Friday, January 3, 2020

MND orders Aljunied-Hougang Town Council to recuse Low, Sylvia from financial decisions
  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    (1) If a person is found guilty of breach of fiduciary duties by a Court (while pending appeal) --- it is a common professional practice in Government sector or Commercial sector - to recuse the person from access to any financial matter pending the appeal.

    (2) AHTC by not exercising the recuse - is in breach of trust to the residents of AHTC.
  • Breeke
    5 minutes ago
    You can only find someone guilty in a criminal court. Was Low and Lim "found guilty"? Answer yes and you can be sued till ur pants drop by Low and Lim.
    • ricky l
      40 seconds ago
      On Dec 5, MND issued a press release noting that the High Court had found that both leaders had "acted dishonestly and in breach of their fiduciary duties, and that their conduct had lacked integrity and candour".
      (1) Both person have found to have acted in "dishonesty" --
      On Dec 5, MND issued a press release noting that the High Court had found that both leaders had "acted dishonestly and in breach of their fiduciary duties, and that their conduct had lacked integrity and candour".
  • 2 seconds ago
    (1) Lapse of internal control due to unfamiliarity of audit, accounting or tender practices ---- is different from "dishonesty or deliberate cover up of breaching accounting practices".

    (2) When an auditor point out the internal control lapse (which many companies or even govt dept will have encounter) with a compliance audit report --- improvement can be made to makeup for the lapse - and will not be guilty for dishonesty.

    (3) But dishonesty or deliberate cover-up --- is a serious offense.
37 minutes ago
"fiduciary duties" could it mean "MY FATHER LAW" because I can't find its exact definition or the words in the Town Councils Act?. Aah! I see, "PAPi English". They breached "My Father LAW". hahaha LOL.
2 minutes ago
(1) The High Court will have found your comments as "Contempt of Court".

(2) Fiduciary duties in a financial sense exist to ensure that those who manage other people's money act in their beneficiaries' interests, rather than serving their own interests.

This is a Common Law - and need not be specified in the Town Council Acts.

55 seconds ago
@Ricky I - It is a fact that I can't find it in the Town Council Acts and mine is a genuine question, while your assertions will have been found "Contempt of Court" because you assert much more beyond what the court has said while the case is still ongoing.

2 seconds ago
(1) which part of the comment is beyond what the court has said?

6 minutes ago
Unless they are charged, otherwise what you said is precisely meaningless.

  • 1 second ago
    (1) Read the High Court Judge verdict :-

    In connection with the AHTC case, last month, High Court Judge Kannan Ramesh delivered a verdict, wherein he called out Ms Lim and Mr Low for improper and dishonest conduct.
    The Judge said that the WP MPs “acted dishonestly” and were “in breach of their fiduciary duties.”
    According to the Judge, “Their conduct was improper and the attempt to cloak the same with a veneer of truth and credibility collectively leads to the conclusion that they had not acted honestly and therefore breached their duty of unflinching loyalty to AHTC as fiduciaries.”
    ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    (1) Read the ruling of the High Court Judge :-
    The High Court has ruled that Workers’ Party secretary-general Pritam Singh, chairman Sylvia Lim and former secretary-general Low Thia Khiang are liable for damages suffered by Aljunied-Hougang Town Council.

    (2) Unless and until the Appeal is successful, the High Court Judge verdict still stand.

    • 6 minutes ago
      @ricky I - liable is not the same as guilty and is not a charge, which means they are not a criminal. I resent you painting the People's elected MPs beyond what the court has described though I am not in their TC.
    • ricky l
      2 seconds ago
      (1) Recuse is professional practice while pending the Appeal that AHTC must impose on the 2 - but AHTC is doing the contrary.

      (2) AHTC is not acting on the best interest of the residents of AHTC.
      ricky l
      1 second ago
      (1) This means that AHTC has lose the trust of the residents of AHTC ---- who are not serving the best interest of the residents --- but they are serving the self-interest of WP party.

      • Rinpoche
        11 minutes ago
        @ricky I - by the way, is "FIXING" your political opponent a "Professional Practice"?
      • Rinpoche
        13 minutes ago
        @ricky i - Just see the numbers of thumbs down you received. You get the answer.
      • ricky l
        2 seconds ago
        @Rinpoche -
        (1) I have said my piece - and I don't intend to go further.

