26 dead, 19 missing in Indonesian landslides, floods: official
ricky l19 seconds ago
This is posted in Sunday, September 18, 2016 :-
September 19, 2016
ricky l6 seconds ago
So far President Jokowi has been doing a good job in minimising the haze.
But the same cannot be say of VP Jusuf Kalla - who actively promote plantation burning. VP Jusuf Kalla is the biggest culprit in promoting haze.
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
So the 100,000 death spirits will be haunting VP Jusuf Kalla.
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
No wonder Jarkata is sinking and need to build sea wall - because the Universal Law of Karma is catching up with VP Jusuf Kalla.
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
VP Jusuf Kalla make 100,000 perish for unable to breathe with smoke.
The 100,000 death spirit will also make VP Jusuf Kalla from not able to breathe under water.......
Karma eerie ......
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
You think burn in Sumatra, burn in Kalimantan, don't burn in Java - no problem?
Karma will go around and come around and now manifest in Java, unto your doorstep.
ricky l25 seconds ago
Heaven come alive. Hell come alive.
Universal Law of Karma manifesting as condition ripen.
Those who are responsible and guilty of burning, the Universal Law of Karma will catch up with him to pacify the 100,000 death spirit.
ricky l7 seconds ago
The moral of the message is that :-
VP Jusuf Kalla ---
"Do Good, Refrain from Evil."
Karma is true.
Karma is real.
Karma is eerie....
But Universal Law of Karma is coming down into Earth Time, Not Universal Time.
So VP Jusuf Kalla ---- believe in Universal Law of Karma ---- it is real, and coming down to your doorstep.
ricky l27 seconds ago
This is posted in Sunday, September 18, 2016 :-
Expounding the discourse of Universal Law of Karma :-
Glowby59 minutes ago
ricky - Relax. If you want to talk politics go to the politics section. This is a science article. Your politico-religious opinions have nothing to do with the topic.
observer51 minutes ago
When it comes to money,100,000 or 500,000 become just statistics. Those responsible for the forests burning-plantation owners,paid burners and corrupted officials will live with the conscience of killing all those people. This is provided they have conscience. Bad karma will be catch up with them.
ricky l
ricky l15 seconds ago
Glowby, is there a requirement that specify that this must be a science section and must comment in science?
By the way, how do you know i am not talking science?
Do you understand what is karma ?
In scientific term, karma is - when there is action, there is a corresponding force of reaction.
Isn't karma related to Law of Physics?
ricky l
ricky l15 seconds ago
Glowsby, let me explain to you in physics (in which scientific outcome can be proven by empirical evidence).
And also i will talk to you on metaphysics (in which scientific outcomes are intrinsic and intangible, which is difficult to be proven by empirical evidence, but can be infer).
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
Now Glowsby, let talk physics - how burning result in haze and global warming. This is scientifically proven, and i believe you have no dispute as burning destroy trees, reduce oxygen, cause smoke and haze, pollute the air, cause warming temperatures, give rise to unpredictable climate, cause ice to melt and causing rising sea levels --- thus no issue to explain why sea levels in Java and Jakarta arises.
So is this religion ? or science ?
Or is it metaphysics?
Is this superstition, or is it supernatural?
ricky l
ricky l9 minutes ago
The above comments - describe "karma in Physical attributes".
As you know Glowsby, Universe are made up of 2 collective attributes :-
(1) Universal Physical attributes --- the 4 Great Universal Elements (known as matter, air, temperatures and liquid)
----- up to this point (any disputes --- that this is not science Glowsby?)
know right? very scientific right? Because it can be proven by Science - by empirical evidence that human can grasp.
Now I will want to address the 2nd Universal attributes --- essentially the Mental State attributes - also known as Metaphysics --- which are intrinsic, which are intangibles, which cannot be grasp, which is difficult to be proven by empirical evidence, which are not tangible, which are mainly psychological --- and many called this religion --- but i prefer to call it metaphysics ---- because they are intangible science.
ricky l
ricky l6 minutes ago
Now Glowsby, i will deep dive into metaphysics --- which is not only related to psychology, not only psychiatrists --- which are the field of mundane psychology.
But i may dwell into supramundane psychology --- that to date have not been able to be explained by science ---- but are experience by few rare people in the World ----- which essentially are Metaphysics -- to explain why lives exist.
ricky l
ricky l35 seconds ago
Well Glowsby, human are said to have possess the following Mental cognitive state ---- the Universal 5 Aggregate Mental States that are make up of :-
(1) 5 sense consciousness
(2) Feelings
(3) Perception
(4) Judgement
(5) Mental Formation
--- most psychological and psychiatrists class will be able to dwell in depth ----- to describe how human in this world works.
