproduce or develop at this point in time is still Science - except human limitation cannot prove that "beyond science exist."
(3) There are 2 aspects in the Universal Law - physical and mental.
(4) Do you agree that many physical proprrties can be proven by science.
(5) Most mental aspects are diificult to prove by science. This is where many religions are anchor on.
(6) So when you say Science can't prove mental properties - science don't exist?

She was being sarcastic
Dude she was being sarcastic
She could be an atheist!?
C'mon guys hahaha
You know she's the same Anne that got targeted for her beliefs in EO

Ricky Lim:
(1) She is touching a taboo subject.
(2) Then i will engage her in religion from the point of sound reasoning and argument.

Hi everyone, thank you for your views so far. We would like to remind everyone to keep the current discussion within the topic.
Please be aware of our Terms of Use, which I have posted here for reference:
a) Respect the views of others and refrain from using threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content;
b) Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment as well;
c) Help protect each other’s privacy by NOT sharing contact details beyond this group;
d) More information can be found at https://go.gov.sg/reach-whatsapp-terms
All feedback collated here will be shared with the relevant government agencies.
Apply racial harmony act if necessary.
In jest

Haiyo why you same as Ricky Lim one

Dear contributors,
Some of you have shared with us your concerns regarding participants texting beyond 10pm. We seek your kind understanding and co-operation so as to not disturb each other's rest.
We would also like to remind everyone to stick closely to the topics that are being discussed.
Thanks all for the good feedback provided thus far, hope we can keep the discussions robust and active! ๐Ÿ˜„

My objection stands though
Can mute, mute.
Eh. Dont play religion or beliefs here lleahs
ๆ•‘ๅ‘ฝๅ•Šไฝ ่ฟ™ไธชไธๆ˜Ž็™ฝ่ฎฝๅˆบ็š„ไบบ
I'm a Taoist but this chat is not for such purpose
The whole msg was meant as a pun, a sarcasm
Why take it so seriously
Eh I tak boleh tahan him sia I tell him Anne was merely being sarcastic one he do full blown preaching
Worse than pastor

Ricky Lim:
Eg. up to now Science still cannot explain this.
They are body sariras - some are few thousand years old, some few hundred years old.
They are in Samadhi and Nirvana - with supramundane consciousness not defined by science. Body and supramundane mental aggregates intact.
When scientists can't explain in scientific terms such supramundane phenomenon - then is it not science?
If science cannot defined - but religion can. Then is religion fake?
Science has no supramundane concept.
Religion can define and explain them in detail and specific term.
Then based on your statement is religion not science?

For once someone understands my pain sia
Others: ๐Ÿ˜‚
Others: Admin, kindly mitigate and put things in order.  Repeatedly getting out of hand.
Others: Tolongah sila berhenti
Others: ๐Ÿ™
Others: ๆˆ‘ๆฑ‚ๆฑ‚ไฝ 
Others: ๆˆ‘ๅ•ๅคฉๆˆ‘ๅ•ๅคฉ

Ricky Lim:
You mean those pictures are fake.
Not science?
Is that preaching?
I am showing a scientific fact.
You mean those picture are religion not science?

Others: I actually sang that HAHA
Others: ๐Ÿ˜‚

Ricky Lim:
Prove the picture is fake and not science.
Then i close the argument.


Others: There are definitely things that are not explainable and its beyond science means. Nobody is doubting that there are supernatural powers that are around.
Others: Cmon. Be a man and grow up. Handle such matters maturely
Others: : Aww listen to my supernatural voice can? ๐Ÿ˜œ
Others: Omg

Ricky Lim:
:(1) Show you prove of evidence in picture POFMA is not mature?
(2) debunk you with facts and strong argument is immature?

Others: Wah don't make me record another Wa Meng Ti sia

Ricky Lim:
(1) just because those pictures wear a robe?

