Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Trump brags about not paying taxes: 'That makes me smart'

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
they showed he didn't pay any federal income tax," Clinton said.
Trump quickly retorted: "That makes me smart."

It doesn't make Donald Trump smart, it make Donald Trump unscrupulous - he only take care of his own interest and prey on his own American countrymen.

He will not fight for his own countrymen's interest - he will only fight for his own interest - at the expense of his own Countrymen.

Donald Trump will make policies to make himself grow richer ---- while messing up the jobs, businesses and Americans' lives.
Then Donald Trump will say :-
"I am smart to make Trump richer - while the rest of Americans that vote me are stupid - they are worst off, I don't care."
Americans are playing with the wolf, with the devil -- by voting Donald Trump.

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