Thursday, January 2, 2020

SDP calls for Josephine Teo to retract correction directions, apologise
1 person reacting
  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    Rebutting MOM’s claim that there is “no rising trend of retrenchment, whether amongst PMETs or otherwise”, SDP cited the ministry’s own data from 2010 which it said “shows clearly that there is in fact a rising trend of PMET retrenchments in Singapore”.
    (1) SDP is using 2010 data to say that local PMET unemployment has risen.

    (2) Today this is 2020 (10 years apart).

    (3) If SDP is using obsolete data to state a fact - where instead of using 2019 and 2018 data which clearly indicate that local PMET unemployment has not risen ---- then SDP is guilty of stating fake news.

    (4) SDP should take up formally with MOM or even go to High Court - as part of the correct procedure to seek its legal recourse.

    (5) By publishing its response through the news ---- is a wrong procedure --- and is meant to stir emotion by confusing the readers rather than getting its fact right.
  • ricky l
    20 seconds ago
    (1) SDP is clearly trying to reap political mileage from this fake news.

    • chiaoeng
      6 hours ago
      @ricky l 
      SDP is a credible opposition. No doubt about it.
    • ricky l
      2 seconds ago
      @chiaoeng -

      (1) But Singaporean voters have rejected SDP in every election.
  • Ricky L
    5 hours ago
    SDP logo and auntie Josephine Teo's photo must not be positioned too closely together, as above, because they both do not gel.
  • J.
    5 hours ago
    As long as papaya knows it has the support of 70%, it will not bother to give any Apollo G.
  • Hard Times
    2 hours ago
    When you go out on the weekends, you see so many foreigners around us. The mrt extensions and new lines are meant to cater to an increasing population, consisting of more foreigners than locals. Pap bring in hordes of foreigners to give us employment woes, esp for the older and less educated local people. Does the over-paid manpower minister really understand the long term impact of a large foreign population on those locally born. More foreigners mean more new citizens – who will vote for pap. That’s pap’s dream of ruling forever, at the expense of us losing not just our identity and culture, our jobs too.
  • Rinpoche
    5 hours ago
    Another reason to Vote for SDP. At least the data is sincere and serve the well being for Singaporeans.
  • Joo Mong
    53 minutes ago
    So far it looks like MOE and MOM unable to comprehend POFMA correctly, when they tried to corner the other political candidates, and backfired on both occasions. Have GRC support also unable to perform well?
  • Einstein
    3 hours ago
    Did anyone heard that foreigners here in Singapore also running employment agencies? So who you think these agencies will recruit? Singaporeans?
  • WM
    3 hours ago
    The photo of Josephine shows deep set eyes which could be a result of lack of sleep.
    If what SDP response is accurate then may be this time round she misread the semantics and was caught.
    Just admit it and retrieve the direction.
    Apologize and close the matter.
    Be more careful the next time.
  • Firros
    3 hours ago
    Now you can see for yourself the poor quality and lack of competence of quite a number of senior staff of the MOM who would have assisted Minister JT in researching and coming up with some justification for a POFMA order. You can be quite sure that this is not only the case with MOM but with many other Government Departments in other Ministries as well. This is what has happened to our Civil Service - wrong people in the wrong jobs.

    Most of the time civil servants of today seem to be everywhere when there is free lunch provided during meetings and/or seminars when food is catered for the participants.
    Strangely, food ordered seems to always far exceed the number of participants and you will almost almost always find staff from non-affected departments being the first to appear at the scene when the caterer has completed the set-up for the event. You can witness first hand these staff helping themselves to the food by bringing packing boxes, tupperware, containers etc taking the food to their offices and where else no one can tell. But one thing I noticed is that the food catered never runs out. This phenomenon can also be witnessed at the CSC. The conclusion that can be drawn here that is that food catered is deliberately ordered in far excess of the number of course participants. Is this an allowed practice, I wonder?
  • John
    4 hours ago
    To Everyone in this Website, Especially PAP, Opposition Parties & All Singaporean,

    To clarify on Real Singapore PMET Unemployment Rate, Proofs can be found easily, which various government agencies, like Ministry of Education(MOE), Ministry of Manpower(MOM), Income Tax Authority(IRAS), CBF Board, MAS & etc., need to work together & apply successful industrial practices of other developed nations :==>

    (1). Check the educational certificates that are submitted to relevant authorities, by people that need to submit such documents for official registration of certain jobs with strict professional requirements, with MOE .

    MOE can apply its huge local & oversea educational related networks to check whether the owners of such submitted educational certificates, are real graduates of these universities, like check the submitted IDs & GRADUATE SERIAL NUMBERS on the submitted educational certificates with the relevant universities .

    * EXAMPLE :=> If an original/photocopied Degree in Chemical Engineering from National University of Singapore (NUS) has GRADUATE SERIAL NUMBER, say C-2000, & with its official graduate name, say “ John Aw “, on it, then in NUS official graduate records, the name of the graduate in Chemical Engineering faculty in NUS with GRADUATE SERIAL NUMBER, C-2000, MUST be “ John Aw “, NOT any other person’s name, with the PICTURE on the submitted ID of such person MUST look closely same in NUS official records too .