Others: Eh berhenti pls
Others: Look. I belief in thai god and thai supernatural matters. My whole family since my grandfather generation has always been blessed by a monk from sri lanka.
Others: Nobody is doubt this
Others: *doubting
Others: I believe in the sky
Others: WA MENG TI
Others: Ok lah๐Ÿ‘Œ, yr vocal cord ok, hokkien can be much better
Others: The whole msg. Is a sarcasm, a JOKE to begin with
Others: Why so serioys
Others:: *serious
Others: Thank you thank you!
I a bit paiseh cuz I Hokkien lang sia ๐Ÿ˜‚
Others: Ya lor
I already tell you Anne meant it sarcastically and even Evonne understands the situation
Tsk tsk tsk

Ricky Lim:
 (1) Where in my statement say sick no need to eat medicine - meditate will recover?
You say so, i did not.
(2) I know Anne sarcasm.
But i want to address the issue that religion is a fake.
(3) Religion is not a fake. Singapore Government had great respect for religion - and it is in our Pledge.
(4) Even SAF flags are blessed by all religions.
(5) When non believers emphasize science and always ask for proof of evidence.
(6) Now religions show some physical properties of evidence that religions must be respected - becos when scientists cannot explain religion mental spiritual do exist.
(7) This is the message i want to convey.

Others: Wahs now who say religion fake?  ๐Ÿ™„
Others: Ok can stop already hor

Ricky Lim:
read Anne statement again.
This includes all religions that are supernatural in nature—all religions should be banned in Singapore, because all their miracles and their supernatural worlds cannot be proven at all and therefore are unscientific and should be banned.

REACH: Gentle reminder:
Please be aware of our Terms of Use, which I have posted here for reference:
a) Respect the views of others and refrain from using threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content;
b) Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment as well;
c) Help protect each other’s privacy by NOT sharing contact details beyond this group;
d) More information can be found at https://go.gov.sg/reach-whatsapp-terms

Ricky Lim:
 Got this pictures that conoravirus look like this.
Not sure whether this are caused by wuhan virus but they are from the same family.

Ricky Lim:
(1) Singapore airshow that previously reap $343 million with 80,000 visitors, 54,0000 trade attendees affected.
(2) Few exhibitors cancel their exhibition and fewer visitors expected.
(3) Not sure how well we perform this round? Double whammy for our MICE, transport and tourism sectors. Not to mention the businrss contract that can be signed from the show.                                                                                
Ricky Lim:
(1) As expected, some private chat groups are circulating that alcohol consumption can cure wuhan virus.
(2) Got to attach the discussion points plus health warning from epidemic expert to convince them.
(3) Some still not convince, must attach the infected lungs before they quiet down.

Did I started this. I was joking about drinking wine in this group which is somewhere earlier in this thread.

Ricky Lim:
Not sure who.
But now private groups are talking about alcohol drinking session.

Ricky Lim:
They even send me this.

 Think the virus got into our head. Admittedly, don’t mind having a drink in this time

Ricky Lim:
But there are always unintended consequences from a joke if not careful.
In an emergency, say what is correct, not what is nice.




Ricky Lim:
(1) Now also worried whether our aerospace industry and satellite industry will it get affected - when exhibitors, trade attendees and visitors are affected.
(2) Hope backend negotiation can make up for the show absenteeism.

 Whatever you do,  moderate.

Air show next week is a indicator of the negativity surrounding the virus.

Economic impact will only be known once virus is contained.


Roughly: "This CNY Spring Festival, the Animals hv successfully sent billions of human being into their cages!" by Master Star-Cloud (literal translation). Amen. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Ricky Lim:
(1) In scientific term, Under the newton law - an action will have an effect of equal reaction. This is physics that can be proven in physical properties.
(2) Under metaphysics that dwell in mental aggregates - what comes around goes around is the same principle as phyiscal properties where metaphysics dwell in mental properties.
(3) Thus food scientists research on cell culture food chain, vegetarian, vege production of meat that minimise animal slaughtering and cruelty become increasingly crucial - eg bird flu, mad cow, h1n1, wuhan virus, mers, sars, ebola etc. - id telling humans we are on the wrong path.