But Science so far has not describe how and why Humans are born in this Universe.
Hence a field of study attempt to fill this gap --- known as Religion.
Religion is a field of study --- whereby Science is not able to prove and different religions attempt to explain why and how humans exist and why and how Universe are formed.
But i prefer to explain it in Metaphysics elements --- which i more than a dissertation or a thesis --- can describe it in a meaningful way.
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
OK to keep the discussion short :-
Briefly, the Physical Mental Faculty of the Universe are made up of 3 broad categories :-
(1) Supramundane -- related to Divinity - one that is within the Physical Universe known as Samsara, one that exit the Physical Universe (known as Nirvana).
(2) Mundane - related to Mundane Human, Animal realms.
(3) Paranormal - related to Woeful state such as the Hell, Hungry Ghosts realm.
All the above have various different kinds of cognitive states --- and I will be able to describe in detail their mental aggregates of each categories --- their consciousness, their feelings, their perception, their mental formation --- if i have the times --- it is more than encylopedia can capture - volumes and volumes will be required to document them.
To sum up these are metaphysics.
So up to now, Glowsby, are you convinced that this is a science section --- a physics section, a metaphysics section?
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
Now with short introduction of the Metaphysics, Glowsby, you will look at how mental faculty attracts karma = like the Physical attributes that attract physical karma - of action bring about a corresponding reaction - in physics under the newton law.
Every human's thoughts, speeches and action - do attract karma (reaction to every corresponding thoughts, speeches and action).
Eg. if you scold another person - your karma is, the person will scold you back.
Eg. if you hit another person - your karma is, another person with hit you back. Or he may not hit you back, he may call the police and the police arrest you and the judge fine you -- so there is karma (but the karma is compounded).
Similarly, if someone burn the forest, other than experiencing physical karma like breathing problem, it will attract metaphysics, mental karma (that is difficult to prove by science) - but can be infer.
So Glowsby, do you understand physics and metaphysics now ---- a science section?
ricky l5 seconds ago
Some religions want to make things simple --- or have difficulties explaining metaphysics in detail --- thus just simply say "God will punish you if you do bad".
But I prefer to explain metaphysics in detail - since as what Glowsby say --- this is a science section.
So let us talk Science lor.
ricky l5 seconds ago
Now why talk metaphysics in a science section?
Because there are some people with authority attempt to abuse power, abuse authority --- thinking there is no such things like karma - thinking they can do things with impunity -- thus causing miseries and sufferings in the World.
Thus must talk metaphysics ---- to fill up the gap that to date still cannot be proven by Science.
The objective is to make this World - a better World.
This is the mission of a Bodhisattva.
ricky l5 seconds ago
And what is a Bodhisattva in case Glowsby asked to explain in scientific term?
A Bodhisattva is one that has attained the State of Nirvana and undertake a Bodhi Vow - to alleviate and salvage the sentinent beings from Samsara sufferings.
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
In case Glowsby asked what is Nirvana.
In simple term, in pictorial term, Nirvana is depicted as a "Dharma Wheel", the picture at the extreme left.
Where Dharma Wheel is what Buddha say - is revered is what human make Reverence to.
And Dharma Wheel is a Nirvana State (mental, formless state) that encompass the whole (physical) Universe.
ricky l
ricky l19 minutes ago
Oh Glowby, since we are on the topics of karma, let us touch on karma effected beyond mundane.
(1) Karma - through thoughts, speeches, action - can come about through individual actions or through human legal law.
But when human legal law cannot be enforced or are inadequate, 2 higher supramundane laws or divinity laws will take over.
Supramundane laws or Divinity laws are :-
(1) Heavenly laws
(2) Universal Laws of Karma
Heavenly laws are made up of various levels and sub-realms level.
There are 3 broad categories of Heavenly Laws.
(1) Sensual Desire Heavenly Laws
(2) Form Heavenly Laws
(3) Formless Heavenly Laws
Each categories of Heavenly laws have sub-realms with their own respective Heavenly laws.
The Heavenly laws differ based on their lifespan.
Human lifespan is about 100 years - hence human legal law cover up to 100 years.
When karma has not been adequately dispense - due to the weight of the sins or crimes, Heavenly laws will take over.
ricky l
ricky l6 seconds ago
Now each Heavenly realms have their own lifespan - like human beings.
Some heavenly realms lifespan are celestial years.
Some are aeons.
Since celestial years and aeons are very long ---- it seems eternal, seems infinite. But they are not infinite. In scientific terms, they are measured in light years.
Now Universe are infinite - that is, even if Universe one day demise, under the Universal Law of Impermanence, it will rebirth again.
