Monday, May 15, 2017

For Fully Mature Black Holes, Time Stands Still

An artist's illustration of a black hole.
An artist's illustration of a black hole.  (NASA)
 This phenomenon of Time stand still when inside a black hole - similar to Jhana Samadhi.

In Jhana Samadhi - 五蕴皆空,四大皆空 (5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness) (4 Great Element Emptiness) ----- Time stand still - and seems Eternal.
But the moment, the meditator emerge from the Jhana Samadhi, Time continues.

In Nirvana Fruition - true Timeless (Eternality) is the phenonmenon.

That is why meditator in Jhana or Fruition - become body sariras in "Timeless" Eternality.
3,000 years old body sariras of Venerable 慧能法师。

The end of a black hole’s evolution may be a mind-bending kind of space-time independent of time. A new study proposes a method to tell how far any black hole is from reaching this end state.
Black holes are some of the weirdest things in the universe. They occur when mass is packed into a tiny volume, squished to its ultimate density.
Though observations suggest black holes are prevalent in the universe, scientists still don't really understand what goes on inside them. The equations of general relativity usually used to understand the physics of the universe break down in these cases. 
"It is really beyond the physics we know," said Juan Antonio Valiente Kroon, a mathematician at Queen Mary, University of London. "To understand what happens inside a black hole, we need to invent new physics."
Mercifully, the physics for the end state of a black hole is somewhat simpler. A solution to the equations of general relativity was found that produced a situation called "Kerr spacetime." Scientists now think Kerr spacetime is what happens when a black hole has reached its final evolutionary state.
"Mainly the equations of relativity are so complex that for relativistic systems, the only way you can probe these equations is by means of computer," Valiente Kroon told "Solutions like this Kerr solution are really exceptional. The Kerr solution is one of the few explicitly known solutions to general relativity that have a direct physical meaning."
Kerr spacetime is time-independent, meaning that nothing in Kerr spacetime changes over time. In effect, time stands still. A black hole in such a state is essentially stationary.
"One could say once it has reached this stage, there are no further processes taking place," Valiente Kroon said.
In their new study, Valiente Kroon and Thomas Backdahl, his colleague at Queen Mary, have calculated a formula to determine how close a black hole is to reaching the Kerr state.
This can happen very quickly – even in seconds – depending on the object's mass.
To apply the formula, scientists would examine the region around a black hole called its event horizon. Once mass, or even light, passes within the event horizon of a black hole, it cannot escape the black hole's gravitational clutches.
The researchers think their development could aid scientists who are building computer simulations of black holes and aiming to align them with observations of actual black holes.
Astronomers think most galaxies, including our own Milky Way, host supermassive black holes in their centers. Some researchers suspect that these are actually Kerr black holes.
Valiente Kroon and Backdahl detail their work in the Jan. 19 issue of the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
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Does time stand still in a black hole?

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Ranell Smereka

 on 4 November 2013

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Transcript of Does time stand still in a black hole?

photo credit Nasa / Goddard Space Flight Center / Reto Stöckli
Does time stand still in a black hole?
Interesting facts
• We will never be able to explore black holes, because black holes have so much gravity that our bodies are not able to handle the forces and get completely torn apart, because if we are getting pulled faster then the speed of light we would be turned to dust. 
• Once something enters a black hole nothing not even light and light is the fastest moving “wave” and fastest moving anything can escape it. 

