Friday, January 17, 2020

AHTC 'surprised' by MND order to recuse Sylvia, Low Thia Khiang

ricky l
  • 2 seconds ago
    (1) They should be recuse from handling financial matters as the High Court verdict found them guilty --- as part of professional practice - while they apply to the Court of Appeal.

    (2) This is a responsibility of the AHTC to the residents of Aljunied GRC.

    (3) Anything less is lack of accountability and responsibility to the residents of Aljunied GRC.

  • Awareandknow
    6 minutes ago
    You have lapses, losses in investment and many unjust laws. Why not bring them to court.
    Shame on you who has no justice and no logic thinking.
  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    @Awareandknow -
    (1) Both of them are found guilty of "not honest" and "improper conduct".

    High Court verdict :-
    "High Court judge Kannan Ramesh said that WP Members of Parliament Mr Low Thia Khiang and Ms Sylvia Lim were not only derelict in appointing a managing agent for Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) without calling for a tender, they had also painted a narrative that was "misleading and not honest" in order to do so."

    "Their conduct was improper and the attempt to cloak the same with a veneer of truth and credibility collectively leads to the conclusion that they had not acted honestly and therefore breached their duty of unflinching loyalty to AHTC as fiduciaries,"

    (2) As to your comments on lapses - they are "compliance audit" --- due to infamiliarity of audit process, internal control or tender process --- which are common not only in Government but also in many corporates.

    (3) Your suggestion of investment loss and unjust law (pass in Parliament) - is a Court case ???????????????

    • Awareandknow
      8 minutes ago
      AHTC is not not honest and there is no improper conduct.
    • ricky l
      2 seconds ago
      (1) You are contradicting what the High Court Judge verdict?

      (2) This tantamount to "Contempt of Court".

      (3) They are not guilty only if they are acquitted by the Court of Appeal upon appeal.

      (4) As it stand now, they are guilty.
  • 20 hours ago
    @ricky l -Why no one responsible for lehman losses? so losses patch back using tax payers money? clap clap for you?
  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    @My Opininon -

    (1) 2 GRC town council lose a total of $12 million in the minibonds.

    (2) But they manage to bring back $24 million in their other investments.

    (3) The net outcome of the 2 GRC Town Council investment is $12 million gain in investment.
15 minutes ago
AHTC constituencies run by WP lose of million of dollars due to collecting less SC&C and not increase them like other constituencies which keep increasing them.
AHTC receive the best maintenance and services for spending more for its residents and its properties.

  • ricky l
    1 minute ago
    "AHTC constituencies run by WP lose of million of dollars due to collecting less SC&C and not increase them like other constituencies which keep increasing them."
    (1) Can you check how much AHTC conservancy charges versus the rest of the GRCs --- is it the lowest or keep increasing them?

    (2) A short check on some GRCs has lower charges than AHTC.
20 seconds ago
Eg. 5 room flat ---- AHTC Reduced Rates: $79.50. AMK $78.00. Sembawang $74

  • 52 seconds ago
    @ricky l This happen recently as they has to increase because of government action they subject to.
  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    (1) Your justification make no sense.

    (2) Your 2nd statement contradict your 1st statement.
  • ourtheir
    49 minutes ago
    Residents of all constituencys have been waiting for more than 10 years for MND to propose and implement protective measures against reckless use of Town Council Sinking Funds for investment in risky shares like Lehmann Brothers shares.

    Till today, no disciplinary actions have been taken the Members of Parliament.
  • Avenger
    27 minutes ago
    WP Mr Low Thia Khiang and Ms Sylvia Lim at that point in time had to make a discretionary decisive decision as MP of Aljunued Hougang GRC to ensure that there is no disruption in the daily Town Council operations and no breakdown of essential services which is an assurance to the residents. This decisive decision to hire an experienced managing agent proved to be effective and efficient in performing the daily Town Council operations and essential services.

    The decisive decision and action is commendable compared to the wasteful spending of Town Council sinking funds of 12 million dollars which disappeared into thin air without a trace.

    Their leadership quality is even commendable given their totally unexpected difficult circumstances they faced when they took over the town council after the 2011 General Election. Bear in mind, MND did not lift a finger to assist in the transition period.

    Their most commendable leadership is their ability to let others take over the decision in financial matters and not clinging onto powers of authority on financial affairs of the Town Council management.

    Three cheers for Mr Low and Ms Lim!

    Hip! Hip! Hip! Hooray!

    Looking forward to their contribution to the economy of Singapore, their support on foreign affairs affecting Singapore and their dedication in serving their residents for many more years to come!
  • Tan
    56 minutes ago
    Because I know why, I know the truth, so I will continue to vote for the Workers' Party and the opposition
  • Rinpoche
    51 minutes ago
    PAP did say they will do nothing but spend their time fixing the Oppositions, from AIM saga, withholding of funds, to Charlie Cong. Those were factual events and as such I'll still vote for WP, the Honarable Lim and Low.
  • 12345
    7 minutes ago
    is our judiciary system really independent?
  • Michael
    40 minutes ago
    Lol HSK how? He no face lol. He talk many many during the motion in Parliament and now how? Aiyooooh finance minister kena shame lol. Hope HSK not get stroke lol.
  • sun
    54 minutes ago
    Surprise ! I would be Surprise the 70% Surprise .
  • Ricky
    16 minutes ago
    Hi..! Time to Vote PAP out in this coming GE all because 70% voted for them in 2015 GE...! Time to change for the better or worst. Never fear to fight against the one party regime. For 50 years...they are slowly getting " out of control "....! Auto pilot....?? Wait for coming GE...and PAP may only gain 61.5 % of the majority vote..! Don't believe just wait and see.!
  • Tan
    21 minutes ago
    A bigger surprise will come in GE . Singaporeans will vote to tell the ruling party that you are arrogant , incompetent , abuse of power , double standards, you don't deserve the highest paid politicians in the world .although you have " no corruption " but your " legal corruption " is more serious than corruption .I firmly believe several ministers who are incompetent will kana kick out by votes .
  • KM
    11 minutes ago
    The year of the Rat.. will see PAP take over the WP seat....It has been foretold
  • Roger
    14 minutes ago
    By mostlyskateboarding on 

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