Friday, January 10, 2020

US government approves Singapore to buy up to 12 F-35 jets at US$2.75b
  • ricky l
    5 seconds ago
    (1) Without strategic depth, Singapore must invest in air superiority.

    (2) F35B will be able to ensure we possess the air superiority with stealth capabilities to remove any hostile threat undetected to ensure our survivability - without fearing the air defence.
  • ricky l
    2 minutes ago
    1. Some people say that F16 is good enough for us.
    2. The fact is even F15 is not good enough for us.
    3. These people either say things without the military knowledge, or say for the sake of saying or just spreading fake news.
    4. F16 and even F15s can be track, target and locked by air-defense. The only protection for F16 and F15s are deploying chaff (to deflect radar-seeking missiles) or flare (to deflect heat-seeking missiles).
    But once the chaff and flares are used up - F16 and F15s are defenseless - and need to do evasive actions to prevent from being taken off by air-defence.
    But when targeted by multiple air defense missiles, F16 and F15s will be difficult to defenese itself or take evasive actions.
    This can be seen in Syria war - where US pull back all their F16 and F15s away from the war zone - when Russia deplooy their advanced air defence.
    Though Israel have deployed F16 and F15s to bomb some Syrian target - the F16 and F15s have to operate outside the air defense zone - and in fact 1 F16 was hit and destroyed by one Syrian air-defense missile.
    Only when Israel use their F35s - they can penetrate the air defense zone undetected.
    5. Thus for those people who say we don't need F35 and F16s are good enough ---- are just talking nonsense without facts.
  • ricky l
    3 seconds ago
    (1) Some people also say, using drones are good enough - don't need F35s.

    (2) Drones are only good enough for limited contact - and can't perform in large scale conventional warfare - where fighter planes need to be the mainstay to ensure air superiority.

    (3) Drones can operate alongside the fighter planes - but cannot replace mainstay fighter planes.
3 seconds ago
(1) Drones cannot perform dog-fight - and will be shot out of the sky - if come face to face with a mainstay fighter plane.

(2) Drones cannot evade air-defense missile - and will be easily taken out.

(3) Drones are only good in air-to-ground target.

(4) So don't assume that drones are cheap and can replace mainstay fighter --- which again is fake news, limited military knowledge or say things for the sake of saying.


(1) This shows that many people have very little knowledge about the F35s, its capabilites and what it can do and what threat Singapore face - to bolster RSAF strength - and yet want to interfere in RSAF procurement.

(2) 孙子兵法 ------ 三“不知” 的败笔 :-





The Suntze Art of War - "3 don't know" that cause military failures :-

(1) 1st don't know -- don't know the army cannot proceed - you force it to proceed.
don't know the army cannot retreat - you force it to retreat.

(2) 2nd don't know -- don't know how to plan, manage, run army affairs - but want to interfere in army affairs.

(3) 3rd don't know -- don't know how best to execute and achieve army missions - but want to interfere in the appointment of army generals, buying of military assets, training of army troops etc

--- all these 3 "don't know" ---- will lead to fatal military failures.
4 minutes ago
F-35 is a totally different animal that does not require run way like most of the fighter planes.


  • ricky l
    23 seconds ago
    (1) This is not true.

    (2) F35B need about 200 meter to 167 meter runway for short take-off.

    (3) But for landing, it don't need a runway - it can land vertically.
  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    (1) F35B can land vertically in any of our landing ships - with helicopter pad.

    (2) But F35B cannot take off from our landing ships - as it needs 167 meter (depending on its payload) runway to take off.

20 hours ago
Why replace F16 with F35B. We don't need the stealth feature. It's like saying 4k tv is the best but watch only 1080p content.
F-15X are a better buy. Our neighbours just need to buy a couple battery of S400 and the technological edge is level out.
How can a F35B outrun a SAM with speeds in excess of Mach14.
Go figure....

  • ricky l
    14 seconds ago
    (1) Do you have proof that S400 can detect stealth fighters - track, target and lock a stealth?

    (2) Israel has flown F35s in Syria where a couple of S400 and S300 batteries are deployed - but can't detect the F35s.

    (3) In fact, the moment when S400 and S300 illuminate their radar to track F35s, - they become the target identifying themselves in which F35s can fire anti-air defense missile at them.
ricky l
(1) You need to differentiate what are propangada videos from youtube -- versus what is happening at the ground and understand science and technologies - to differentiate from truth and fake news.

(2) A stealth to date can't be track, target and lock by radar.
  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    (1) Else why you think China is so eager to build their stealth fighter planes.

    (2) And why Russia are so eager to build their stealth SU57 fighter planes?

