US government approves Singapore to buy up to 12 F-35 jets at US$2.75b
3 seconds ago
4 minutes ago
F-35 is a totally different animal that does not require run way like most of the fighter planes.
- Helping the US with stalling economy
- Wa yaya got business dont want to do? Need seller approve some more. sure or not?
- bad choice and decision
- Spending S$2,700,000,000 for just 12 fighter plane? Isn't it overpriced? Former Finance, GKS would never have approved. Which expert assess that the planes are indeed worth that much?
- Trying to build good rapport with the US with our money?
- Indon also got stealth fighter jets as they just have to produce enough haze and attack
- $2.75÷12= $229million dollars per one fighter plane. donald duck must be vely vely happy.
- War is upper class sending middle & lower class people to die....
- Wah we so rich.. These days armies sent drones to bomb countries.
- Yes! SG will have state of the art air force, msia and indo can go fly kite
- Should resale to China so that technologies can be copied, on promise that China can sell us 100s more of copies at a fraction of the imperialist US.
- looks like the rest of SEA will be so afraid of the king of SEA and her 2020 weaponry
- Is it necessary to spend this kind of money?
- To defend ng's pap
- Just be prepared for the rising cost of living soon
- Buy from them still need approval? As if they will reject.
- F16 is suitable f SG , small country govt shld spend $$ to lower cost of living and help unemployed Elderly folks
- Never say never. Spore needs to be ready. The hundreds of billions in reserves mean little if Spore is destroyed. Not only planes, Spore has a lot more weapons and technology that are not made known. Keep potential enemies guessing.
(2) F35B will be able to ensure we possess the air superiority with stealth capabilities to remove any hostile threat undetected to ensure our survivability - without fearing the air defence.
2. The fact is even F15 is not good enough for us.
3. These people either say things without the military knowledge, or say for the sake of saying or just spreading fake news.
4. F16 and even F15s can be track, target and locked by air-defense. The only protection for F16 and F15s are deploying chaff (to deflect radar-seeking missiles) or flare (to deflect heat-seeking missiles).
But once the chaff and flares are used up - F16 and F15s are defenseless - and need to do evasive actions to prevent from being taken off by air-defence.
But when targeted by multiple air defense missiles, F16 and F15s will be difficult to defenese itself or take evasive actions.
This can be seen in Syria war - where US pull back all their F16 and F15s away from the war zone - when Russia deplooy their advanced air defence.
Though Israel have deployed F16 and F15s to bomb some Syrian target - the F16 and F15s have to operate outside the air defense zone - and in fact 1 F16 was hit and destroyed by one Syrian air-defense missile.
Only when Israel use their F35s - they can penetrate the air defense zone undetected.
5. Thus for those people who say we don't need F35 and F16s are good enough ---- are just talking nonsense without facts.