        (2) Thumbing down has no meaning to me.

        (3) Despite the overwhelming oppie posting in yahoo and elsewhere ---- the Government won by a big margin of 69.9% in the last election.

        (4) This shows that the overwhelming voters know which Party is good and which parties cannot make it --- but they can't be bother to post their view here.

    6 minutes ago
    Be civil. Stop harassing the opposition.

    6 minutes ago
    Kanina, Continue Bullying and their Votes will Suffer. They have created More Angry Voters Now in this Coming GE. Gr-ark-Pui!
  • what?
    16 minutes ago
    It does not matter , LW! They have done absolutely nothing wrong. I will still vote for them.
  • Jh
    16 minutes ago
    Stop telling AHTC what to do!
  • Feedback
    17 minutes ago
    Comes across as negative publicity by the government
  • Jh
    17 minutes ago
    WP will get more vote from me
  • Zimmy
    2 minutes ago
    Isn't it Abusing of power ?
  • Breeke
    8 minutes ago
    Please recuse all ministers helming the ministries and agencies flagged by AGO below as well as AMKTC MPs .. in order to prevent a recurrence of corruptions and weak financial controls.


    The Auditor-General's Office (AGO) noted that 104 out of 926 records of scheduled vehicular maintenance jobs, totalling $1.35 million, were inauthentic. Later, it was found that the records had been created and backdated by three SCDF officers and the contractors involved.


    PA was rapped for contract management and procurement lapses for contracts amounting to about $1.9 million for the Chingay Parade and Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations.

    In one case, a PA officer was allowed to buy Chingay costumes from overseas vendors amounting to $142,200, and to pay for them in cash or through a remittance agent, instead of going through the Government's GeBiz portal.

    The officer then claimed reimbursements using cash sales receipts. The AGO found some receipts had tell-tale signs that cast doubts on their authenticity.


    Mindef overpaid fees for grass-cutting for six years, amounting to about $200,000.
    This was mainly due to overstatement of the area involved.


    Delays in payments to contractors ranged from three months to more than three years for 30 school construction projects, which amounted to $13.61 million, the AGO said.

    There were also instances when modifications to construction contracts were not properly managed, resulting in an estimated overpayment of $154,900, it added.


    ICA was found to have let the ICA Recreation Club (ICARE) set up photo booths on its premises without charging rent, which would have totalled an estimated $6.1 million.

    The Home Affairs Ministry has since been advised by MOF that given the changes in government policy, ICA should seek to recover the roughly $6 million in rent forgone since 2002, the AGO said.
    Several government ministries and agencies have been flagged for lapses in contract management and weaknesses in information technology and financial controls by the Auditor-General's Office (AGO) in its annual audit of government finances.. Read mor
    Several government ministries and agencies have been flagged for lapses in contract management and weaknesses in information technology and financial controls by the Auditor-General's Office (AGO) in its annual audit of government finances.. Read mor
    Several government ministries and agencies have been flagged for lapses in contract management and weaknesses in information technology and financial controls by the Auditor-General's Office (AGO) in its annual audit of government finances.. Read mor
  • Fifth Estate
    15 minutes ago
    The dumbaas blur sotong hsk is probably still reeling in humiliation after bungling in parliament when he failed to "pass motion" and is trying to get even with WP members.Who the Af is MND to "order" Democratically Elected AHTC MPs to recuse themselves from Any matter relating to AHTC?
  • Rinpoche
    31 minutes ago
    Election Coming, every ministers will be expired to nobody. Voters can reset MND ministers if they want to.
  • Rinpoche
    25 minutes ago
    And when the ministers are expired to nobody, they will smile all so innocently to beg you to put them back into power. You can then REJECT partisan ministers that failed to perform and balance up the Parliament in the process.
  • Tan
    30 minutes ago
    This will not affect at all that I continue to vote for the Workers' Party
  • ocean
    18 minutes ago
    New Year already still singing the same song . . This gov under the dishonourable son really cannot make it . . I guess dishonourable son has ordered all ministries to make fixing opposition their top priority . . Lol . . Lol
    50 minutes ago
    Kanina, Bully Kecil.

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