    (2). Check with IRAS & CBF Board on whether the recorded employees are actual salaried staff of these companies during their official employment period that are registered with relevant authorities & companies of interest . Neutral AUDITORS recognized by MAS, can check the employer’s records too .

    * EXAMPLE :=> If a qualified Mechanical Engineer, say his name is “ Alex Ou “, was working with a building contractor, “ ABC “, from the date 1/2/2010–31/1/2012 for a building project, then “ Alex Ou “ was still the salaried staff of this company, ” ABC “, in this time. So BCA, MOM & client that employed this building contractor definitely have such official labour records too .

    IRAS & CPF Board definitely have the tax record & CPF record of “ Alex Ou “ that was paying income tax & CPF Contribution from 1/2/2010-31/1/2012 respectively, as employee of company, “ ABC “, & if such official labour records from BCA, MOM & client don’t match with records of CPF Board & IRAS, it shows BIG SCAM .

    (3). Qualified employees of companies that involve in certain jobs that compulsorily need employees of such qualification, go to register with relevant authorities personally, before their employment start & also, need to inform the relevant authorities if they leave the jobs, or any “ BAD THINGS “ relate to their jobs .

    * EXAMPLE :=> Qualified Project Managers & Civil Engineers go to MOM & BCA for registration as key Qualified Persons (QPs) in building projects & appointed Officers from MOM / BCA, not automatic computer system, register them as key QPs for the jobs officially, as well as, tell the QPs what need to be aware & upheld, like need to inform the MOM & BCA if they leave their jobs & strictly follow Government laws in their jobs, even under pressure from top management of their employers to BREAK the LAWS to serve the employer’s benefits .

    (4). In developed countries, effective computer systems in relevant authorities are set up to CHECK of any DISCREPANCIES with the time period of employment of qualified professionals registered with relevant authorities .

    * EXAMPLE :=> If a qualified Aerodynamic Engineer was registered as employee for a company from 1/2/2010-31/1/2012 for a certain aviation job, then the computer system will lock out any registration of the Aerodynamic Engineer’s name in this period by any other companies . . . Later, key government officers will check whether is there any SCAM .

    (5). In developed countries, Professional Bodies formed by qualified professionals in certain fields, are given with “ SEMI-AUTHORITY “ to MONITOR & OVERSEE the Professional Ethics & Conducts in their respective industry on BEHALF of relevant authorities & take required action .

    Qualified professionals in such Professional Bodies have worked in their respective industries for many years & know many DEEP-ROOTED CULTURES & IN-DEPTH PROBLEMS in their industries well, as compare to officers of relevant authorities that often DON’T have the required working experience in relevant private sectors, or relevant training, like a civil servants that graduate with Non-engineering degrees often don’t know the complex technical backgrounds of engineering & high tech industries .

    (6). Singapore Government set up specialized units in various ministries to handle such Problems, like make constant raids or, sudden checks on suspected work places by relevant authorities, due to public “ WHISTLE BLOWING “ & Complaints .

    Any COMMENTS from you PEOPLE out there ? ? ?
  • HCW
    30 minutes ago
    The credibility of "Protection Against Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA)" is at stake if p$p regime continue to use it as suppressing tool to quelch opposition voice by generating falsehood itself to malign the opposition parties.
  • 1 minute ago
    Sigh, politicians arguing over the use of words again, without really tackling the real issue. It does not matter whether it is 'retrenchment' or 'unemployment' or whatever.
    It is like a chicken arguing with a duck in their own respective language/ perspective.

    We voters should not be confused. What we need to see is statistics that separate Singapore citizens from permanent residents instead of being fed meaningless numbers lumping citizens and foreigners (yes, PRs are foreigners) together under 'residents' or 'locals'.

    Then the picture will be crystal clear. Then we will know who is lying or telling the truth.

    Strangely, no politician could (or want to) see that being done.

    We citizens must not let politicians confuse us with their war of words.

    Just vote wisely and not regret our choice for the next few years.

    Problem is, right now, I do not know who exactly to vote for...

    Anyway, no point following the squabbles.

    Happy New Year to all!
  • Cindy
    9 minutes ago
    The as*e pain inflicted on locals on 6.9m population white paper. Singaooreans to sacrificing and Singaooreans go to die never mind.
  • Yolo Swagz
    21 seconds ago
    This is exactly why you shouldn't let the government 'dictate' what is truth. The fact is the MOM hasn't been doing their jobs, and locals have had their jobs eroded because of the MOM's indeptitude. Jo Teo is conveniently using POFMA to silence any opposition so other feeble minded locals will just follow the PAP blindly.
  • Cindy
    36 seconds ago
    For locals' unemployment who get a job during an election (G.E and President Election), Congralution to you.
    Please bear the humiliating and biting the nail to stay on the job. Work with head bowing down without pride. But eventually, you still give up and letting go the job. The union representative and employer are in cahoot. This is deplorable tactics by government/employers to justify that no local holding the job and hiring foreigners.
  • danny
    54 seconds ago
    how can a person like her be in parliament in the first place , really strange .

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