Chinese city outside virus epicentre shuts down

Ricky Lim:
Ricky Lim:
(1) All major viruses that cause mass infection and death to humans and animals are viruses jump from wild animals or domesticated animals to humans.
(2) Serious thinking of human food chain are required.
(3) Should more beyond meat, cultured cell meat, vegetarian food become an important source of human food chain.
(4) 3 catastrophe will become more frequent manifest as human disaster namely global climate, epidemic and war (天灾, 瘟疫,战争) as an outcome of 贪嗔痴。
WHO standard primary to tertiary quality healthcare care, laboratory of international standing, pharmaceutical companies of reputable respect.
USA should take the lead and be responsible if H1N1 was started in their country. Morale obligation to the entire world to help prevent, find a cure for mankind, come up with preventive measures.
Ricky Lim:
(1) Pig, cow, poultry, bird, camel, monkey, bat, and many yet to identified animals - wild or domesticated animals are found to have viruses that kill human enmass.
(2) Should humans now take more serious and concerted effort to concentrate on vegetarian, cultured cell meat, beyond meat etc to greatly reduced consumption of animals as food source.
(3) It is compassion to do so - as it reduce slaughtering and sufferings of animals.
(4) It help in improving global climate as there are reduction of carbon footprint to rear animals for consumption, less lands to grow crops for animals.
(5) Cultured cell meat don't kill the animals but yet can produce enough meat for human consumption.
Ricky Lim:
(1) Cause and effect is a vicious cycle.
(2) We kill animals for food.
(3) Animals pass their virus, propagate and feed on humans for food.
(4) What comes around, goes around.
You have a point there. I won’t go for beyond or impossible since their GMO foods have never been tested for long term safety. But cultured meat is a worth a try. In Singapore most of us are not consuming sufficient fruits and vegetables, that’s why many of us fall sick in old age.
Ricky Lim:
(1) Kindness and Compassionate messages normally don't get across during good times.
(2) Only when major disaster struck - when fruition ripen - then it is easier to get right message across to humans due to obstacles of 贪嗔痴。
Ricky Lim:
(1) 贪嗔痴 refer to Human inherent traits of (greed - greed for taste),
(human hatred, anger), (ignorance - ignorance of things that will harm us).
[12:20 PM, 2/2/2020] Chian Leong: (1) And Human these 3 inherent traits of 贪嗔痴情, greed, hatred (anger) and ignorance - are translated into fruitions of epidemic, global climate and war (瘟疫,天灾,人祸)。
(2) It arises from human heart, mind, speeches and actions
Well said ..
Ricky Lim:
(1) In other words, human mind and heart - can determine human destiny.
(2) Be wise, do good - good fruition, good outcome.
(3) Unwise, selfish, self gratification - bad fruition, bad outcome.
(4) Human destiny is in our own heart, own mind in our own hand.
Ricky Lim:
Suddenly the whole REACH forum go quiet reading my discourse.
Ricky Lim:
(1) 治灾先治心。
(2)To cure the World from Epidemic, Global Climate and War - first cure Human Heart and Mind.
Ricky Lim:
(1) All major viruses that cause mass infection and death to humans and animals are viruses jump from wild animals or domesticated animals to humans.
(2) Serious thinking of human food chain are required.
(3) Should more beyond meat, cultured cell meat, vegetarian food become an important source of human food chain.
(4) 3 catastrophe will become more frequent manifest as human disaster namely global climate, epidemic and war (天灾, 瘟疫,战争) as an outcome of 贪嗔痴。
WHO standard primary to tertiary quality healthcare care, laboratory of international standing, pharmaceutical companies of reputable respect.
USA should take the lead and be responsible if H1N1 was started in their country. Morale obligation to the entire world to help prevent, find a cure for mankind, come up with preventive measures.
Ricky Lim:
(1) Pig, cow, poultry, bird, camel, monkey, bat, and many yet to identified animals - wild or domesticated animals are found to have viruses that kill human enmass.
(2) Should humans now take more serious and concerted effort to concentrate on vegetarian, cultured cell meat, beyond meat etc to greatly reduced consumption of animals as food source.
(3) It is compassion to do so - as it reduce slaughtering and sufferings of animals.
(4) It help in improving global climate as there are reduction of carbon footprint to rear animals for consumption, less lands to grow crops for animals.
(5) Cultured cell meat don't kill the animals but yet can produce enough meat for human consumption.
Ricky Lim:
(1) Cause and effect is a vicious cycle.
(2) We kill animals for food.
(3) Animals pass their virus, propagate and feed on humans for food.
(4) What comes around, goes around.
You have a point there. I won’t go for beyond or impossible since their GMO foods have never been tested for long term safety. But cultured meat is a worth a try. In Singapore most of us are not consuming sufficient fruits and vegetables, that’s why many of us fall sick in old age.
Ricky Lim:
(1) Kindness and Compassionate messages normally don't get across during good times.
(2) Only when major disaster struck - when fruition ripen - then it is easier to get right message across to humans due to obstacles of 贪嗔痴。
Ricky Lim:
(1) 贪嗔痴 refer to Human inherent traits of (greed - greed for taste),
(human hatred, anger), (ignorance - ignorance of things that will harm us).
[12:20 PM, 2/2/2020] Chian Leong: (1) And Human these 3 inherent traits of 贪嗔痴情, greed, hatred (anger) and ignorance - are translated into fruitions of epidemic, global climate and war (瘟疫,天灾,人祸)。
(2) It arises from human heart, mind, speeches and actions
Well said ..
Ricky Lim:
(1) In other words, human mind and heart - can determine human destiny.
(2) Be wise, do good - good fruition, good outcome.
(3) Unwise, selfish, self gratification - bad fruition, bad outcome.
(4) Human destiny is in our own heart, own mind in our own hand.
Ricky Lim:
Suddenly the whole REACH forum go quiet reading my discourse.
Ricky Lim:
(1) 治灾先治心。
(2)To cure the World from Epidemic, Global Climate and War - first cure Human Heart and Mind.