    (3) But to date, US is more advanced in their stealth warplanes - notably their F117 nighthawk, B1 stealth, F22 raptor and their F35 multi-role fighters. ---- which the China and Russia are still playing catchup.

    (4) So don't be fool by propaganda paper, videos or fake news - and then re-propagate fake news
  • ricky l
    (1) 5G stealth planes notably F22s and F35s - can overcome advanced SAMs undetected.
    F22 RCS (Radar Cross Section) = 0.0001
    F35 RCS (Radar Cross Section) = 0.005

    Both cannot be track, lock by radar and missiles.
    They only occur as blip on and off on the radar.
    No other similar stealth planes can achieve such RCS - the closet RCS is 0.1 ---- which can be track, lock and shoot down by radar and missiles.

    (2) Russia and other stealth planes cannot achieve the above RCS.

  • mat72
    20 hours ago
    @ricky l Can't proof anything as the F35 vs S400 has not taken place.
    But USA is damn unhappy with Turkey for getting the S400.
    No country has god-like technology. I can say these Stealth technology u mention also are propaganda.

  • 20 hours ago
    And I'm not talking about Russia's Prometheus S500.
    Whatever US has, Russia has a counter measure. The only arguement is has these 2 technologies have engaged each other.
    It's anybody's guess.
  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    (1) Israel has proven that S400 cannot detect F35s - when it fly through Syria airspace.

    (2) UK also fly their F35Bs in Syria and Iraq undetected - where S400s are deployed.

    (3) These are not propaganda - but ground operations.

    (4) S500s are still being developed and its capabilites have not been proven. If S400s can do its jobs, why need S500s?
  • Anonymous
    3 minutes ago
    Helping the US with stalling economy
    4 minutes ago
    Wa yaya got business dont want to do? Need seller approve some more. sure or not?
  • Alex
    5 minutes ago
    bad choice and decision
  • Hoon
    6 minutes ago
    Spending S$2,700,000,000 for just 12 fighter plane? Isn't it overpriced? Former Finance, GKS would never have approved. Which expert assess that the planes are indeed worth that much?
  • Transformer
    6 minutes ago
    Trying to build good rapport with the US with our money?
  • dontcensormy
    7 minutes ago
    Waaah Singapore is blackmailed by the Mafia Amurika to pay exorbitant protection money to the gangster. Waah each junk plane costs us$270 million each. But the listed price is only us$90 million. The difference is protection money and bribe to Amurikan middleman. Just like taiwanROC have to pay double the price for the obsolete F16 jets. The Amurikan gangster is going around demanding protection money from all their vassal states. They are getting bankrupt fighting so many wars all around the world, all the time. Of course they have to sell their weap[ons at cut throat prices to fund their wars, and keep their 1000 military bases stationed all over the world to make troubles, bomb their enemies, spying and surveilance, and change sovereign govts that do not suit them.
  • HoLeeJinx
    10 minutes ago
    Indon also got stealth fighter jets as they just have to produce enough haze and attack
  • Allan T
    12 minutes ago
    $2.75÷12= $229million dollars per one fighter plane. donald duck must be vely vely happy.
  • lostsouls
    12 minutes ago
    War is upper class sending middle & lower class people to die....
  • Wl Kam
    20 minutes ago
    Ho ho ho Merry X'mas comes again for the US.

    LHL will have QUALIFY for ANOTHER invitation from TRUMP.

    Why spend the Money whem a TOP US Military SpokesMan said.

    "Singapore Defense is just a like a STAMP on an Envelope."

    We need NOT wast this $B of Good Money.
  • KM
    34 minutes ago
    Wah we so rich.. These days armies sent drones to bomb countries.
  • dotter
    38 minutes ago
    Yes! SG will have state of the art air force, msia and indo can go fly kite
  • Yang
    39 minutes ago
    Should resale to China so that technologies can be copied, on promise that China can sell us 100s more of copies at a fraction of the imperialist US.
    41 minutes ago
    looks like the rest of SEA will be so afraid of the king of SEA and her 2020 weaponry
  • Eagle
    43 minutes ago
    Is it necessary to spend this kind of money?
  • VannanN
    44 minutes ago
    To defend ng's pap
  • Vertv Ewvc
    46 minutes ago
    Just be prepared for the rising cost of living soon
  • darksoul
    47 minutes ago
    Buy from them still need approval? As if they will reject.
  • cheong
    59 minutes ago
    F16 is suitable f SG , small country govt shld spend $$ to lower cost of living and help unemployed Elderly folks
  • Eddie
    59 minutes ago
    Never say never. Spore needs to be ready. The hundreds of billions in reserves mean little if Spore is destroyed. Not only planes, Spore has a lot more weapons and technology that are not made known. Keep potential enemies guessing.

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