Thursday, January 16, 2020

MOM's use of POFMA against SDP is 'not appropriate': party chair Paul Tambyah
Nicholas Yong
Assistant News Editor
  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    (1) Actually this whole POFMA saga about local PMET employment is just 2 simple fact.

    (2) SDP want to win votes - and present the fact based on old data and inferences to confuse voters that :-
    a. Local PMET employment go down due to higher retrenchment.
    b. Foreign PMET employment go up.

    (3) But the actual facts in 2019, MOM presented with statistics that :-
    a. Local PMET employment is on the rise in 2018 and 2019 - with no trend of local PMET employment going down.
    b. Less jobs go to foreigners PMET

    (4) SDP just want to blow up the local PMET employment - because this year is an election year - to stir the emotion of Singaporeans.

    (5) With the global economic and geopoltitical challenges, Singapore Government successful attraction of investment of $15.2 billion is a remarkable feat - a 40% increase from last year.
    More jobs are going to Singaporeans.
    An increase in TEUs handle by Singapore ports --- are showing a very good Economic performance by the Singapore Government.

  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    (1) An analogy of what SDP is using to prove their claim that local PMET employment go down :-
    a. I refer to 1930 statistics (90 years old data) - and could not find Chee Soon Juan and Paul Tambyah birth registration.
    b. And for the last few years, I have not met both of them or heard of them.
    c. I conclude that based on the 1930 statistics and my experience and make inference that both do not exist.
    d. But in actual fact, both Chee Soon Juan and Paul Tambyah exist if I refer to 2019 statistics.
    e. So if I make use of old data (1930) and I did not meet or heard of any of them - can I conclude that I am not making "untruth statement" or "fake news"?
    f. This is exactly what SDP is saying and try to prove that they did not make unfalse statement based on old data (2015 data instead of 2018 and 2019 data) and inferences of 2019 news that more local workers are graduates (Uni and Poly) and hence higher proportion of Singaporeans workers are PMET and thus more local PMET are retrenched --- as compare to many years back where there are lesser local Singaporean PMET.

    g. The actual fact in 2018 and 2019 produce by MOM and MTI shows that the "impression given by SDP chart - that local PMET employment go down and foreign employment go up - based on old data and inferences" for 2019 ---- are indeed fake news.
    h. SDP indeed is trying to gain cheap political mileage in the hope to gain more votes for the coming election - by trying to confuse local voters based on fake news.

    • 2 seconds ago
      This was after the Deputy Attorney-General, who is representing the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), began and finished his arguments charging that SDP's statements in the three offending online posts are false, that they misled readers, and "cherry-picked" data to present a narrative.

      (1) AGC has systematically demolished SDP's argument and SDP fail to produce any valid statistics to support their claim.

      (2) Now SDP look not a credible political party - who try to win some cheap political mileage - but fail miserably.
      SINGAPORE: A judge reserved his decision over the Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP's) appeal against correction directions by the Manpower ...
      SINGAPORE: A judge reserved his decision over the Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP's) appeal against correction directions by the Manpower ...
      SINGAPORE: A judge reserved his decision over the Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP's) appeal against correction directions by the Manpower ...
    • ricky l
      2 seconds ago
      (1) So Singaporean voters who are seriously assessing SDP - whether SDP is a credible political party that can perform in Parliament - and be a part of governance?

      (2) I seriously doubt so --- based on what they have presented ---- as there are so many loopholes in what they have presented --- and any Attorney worth the salt --- will have punched many loopholes in the facts they are presenting.
    • ricky l
      2 seconds ago
      (1) I have seen many success stories - especially for those who closely with the Government to help them to secure jobs.

      (2) As for some who are critical about the Government, who are impatient, or who encounter some obstacles and immediately conclude the Government help them to find jobs is not fruitful --- usually fail in seeking jobs.

    • goaheadbingostan
      30 minutes ago
      @ricky l > WHY don't you answer my question?

  • 3 seconds ago
    @goaheadbingostan -
    (1) Why should I answer your question when what you encounter is not relevant to mine.

    (2) I met and know of many people who have acquire jobs during internship, some offer scholarship, some find new jobs through WSG etc --- many gainfully employed.

    (3) So I don't see how useful for me to respond to your question.

    • T
      19 hours ago
      Mr. LHL, come on out and don't think we don't know that it is you hiding behind this persona!
    • Sebastian
      20 hours ago
      @ricky l
      Why SDP use 2010 stats to form CURRENT policy?
      Especially that in 2014, the got implement the "Fair Consideration Framework" which dictates that before a company hire a foreigner, it must first prove that it has seek to hire a local but couldn't find one that fit.
      LOL -- SDP is using the govt policy to consider Singaporean first to make its "Hire Singaporean First" and to make it work, they used 2010 data.

