Wednesday, January 22, 2020

China warns virus could mutate and spread as death toll rises

Beiyi SEOW
  • ricky l
    (1) Countries should ban the consumption of "wild animals" - as they can carry viruses and spread to human.

    (2) There are so many examples of wild animals that trigger infectious diseases such as SARs, bird flus, swine flu, and now this virus.

    (3) As such epidemic can cross boundary - UN or WHO should issue directives to all Countries to ban the consumption of wild animals.
    One Country got infected - it can spread to other Countries - as people with virus can infect others during travelling.
  • ricky l
    24 seconds ago
    A price list circulating online in China for a business at the Wuhan market lists a menagerie of animals or animal-based products including live foxes, crocodiles, wolf puppies and rats. It also offered civets, the animal linked to SARS.
    "We already know that the disease originated from a market which conducted illegal transaction of wild animals," said Gao Fu, director of the Chinese centre for disease control and prevention.
    He said it was clear "this virus is adapting and mutating".
    (1) Such wild animals are not domesticated that are feed for human consumption.

    (2) They should be a global banned for human consumption.

    (3) It is not that one Country contracted the virus, it will stay within the Country --- as it can infect other Countries as people travel everywhere.
  • bosz
    3 hours ago
    [Source - This might be the cause, so the disease could be on an animal, and then passed on from this animal to a human."...... "He said it was clear "this virus is adapting and mutating.].......

    What if the virus mutates to say like the T-virus zombie (living people who may look like walking dead].....

    Giving me goosebumps to see Chinese looking people.....
  • 505 Botak Lim
    1 hour ago
    Yes, Ban all China people from traveling until the situation is controlled.
  • silent
    4 hours ago
    Ban China from entering any country.
  • j
    5 hours ago
    More economic downturn is the travel, tourism, and hotel industry. Expect booking rates to go down a lot starting March 2020 if the Neo Corona virus still spreading worldwide.
  • Sharif
    7 hours ago
    So Tun, you sign the no VISA for Chinese tourists, still want 2 million chinese to come with the virus risk?
  • chan
    2 hours ago
    Quarantine and isolate China
    By gameraboy1 on 
  • Xtian
    5 hours ago
    swine flu then coronavirus......whats next.......all coming from china..biological warfare???
  • Mr. Mayo
    1 hour ago
    Virus? No problem PH will neutralize that and Gidong is consistent to welcome his friends who keep stealing the islands owned by PH.
  • Sepak DAPigs
    6 hours ago
    All of this happens coz Apekian insist of wallop BABI
  • DUGA- 1
    2 hours ago
    Hong Kong just confirmed its first case.

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