BEIJING: China reported an outbreak of a highly pathogenic strain of H5N1 bird flu at a farm in Shaoyang city of the southern province of Hunan, ...
BEIJING: China reported an outbreak of a highly pathogenic strain of H5N1 bird flu at a farm in Shaoyang city of the southern province of Hunan, ...

Ricky LIm:
(1) Imagine if food scientist can successfully culture cells from domesticated animals to produce :-
- pork
- beef
- mutton
- fish
- prawns
- crab
- seafood
(2) Humans can still continue to enjoy their meat food with little to lose and at the same time :-
- the meat culture from cells are healthier without viruses, less fat - and healthier for human health.
- more compassionate to animals without the need to slaughter the animals, caged them in confine space, force feed them, etc.- as animals are known to eject toxin if they are killed under stress or fear.
- animals need not be farm in large number as only their cells are cultured - and thus large crops need not be harvested to feed a large number of animals - and these reduce carbon footprint and will not harm global climate.
(3) If Singapore food scientists can successfully culture the various meat in the laboratory - then Singapore with small land space can manufacture in large number - and open up a new food sector - and contribute to the GDP - as we can export them as food to overseas market --- without the need to allocate big spaces for animal farms.
(4) And this cell culture initiatives will elevate Human nobleness 1 notch up - as human no longer are cruel to animals - slaughter animals, chop them up and eat their meat, flesh and blood and take away animal lives.
This is in fact curing Human's Greed, Anger and Ignorance - taste for food - by taking lives - and hence has healing effects in curbing flu epidemic, less impact on Global Cliimate and less stress in human conflict on depleting food due to growing World population and need for more lands to farm animals and crops for food.
(5) So if food scientists can help Human to go along this path to transform Human food chain - mass killings from flu epidemic, global climate and war will be greatly reduced ! ---- A Noble Path.
(1) Imagine if food scientist can successfully culture cells from domesticated animals to produce :-
- pork
- beef
- mutton
- fish
- prawns
- crab
- seafood
(2) Humans can still continue to enjoy their meat food with little to lose and at the same time :-
- the meat culture from cells are healthier without viruses, less fat - and healthier for human health.
- more compassionate to animals without the need to slaughter the animals, caged them in confine space, force feed them, etc.- as animals are known to eject toxin if they are killed under stress or fear.
- animals need not be farm in large number as only their cells are cultured - and thus large crops need not be harvested to feed a large number of animals - and these reduce carbon footprint and will not harm global climate.
(3) If Singapore food scientists can successfully culture the various meat in the laboratory - then Singapore with small land space can manufacture in large number - and open up a new food sector - and contribute to the GDP - as we can export them as food to overseas market --- without the need to allocate big spaces for animal farms.
(4) And this cell culture initiatives will elevate Human nobleness 1 notch up - as human no longer are cruel to animals - slaughter animals, chop them up and eat their meat, flesh and blood and take away animal lives.
This is in fact curing Human's Greed, Anger and Ignorance - taste for food - by taking lives - and hence has healing effects in curbing flu epidemic, less impact on Global Cliimate and less stress in human conflict on depleting food due to growing World population and need for more lands to farm animals and crops for food.
(5) So if food scientists can help Human to go along this path to transform Human food chain - mass killings from flu epidemic, global climate and war will be greatly reduced ! ---- A Noble Path.

- - It is clean, has a low carbon footprint and does not involve any killing.. Read more at - It is clean, has a low carbon footprint and does not involve any killing.. Read more at
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