      Eg: XYZ underaged "tap" is pregnant. He asked her "but 10 months ago, you are not pregnant, why you tell me the baby is mine now?"
    • ricky l
      2 seconds ago

      (1) Don't need to get worked up by oppies and critics response --- especially when statistics and outcomes tell more than a thousand words.

      (2) WSG, e2i, NTUC - Adapt and Grow programme have more and more success story in helping many Singaporeans get jobs.

      (3) As long as the Government can consistently improve and produce good result - those oppositions will have a hard time gaining foothold in Singapore politics.
      About 30,000 Singaporeans found jobs through Adapt and Grow initiative, and more than half were 40 and above.
      About 30,000 Singaporeans found jobs through Adapt and Grow initiative, and more than half were 40 and above.
      About 30,000 Singaporeans found jobs through Adapt and Grow initiative, and more than half were 40 and above.
    • Sebastian
      20 hours ago
      @ricky l
      LOL -- And while arguing that the govt was misleading citizens when "SDP was clearly talking about unemployment", it uses retrenchment stats to prove its point....

      Any ordinary fool can tell the difference and we can see that the loser tribe, especially XYZ and Breeke, no ordinary fool.
    • Sebastian
      20 hours ago
      ONLY impotent XYZ will accept all claims of parenthood. After all, he does not want anyone to know he is impotent. Like his impotent god-kings.
    • Sebastian
      20 hours ago
      @ goaheadbingostan,

      You should ask a "genius" like Breeke who can even use incognito mode to view his blocked commentators. Something that NO ONE else can do...

      -- Unable to win a logical argument, he invents nicknames, even use features that the inventor did not imagine.

      Try this.
      - Block a commentator (eg: ME)
      - Switch to incognito mode
      - Log in your account so that you can continue to use it
      - What! you still cannot see my comment? you must be doing something wrong!
    • Sebastian
      22 hours ago

      LOL -- after getting thrashed by ME, the anti-democratic ROYALIST decided to repeat the same old lies elsewhere..

      Where is your proof that the EMPLOYED local PMETs are NEW citizens? Did you use the RETRENCHMENT stats too?

      LOL -- Or by your ROYAL decree...
  • Breeke
    1 hour ago
    Where r the "simple facts" abt POFMA? U somethg wrong
  • My Opininon
    2 hours ago
    My advice to you is to hold your job tightly. else I wont see you commenting?
  • goaheadbingostan
    2 hours ago
    We make it simple for you - WHY are there foreigners holding HR positions? After more than 50 years of pap rule you mean our universities did not produce enough business/Hr graduates? Just google any head hunting firm and check out all the foreign "consultants". Check the Job Bank and see the number of foreign names in HR. These gatekeepers wayang and keep out true blue Singaporeans. But the pap will have us believe that foreigners are here to do jobs that true blue are unwilling and/or unable to do.
    • Poor singaporean
      2 minutes ago
      White devil warned "you can't withstand the coming storm" - Warriors : "We are the storm! " lets see
    • Veteran@VOTE
      27 minutes ago
      sdp should be very cautious now, after any hearing coz the attack dog, shanu, is standing by to pounce on any fault, not on the case, but to raise 'sub-judice'.
    • Lucy
      40 minutes ago
      MOM conspired and enabled crimes.
    • My Opininon
      47 minutes ago
      Vote wisely. jobs go to foreigners, soon votes go to converted foreigners......What do you think?
    • Koon
      2 hours ago
      So what happens if the ministers mislead the public? We all know statistics can be manipulated. It's always a glass half full or half empty, depending on what angles you want to look at...
    • censor
      2 hours ago
      When ruling party in power, even if you are right, that right can turn to wrong. Seems like the ruling party is afraid to lose.
    • My Opininon
      2 hours ago
      Anyone heard of the the word " massaging the numbers" ?
    • Fish and Vegetables
      4 hours ago
      Dun anyhow Tambah lah Tambyah.
    • Chin Yit
      4 hours ago
      lhl and gct don't lead this country by example, they don't show good examples themselves. They only know how to talk, but, what they talk and what they do are "entirely different things"!!

      That's why so many people hate them and disrespect them.....It's really shameful!!!
    • TK Yap
      4 hours ago
      Be patient and wait for the finale. Singaporeans are pragmatic. We did not come this far for nothing. We did not take our politics to the streets because we are wise to the consequences.

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