Iran minister warns Saudi Arabia after "battle" comments - Tasnim
Who then is the biggest enemy of Islam?
- ricky lExclusiveness.
Intolerance.- ricky lThe chaos in ME - is because of exclusiveness, intolerance.
ricky lThe ideology of "Believe in what i believe - alive. Defy what i believe - die".
ricky lMany many years ago, Catholics used to fight Protestants, Protestants used to bomb Catholics.
Now, Catholics no longer fight Protestants, Protestants no longer fight Catholics.
Buddhism has many variants. Theravada (Small Vehicle), Mahayana (Big Vehicle), Varijyana.
But Buddhism variants never fight one another - and the disciples of these variants visit one another with mutual respect and learn from one another.
So coming to the crutch :- Inclusiveness, Tolerance, Mutual Respect - will bring peace and prosperity.
Exclusiveness, Intolerance - will bring war, conflict, confrontation, killings and destruction.
ricky lFor in spiritual cultivation, once Buddhists indulge in Power, Authority and Control ------ it fall right into the mundane trap of 3 poisons inherent in sentinent beings (human beings) :-
(1) Greed for Power, Attachment to Authority
(2) Hatred, Anger
(3) Ignorance of the Universal Law
----- which will never able to attain Enlightenment ---- but further and strongly bind into the Samsara World - and will never be liberated and attain the 3 wholesome Universal Attributes of :-
(1) No-Self (Non attachment to anything mundane and Self)
(2) Universal Compassion
(3) Panna Wisdom
----- the Supreme Enlightenment.