Thursday, September 22, 2016

ricky l

26 dead, 19 missing in Indonesian landslides, floods: official

AFP News
This is posted in Sunday, September 18, 2016 :-
September 19, 2016
ricky l6 seconds ago
So far President Jokowi has been doing a good job in minimising the haze.
But the same cannot be say of VP Jusuf Kalla - who actively promote plantation burning. VP Jusuf Kalla is the biggest culprit in promoting haze.
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
So the 100,000 death spirits will be haunting VP Jusuf Kalla.
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
No wonder Jarkata is sinking and need to build sea wall - because the Universal Law of Karma is catching up with VP Jusuf Kalla.
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
VP Jusuf Kalla make 100,000 perish for unable to breathe with smoke.
The 100,000 death spirit will also make VP Jusuf Kalla from not able to breathe under water.......
Karma eerie ......
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
You think burn in Sumatra, burn in Kalimantan, don't burn in Java - no problem?
Karma will go around and come around and now manifest in Java, unto your doorstep.
ricky l25 seconds ago
Heaven come alive. Hell come alive.
Universal Law of Karma manifesting as condition ripen.
Those who are responsible and guilty of burning, the Universal Law of Karma will catch up with him to pacify the 100,000 death spirit.
ricky lThis is the mechanism of how Universal Law of Karma works.

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