I think there is a simpler explanation - Nature will find its way.  As much as human beings try to protect themselves, nature will find a way to ensure the human population is controlled.  Case in point - TB.
Swee. Short and simple

Ricky Lim:
(1) Do good, good outcome.
(2) Do unwholesome speeches, actions and thoughts, unwholesome outcome.

My version still better.....๐Ÿ˜

Ricky Lim:
(1) Even with increasing population, if people live and eat in moderation - nature will respect lives.


Ricky Lim:
(1) With little population, if burnt forest, eat without immunity, destroy nature - nature will get back at you.
(1) Do good, good outcome.
(2) Do unwholesome speeches, actions and thoughts, unwholesome outcome.

Ricky Lim: Singapore is now the top infected cases after China.
If we have started the ban 1 week earlier, we could have stop the community spreading.
The next few days to 2 weeks will be very crucial.
If more cases are detected, that means community spreading has spread.
If not, commumity spreading is contained. And we can breathe easier.

is easy to say on hindsight

Ricky Lim:
(1) When i say we, i literally blaming ourselves including myself who fought hand in hand with the Government to stop this threat.
(2) We lack the foresight.
(3) Now we have to react and respond as things unfold.

I'm sorry @Ricky Lim,I have to debate with you on your statement.
1) If we lack the foresight, then what is that stockpile of masks (N95 and surgical) for?  Why do we have developed communicable disease centre?
3) We are reacting because this virus characteristics are not well established.  Is the transmission only via contact?  Everybody is still learning.

Ricky Lim:
True. We have done alot.
But today we lost our 2nd line of defense.
Now we have to regroup and recoup.

It is very easy to say that we should have closed the borders earlier when the impact of border closure is profound.  Think of long term impact on international relations and the impact on the local industry.  How to make a judgement when industries will lose revenue with everyday of closure?

Ricky Lim:
I don't disagree with you.

Sorry u make it sound like we have already lost the battle.
We r ot even regrouping.

This one SAF ah ๐Ÿ˜‚

Ricky Lim:
Notably this lost is very fatal for us.

Regrouping and recoup is like we have lost and retreated.
Drama lah.
Haiya we haven't even lose the war at all you all make it so dark already

Ricky Lim:
If you have fought SARS, you may think otherwise.

Haven't we all fought SARS before
Be it we kena, family kena or friend kena, the fear lingered on
Sorry, comparison with SARS makes me wonder if you have fought as well.  Fatality rate compared to COV is so different.
But what can we learn from SARS? What has SARS taught us as one country?
It's to be strong. Even when we had to abstain from physical contact, we remained strong.

Ricky Lim:
ha ha.
no need to elaborate past history.
you can read this.

I trust that gahmen has all the processes and systems in place
If we see need to improve, we should let gahmen know. Otherwise, we should do our best to keep ourselves clean and to avoid spreading fake news that may most likely cause panic or alarm (ding ding ding)
Every disease has its spectrum. From asymptomatic to fatal diseases. For a novel disease, you will never know the spectrum, that’s why there are modular measures in place in response to the different DORSCON. Like this disease, the fact that there are asymptomatic transmission comes much later than the initial reports of pneumonia infections. So you will never know the true extent of infections when the outbreak is evolving. Therefore, don’t be a hindsight warrior.
I agree
The fact that we don't know everything about nCoV is already scary enough
But let's use what little information we know of the virus to protect ourselves!
We did. Hence we have NCID. That’s the government foresight to have dedicated institution to care for the Patients. But agree that we have to be strong. ๐Ÿ˜‹

