Sunday, January 5, 2020

Trump says US targeting 52 sites in Iran as tension mounts

  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    (1) The moment Trump walk away from the Iran nuclear deal --- this is the outcome the World is expecting.
37 seconds ago
(1) There is a always a "Cause and Effect" to everything.

(2) Unfortunately, Trump never learn from historical lessons.
(1) This is the reason why US is constantly at war - and will never achieve peace.
  • That
    Iran's ambassador to the United Nations, Majid Takht Ravanchi, told CNN that the killing was an "act of war on the part of the United States".
    Did CNN asked the Iranian Ambassador why Iraqi government not did anything when the US Embassy in Bagdad was attacked led by the top most foreign Iranian general.
  • G
    2 days ago
    Nice way 2 start d new year...
  • Eddie
    2 days ago
    Iran will retialiate for sure.. Iran probably can track US aircraft carrying senior US military and Cabinet members..even Air Force One. So, all bets are off. And US warships entering Hormuz can be prime targets. War? Scary but can happen.
  • Monk
    2 days ago
    AN EYE FOR AN EYE???? DEFINITELY more trouble ahead!!!!
  • Malik
    2 days ago
  • LOL everyone
    2 days ago
    He is not supposed to be in Iraq in the first place. Obviously he is in Iraq to plan and direct the mobs to seize the American embassy. His mission failed and get blown up to bits
  • jo t
    president trump you got my vote we are happy to have you as our president. thanks for caring USA
  • Nic
    3 hours ago
    The American arms manufacturers are smiling quietly to themselves that POTUS is doing a great job to help bolster their "business of death".
  • Malik
    2 days ago
    What iranians want from Iraq?
    What iran want from afghanistan?
    What iran wants from india?
    All iranian policies are wrong especialy forign policies.
  • Cla
    16 hours ago
    i would think they would be jealous, he is now with his 1,000 virgins or whatever the number is. don't understand why iran is so popular with iraq after their decades fighting each other and thousands of lives lost

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