A Black hole is only cold debris left over from a old dead star, that at one point its nuclear fuel burned out.
. Astronomers are very confident that the Milky Way has a super massive black hole at its center, and at one point the entire milky way galaxy will just be one big black hole. We fortunately will not have to worry about it because it will not happen for billions of years.
Before a black hole
Black holes only happen when a star dies, only a star about 15-20 times bigger than our sun could possibly become a black hole at the end of its life.
In the normal life of a star there is a constant tugging between gravity pulling in and pressure pushing out. The forces must be perfectly balanced otherwise the star will either explode or collapse in on itself.
Nuclear fuel is at the center of the star, burning up. But once the fuel in the center burns up completely the star will collapse because gravity get the upper hand. Gravity is so strong the core gets bigger and bigger and bigger 
• The mass of the sun 1.989E30 kg (I don’t exactly know what that means) so 20 times that would be 39.71E693. Earth can be put into the sun 1 million times! You can put 10 earths across the sun. 
More facts about a Black Hole before it is born
• For small stars, when the nuclear fuel is burned up and there are no more nuclear reactions to fight gravity, the forces in electrons (energy partials) within the star eventually create enough pressure to stop further gravitational collapse. The star then cools and dies slowly. This type of star is called a "white dwarf." 
• For the big stars , as they run out of fuel like a smaller stars it will form heavier elements like carbon dioxide and iron. Once it does this it will begin to collapse because the fuel was making the forces equal. Now that it is gone it will collapse in on itself. The big star will begin to undergo different fates. Either explode or turn into a super nova or collapse and turn into a black hole.
Once a black hole is born
Once a star blows up, the gravity is still all around the particles. So the gravity pulls the small pieces of the previous star together, the greater the mass the heavier gravitational pull. It will then get bigger and bigger, and more and more gravitational pull .
The bigger the black hole is the more the gravity, and therefore the pull is so much that not even light that has no mass can escape with light it has no mass, but it does have small particles called electrons. The electrons are just waves of energy, that has no mass.
Black holes do have a limit as on how huge they can get the limit is about 1 billion times the mass of our sun.
If time slows down, would we age?
Facts about black holes.
The Event Horizon
The event horizon, is the area around the black hole,that is like a boundary where the old debris is now being sucked into the black hole. Light or radiation cant escape it. Even though it is not in the black hole, only the Event Horizon.
The Event Horizon can also be called "The point of no return." It is a boundary in space time beyond which events can not affect an outside observer. 
One of the events that cant be see from an outside observer, is time. So yes, time dose slow down in a black hole because of the Event Horizon, but however it dose not completely stop. It can slow down up to half as much then on regular earth time. So if time slows down in a black hole, if we could (Which we cant) would we age in a black hole if we could survive the forces? Which brings me to....
This is the "Event horizon"
Now that we know time slows down,would we age if we could handle the forces?
If you had a watch on, while you were in the Event Horizon and your friend had a watch on while he/she wasn't in the Event horizon zone. That friend would look at their watch and see that it is ticking at a normal rate. You look at your watch it seems as if your watch is ticking at the same rate also. But if you Juxtaposition they watches one is going slower than the other. Once you come out of the black hole you look at your friend and it seems as if he/she has aged more quickly then you, because time does slow down along with your age
Black Holes are not actually holes, they are just called holes, because it seems as if they are just a bottomless pit. Everything around them is being suck in by the Event Horizon around the black hole. It is only in the Event Horizon where time slows down. If you could get to into the Black hole, (which we will never be able to) inside the hole the time doesn't slow down anymore than in the Horizon.
Black holes can travel fast, and I mean FAST! 950 times per second! Some say that if you could venture into a Black Hole you could see in the past and future. If this were true, we could see the entire history of the human race and how it has evolved

(Social Studies)
An event horizon can actually suck in the light emitting from a star if it gets close enough, but if the star get even closer it can pull is the plasma from the star and shoot it out.
The summery
Does time stand still in a black hole: 

Time does not come to a stand still in a black hole, but it dose slow down about half the speed of light. The reason I say speed of light is because as it is getting pulled in it gains speed within a second, to the speed of light. When the object reaches the Event Horizon around the beam shooting out of either end, it then slows down half the speed it was traveling at. We dont know why time actually slows down
(The fact about the watches)
. Seeing as how the time slows, so would your age.
(This is all theoretical, if you ever could go in a black hole, etc)
If time slows down, would we age? 
We would age differently, however we wouldn't just stay the same age, if we could live in black hole. We would just simply age slower than regular earth time, but it seems as if it is still the same. The fact about the watches is that your friend is aging at the normal rate, and it seems like you are also, but if you put then side by side for a long period of time one would age twice as fast compared to the other person.
By: Ranell Smereka 7L

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