Ricky Lim:
Of course i have learned.
And i repeat:-
True. We have done alot.
But today we lost our 2nd line of defense.
Now we have to regroup and recoup.
(1) To elaborate, 1st line of defense ---- Parameter Defense - is like fighting Border War using Conventional warfare - with reinforced border control and strong reinforce troops to guard the border and entries of foreign hosts.
It is easier to fight - erect a strong firewall will stop infected host.
And when infected host come in - they can be directed to a isolated portal for quarantine and the infection can be effectively contained.
(2) But if 2nd line of defense is breached - which is the internal defense.
We need to regroup and recoup - because it has transform into guerilla warfare - that will saps morale and intensify fear within community.
Internal defence force and home team need to hunt down infected hosts (guerillas that hiding within the community).
(3) Note big superpower fought very well in conventional warfare - but lose the guerilla warfare eg. afghan, vietnam etc.
(4) The only way to fight in community spreading is let the guerilla rum its course and exhaust all its resources - which will be a long enduring war.
Dude.  We learnt from SARS
Stop harping the past.
We are more equipped now
Yea we should not harp on the past and stay stagnant
We should learn from history in order to progress!
U must also agree that the people must be united.  Harping on negativities won't work.
Yes we must all stand tgt
And play our small part
We shouldn't be like HK
Their medical staffs are going on a strike
Everything not happy riot already I cannot ๐Ÿ˜†

Ricky Lim:
(1) To fight the 2nd line of defense (Community spreading):-
The next few days to 2 weeks will be very crucial.
a. If more cases are detected, that means community spreading has spread.
b. If not, commumity spreading is contained. And we can breathe easier.

(2) If (a). scenario unfold after 2 weeks --- then we are very blessed - to have escape a dreaded long-drawn out gureilla war with the virus.
- our just elevated measures to suspend large gatherings in schools and elderly will have prevent community spreading
- We can direct all our resources re-focus on the 1st line of defense - Parameter defense - to prevent infected hosts from infecting our Community.

(3) If (b) scenario unfold from now to the next 2 weeks - then the worst scenario that we have previously experienced in SARS have unfolded.
- We need to reduce commuting in mass transit - such as MRT, buses etc to prevent the hastening of person-to-person infection. This mean tele-commuting using remote access, teleconferencing, video-conferencing will be required.
- We need to segregate and modularise our Community within the organisation - such as dividing workers into groups and alternate their reporting of work and home - and all those present in organisation need minimal physical contact --- just to ensure the orgn can continue to function with minimal presence of workers supported by remote access staff.
- Schools may have to fallback on remote learning via internet - and students will have to learn from home.
- Retail, F&B will have to rely on ecommerce and home delivery - as shoppers will not congregate in shopping centres or food courts, or hawker centre.
- The impact to the entire Economy will be very big.
- Facilities to house quarantined infected but recovering patients will need to ramp up.
- Hospital facilities and bed to house patients that required hospitalisation will need to ramp up - and non-emergency consultation will need to be turned away.
- The WORST Fear is - this virus infection and re-infection rate is very fast and sometimes in stealth - and to totally eradicating the virus when community spread is happening will be a very uphill task.
- The only logical way to ensure the wuhan virus will eventually defeated is ---- the Wuhan Virus run its own full course (like SARS and other flu epidemic) - when it dies off by itself. (Which for SARS - it take 3 months to die off by itself).
- Note :- for Wuhan virus to die off - it must not happen to Singapore only, it must happen to China and worldwide ----- before Wuhan virus officially run its full course (just like SARS and other flu epidemics).

Ricky Lim:
alamak scenario a. should be b. and scenario b. should be a

Ricky Lim:
(1) Hopefully this wildcard work on the wuhan virus.
(2) Then human race will have averted a disaster.
(3) If miracle happen for us - human race will need to seriously look for alternative to animals as our food source and refrain ftom slaughtering animals for food.
(4) Most if not all flu epidemic are animal based. Human has done enough killings of animals.

Ricky Lim:
 CNA news - global outbreak has begin.
Japan and Thailand overtake Singapore in infected case.

