N.Korea leader revisits island strike site: media
ricky l
N Korea always choose conflict and confrontation (死门) - instead of talk (生门) to defray the nuclear crisis.

ricky l
N Korea must know and try to walk out from the dead end - and not keep choosing a trap door and walk into a dead end.
- pokingmonif don't know you might want to go back n check who stop the talking first. then have invasion beach in drill every year still then....
back then fatty father even hosted UN arm inspectors. - ricky lN Korea conduct assassination in Malaysia using chemical weapons.
N Korea take hostages of many nationalities.
N Korea fire arty S Korea islands, inflitrate commandos to S Korea, hack 2 Americans to death and in 1950s start invading S Korea by crossing into 38 parallel.
N Korea threaten US, Japan, S Korea with missile and nuclear - and even threaten Australia and New Zealiand with nuclear.
Who is the aggressor?