Thursday, January 23, 2020

No time to waste 'fighting yesterday's battles', says Vivian Balakrishnan on ties with neighbours

(Updated: )

Dr Balakrishnan's speech was part of a series by Singapore's 4G leaders under the ambit of the SG Together initiative. The event was organised by the Ministry of Education’s Humanities Branch, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
He added: "We do aim to be a friend with as many countries as possible, and hopefully not to make any enemies.
Great that the Foreign Minister reinforce this foreign affair principle.
Posted on :- 13 Jul 2017

Ricky Lim
We are consistent with our priniciple of :-
"Make friends with all and make no enemies".
"Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".
Ricky Lim

Ricky Lim
发自内心,凡事以双赢为主,互惠互利 - 就有永远的朋友。
”朋友满天下,敌人无一个“  - 以这样的信念 - 就有永远的朋友。

Ricky Lim
凡是以利益至上 - 当利益不在时 - 朋友便没有了。

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