Ricky Lim:
An official name for the Wuhan virus to be announced soon - to prevent stigma attached to a Country or certain people.     https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/wuhan-coronavirus-who-scientists-work-to-give-official-name-12394928

Ricky Lim:
(1) Anxiety, frustration, fear, dis-orientation (the like of PTSD or should call UTSD - Uncertainty Traumatic Stress Disorder ) will come in during this 2nd stage.
(2) Fear management programme may be necessary.

Ricky Lim:
A light moment :- A fairy tale story of "a dying bird", "a living bird" and "a running man".
(1) On 4 Sep 2020 afternoon under a hot sun, a running man is jogging around a track besides a football field.
(2) A bird - a pigeon fly near the running man and stop in front of him, stagger and then its body lying on its back.
(3) Another bird - a mynah fly and then land besides the dying pigeon.
(4) The running man stop his run witnessing this unusual sight - and know both birds want to convey some important message.
(5) Indeed, telepathy mind conversation start to take place.
Running man :- ๅคงๆ…ˆๅฟƒ (Great Compassion Heart) arise - ask the pigeon lying on his back - are you feeling ok?

Pigeon :- I am dying but prefer to die through old age and sickness - then being slaughter and eaten by human.

Running man :- ๅคงๆ‚ฒๅฟƒ (Great Grief Heart) arise - say
"ไธ‡ๆณ•ๅ”ฏๅฟƒ้€ 。
็”ฑๅ› ๆ„ฟ็”Ÿ。
็”ฑๅ› ๆ„ฟ็ญ。
(Literal translation :-
It is possible to transform human race habit of live animal meat consumption to culture cell meat consumption and other vegetarian food without taking animal life.
But it need the condition to ripen, before human can be convinced to transform such as consuming culture cell meat without slaughtering, butchering and eating live animal meat.
When condition is not ripen, it has to wait.)

Pigeon :- my passing represent deceased animals' wish.
Mynah :- my witness of this passing represent living animals' wish.

Running man :- ๅคงๆ…ˆๅคงๆ‚ฒๅฟƒ (Great Compassion, Great Grief Heart arise) - and say I will convey both your wishes when situation allows.

Pigeon :- Pass away and no longer moving.
Mynah :- Witness the Pigeon passing.
Running Man :- Say Prayers to ่ถ…ๅบฆ the passing of the Pigeon. And then continue his jogging.
After another round, notice the Pigeon is no longer moving and the Mynah flew away.
And the running man also leave the field in a sombre mood.

(6) But this foresight come too late - 1 week late.
(7) On 4 Feb 2020 evening, news break out that community spreading has break through in Singapore for the 1st time and breached the 2nd line of defense.
(8) On 5 Feb 2020 morning, news break out that Global outbreak begins.

(9) On 5 Feb 2020 afternoon, the Running Man again go for the run to confirm his unusual sighting the day before.
- And confirm, the dead pigeon is still lying on the same spot.
- The running man take 2 pictures of the demise pigeon and repeat his promise that - both the pigeon and mynah wishes have been conveyed through the social media.
(The sun was shining bright when the 2 pictures are taken).

- After a while, a heavy overcast out of no where come and cover the sky. A few droplets of rain fall - to "signify the underworld's tears" of gratitude.
- The running man take a picture of the overcast.

(After note :- the running man will make a report to the TC to deal with the carcass of the Pigeon with care - as the body start to rot and stench is emerging)

(10) This is just a fairy tale story to brighten the day ----- in the midst of fear, uncertainty and anxiety .......   just a fairy tale......

Ricky Lim:
(1) This may sounds bad news as Singapore amd China are reportedly testing the cocktail of HIV and flu drug that are showing good result in Thailand to cure wuhan virus.
(2) WHO say no effective drugs yet.
(3) Singapore will need 1 or weeks to know whether the cocktail drugs work for our patients.
(4) This is our only hope now.

Drama again lah.  It is not our only hope.  Many actually recovered from it.

Ricky Lim:
Then why so alarm?

