Friday, January 10, 2020

U.S. State Dept approves sale of 12 F-35 jets to Singapore

  • ricky l
    3 seconds ago
    1. With limited land spaces, shortage of airbases and shorter runway - the F35B short take-off and vertical landing - will help in our operational needs - as we can have the same firepower in a compact space.
    2. This mean it can land in limited areas for maintenance (eg. open fields, highway) - and don't need to have so many airbases.
    3. It can also land in our landing ship vertically in an open sea and transported to land for maintenance.
    4. This will provide flexibility and survivability of our fighter planes.
    5. The only limitations are :-
    - smaller payload that F35B carry - as it need to accomodate the shaft for vertical landing - this can be mitigated by our F15SG operaing alongside it.
    - shortage operating range as compare to F35A - but this can be mitigated by air re-fueling tanker.
    6. But F35B provide the following operating advantages :-
    - It provide stealth capabilities that can penetrate airspaces undetected to drop payload and destroy targets unnoticed.
    - Its advanced sensor and network capabilities can provide real-time and up-to-date information to peer, friendly assets to direct their firepower on the targets.
    - F35B is a game changer in air superiority.
  • Mast
    2 hours ago
    Good news, defend Singapore strongly.
  • Joe Low
    2 hours ago
    There goes the $2.75 billions for just a dozen fighter planes, and that is excluding training and weapons. 

    Already visited USA in 2017 and placed order for $19 billion of Boeing passenger planes. No wonder Uncle Sam red-carpet treatment for these people
  • Senior1CPF
    2 hours ago
    enemies already imported in within in key infrastructures.
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