Because it's people who is going around with the doomsday prophecy that is causing panic among the population.
The last thing we need is a HK situation.

Ricky Lim: who ?

End of the day we also don't want an illness spreading in the country because it affects domestic and international confidence.
We are not like some neighbouring country where by shutting their eyes, they can say they have no cases.

Ricky Lim:
now you just contradict what you say earlier.
" Drama again lah.  It is not our only hope.  Many actually recovered from it."

I didn't contradict myself
Will you visit a country that allows an illness to run rampant, an illness that is deemed virulent and yet low in fatality?
Others: (Kelvin Law)
Answer my question: will you and your family members visit a country that has an infectious disease but low fatality?

Ricky Lim:
go on...
Ricky Lim:
and then read all your comments again.....

U explain to me my contradictions because it seems to me that I am too daft to recognise it

Ricky Lim:
i rather spend my productive time in more meaningful things - then to engage a hurt ego.
[1:48 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: CNA broadcasting Fear Mgt workshop now.
Good job!
[1:50 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: oops just ended.
[1:49 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: If we all had common sense there would be no need for a workshop like that but I have already given up on C for Common Sense @Phyllis ๐Ÿ™ˆ
[1:50 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: anyway fear mgt include no blaming culture and propagate negativity.
[1:51 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: We down here all along propagating positivity already is you keep on propagating negativity ok ๐Ÿคญ
[1:52 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: such as?
[1:52 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: communicating good news and bad news without suger-coating or hide it is part of fear mgt.
accepting good or bad - but able to face it - taking the bull by the horn and tackle it effectively is a good fear mgt.
[1:53 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: our govt. do a pretty good job here - communicating timely good or bad news as it is.
at the same time, recommending sound effective solutions to tackle good or bad news.
and soliciting a larger pool of ideas from the public to participate, feel the pulse and respond to reassure.
[1:53 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: ๅฏนไบ‹ไธๅฐไบบ (deal with the subject and not harping on a person) is a good no blame culture and a mature dudcussion group.
it is also a good fear mgt mgt.
[1:54 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: And a good discussion environment - is one that is egoless.
discuss to brainstorm for problem solution not attack one another for ego supremacy.
a selfless contribution to help in solving problem to help the society - in which REACH aim to achieve.
this is part of fear mgt.
this is Zen.
[1:54 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: Hahaha it's not fear management
If it was I would have left the moment I got bombarded by senseless individuals ๐Ÿ˜‰
And I'm still here! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
[1:55 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: else REACH will be spending unproductive time managing people's ego, emotion thru mindless frivilous argument that are not solving the emergency threat - wasting precious time sieving thru such posts    - rather than picking up useful suggestions that help to solve the problem
[1:55 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: Haiya don't need you to dictate what this group should be like
A group's style is slowly formed by its members - look at the other groups
G1 is full of people who agree and disagree with one another peacefully
G2 you see for yourself
G3 fares much worse where one or two guys argue senselessly and everyone else just goes ๐Ÿคฆ‍♂
G4 I have no info so far but once I do I'll let you guys know how it's like (unless Megan wants to do the honours ๐Ÿ˜†)
[3:43 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: (1) Thinking aloud - for contact tracing, quarantine surveillance - can consider using the following approach:-
a. imei sim tracing
b. cctv tracking
c. google glass and goggle watch with 4G camera and video recording to internet comm.
d. date and time stamp tracing.
[3:43 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: on top of human tracking.
[3:45 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: tiow boh?
[4:04 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: and zen telepathy .... hs ha ha ha ....
[4:18 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: ???
[4:18 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: those who want to know, will know.... ha ha ha ha....
no bullshit.....
[4:19 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: ไธๆ‰“็‹‚่ฏญ。
[4:51 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: eg. if we rear a dog, we either talk to it, use body language such as petting, sign gesture etc, or use telepathy - mind conversation (dogs can understand your silent message) call ่ฏปๅฟƒๆœฏ。
Zen telepathy - is quiet transmission of message thru ๅฟƒ。
[5:46 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: A real case in a zen class.
Many students attend that class.
The teacher walk in sit down but did not talk.
He sat there for a long time - sometimes touching something, sometimes showing some objects etc (this are zen sign or stimuli).
After 1 hour nearly all students were scratching their heads don't know what is going on except 1 student who can almost accurately interpret what the messages the Teacher want to convey thru Zen.
[5:47 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: 1. There are many past history of people who use Zen to create great history.
2. Eg. Red Cliff war ๅญ”ๆ˜Ž use zen and rightly interpret ไธœ้ฃŽ to defeat ๆ›นๆ“ against a bigger superior force of 100,000.
3. Japanese forces use zen to unify a smaller forces by reading right zen sign to surprise and defeat larger stronger British army.
4. In mordern history, zen is the unifying force that help japanese people weather the tsunami, nuclear contamination, natural disaster.

[5:31 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: Haiyo Zen here Zen there
Can you ้ขๅฐ(็œŸ)ๅฏฆ instead?
[5:31 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: Noticed that I'm very quiet?  I'm trying to be zen too.
[5:31 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: Oh my ๅคฉ
[5:31 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: Wait... let me do this.
[5:31 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: ๐Ÿ˜‚
[5:32 PM, 2/6/2020]  Others: ๐Ÿ‘†
[5:32 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: There interpreted tt
[5:32 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: ✊๐Ÿป
[5:32 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: well done.
[5:33 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: No la Kelvin you intoxicated yourself right don't lie ๐Ÿ˜‚
[5:33 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: Wah bro, it's still office hours leh
[5:33 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: ๐Ÿ˜Œ
[5:34 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: I thought you escape from work? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
[5:36 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: Can only zen to escape... until.my boss walks in.  Then he told me u want to zen, u teng chu zen!
[5:39 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: What is feng chu zen?
[5:43 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: Teng chu zen
[5:43 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: Means go home zen
[5:43 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: ๐Ÿ˜‚

[7:41 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: Look like people can fake this to look like real.
No wonder local crime psychologist suggest "cognitive break" to verify authencity as it look so real.
Could this be "deepfake"?
[7:41 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: Aiyo do you even know the difference between deepfake and photoshop anot
[7:42 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: honestly can elaborate?
[7:43 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: Deepfake is video by algorithm and that's the dangerous one
Photoshop is picture (though not necessarily must be Photoshop, other programs can achieve similar effects) and has been around for quite sometime even before fake news was a term
[7:44 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: oh i see.
i learned.
[7:47 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: a demo of "what comes around, goes around".
(1) last time i explain mainframe.
(2) this time you taught me deepfake and photoshop.
[7:48 PM, 2/6/2020] Others: I didn't say nothing about no learning
[7:49 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: ha ha ha....
good zen!
[8:15 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: For REACH - that why Japanese bowing head as greeting is so significant.

[6:14 PM, 2/6/2020] REACH: [Sent by Gov.sg – 6 Feb]
S'pore is currently at DORSCON Yellow.
What does DORSCON mean?
DORSCON = Disease Outbreak Response System Condition
It shows the current disease situation in S’pore.
For all levels, be socially responsible, maintain good hygiene, follow health advisories

๐ŸŸข Green
- Disease is mild
- OR severe but does not spread easily
- Minimal disruption to daily life

๐ŸŸก Yellow
- Disease is severe and spreads easily but outside of S’pore
- OR spreading in S’pore but typically mild or contained
- Additional measures for some sectors, but minimal disruption

๐ŸŸ  Orange
- Disease is severe and spreads easily but has not spread widely in S’pore
- Moderate disruptions to daily life
Additionally, comply with control measures

- Disease is severe and spreading widely
- Major disruptions to daily life
Comply with control measures and avoid crowded areas

Keep updated on S’pore’s DORSCON status
[6:14 PM, 2/6/2020] Ricky Lim: We are in yellow now.

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