Hence, there is an overall encompassing law to ensure karma or justice - are in Equilibrium - and this law is known as Universal Law of Karma - which equate to the birth, living, decaying, demise and rebirth of the Universe.
Oh Glowby, so far to date, are all the above statements make sense?
Does it have scientific elements -- of MetaPhysics?
As MetaPhysics means --- MetaData, Big Data beyond Physics (beyond empirical evidence) - that encompass the intangible, the intrinsics, ---- that cannot be capture by physical elements of Science.
ricky l
ricky l6 seconds ago
Oh Glowby, then with the vast profound boundless infinite Physical Universe, then what is the Mental aspect that can equate the Physical Universe?
Oh Glowby, there are infinite living things (specifically 6 realms sentinent beings - including humans and animals) that are discrete, finite -- but is unable to equate that of the boundless infinite Physical Universe ---- hence karma cannot be equally calculated in tandem with the vast Infinite Physical Universe. Hence there is delay in the delivery of karma. Hence there are so many levels of karma dispensation - human legal law, heavenly law, Universal Law of Karma.
Hence only Universal Law of Karma is the final, all encompassing - the final justice.
And then what can equate the boundless infinite Physical Universe in Mental State ---- it is a State known as Nirvana.
Because Nirvana Mental State - encompass the entire Physical Samsara Universe.
Many religions unable to explain the complexity of such state - simply define it as "God".
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
Simply put, karma is not so easy to comprehend nor easy to calculate and this also apply to the outcome of karma.
A simple analogy :-
(1) If a person slap you, you slap back - karma is dispense and completed (but it is not wholesome).
(2) If a person slap you, you don't slap back (this is wholesome - as violence begets violence). You seek help and report to police. The police arrest that person, and judge jail him (this is wholesome). And the karma is altered (not in terms of a corresponding slap on the face, but the sufferings of being put in prison).
So Universal Law of Karma - is not so easy to comprehend.
ricky l
ricky l5 seconds ago
Then Glowby may asked - "Who can accurately calculate Universal Law of Karma"?
Well scientifically as Glowby like Science, let me explain in Scientific terms in the field of MetaPhysics.
Only a Buddha can accurately calculate Universal Law of Karma, the reasons being :-
(1) The outcome of Universal Law of Karma - comprise of 2 Universal Attributes - Physical 4 Great Elements (can be proven by empirical evidence call Science - eg. Global Warming can explain karma via Science.
- Mental attributes - which can be Mundane, Paranormal, Supramundane or Divine - which cannot or yet to be proven by Science - but can be explain in MetaPhysics.
Now in order to accurately explain, calculate and predict the cause and effects of Universal Law of Karma --- one should be able to explain the mechanics of Physics, Science, Engineering in conjunction with MetaPhysics - the mechanics of Human Legal Law, Heavenly Laws and Universal Law of Karma (that go up to infinite Universe lifespan).
A Buddha possess the following attributes that can do the above :-
(1) Jhana Samadhi - of rupa Jhana, arupa Jhana
(2) Nirvana - magga, phala
(3) 3 Times Perfection in attainment of Nirvana Fruition.
A Buddha can use the above attributes - to do a "hop-by-hop" linking of consciousness to trace, track and calculate the cause and effects of karma - from past lifetime, present lifetime, to future lifetimes - up to the infinite Universe - and up to the Nirvana Mental State that enwrap the Physical Samsara Universe.
A Bodhisattva, A Arahat, A Pacekka Buddha - can only "infer" Universal Law of Karma - but are unable to accurately relate the cause and effects of karma - because it needs the Perfection in Jhana Samadhi and the 3 Times Perfection of Nirvana Fruition to accurately track and trace the cause and effects of karma.
It is a very tiring process with human body to do so - even for Buddha when he possess the human body.

AFP NewsSeptember 22, 2016

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An Indonesian villager sits outside his damaged house after a landslide in Garut, on September 21, 2016 More
The death toll from devastating floods and landslides in Indonesia has risen to 26, an official said on Thursday, with hopes fading for 19 others still missing.
Aid has begun pouring into Garut in the west of Indonesia's main island of Java, where 23 people died and 18 remain missing after torrential rain and fast-rising floods swept through the region, the national disaster agency said.
Receding flood waters revealed scenes of destruction, with houses reduced to rubble and upturned cars and debris strewn throughout muddy streets.
Among the dead or missing are more than a dozen children under 12 years of age, though several have yet to be formally identified, the agency said.
Relief teams and army personnel have moved into Garut to search for those still missing, while drones are assessing the scale of destruction from the air, disaster agency head Willem Rampangilei said in a statement.
"There is plenty of food and clean water available. The community is also helping out," Rampangilei said, adding that a disaster report had been sent to President Joko Widodo.
Temporary shelters and makeshift kitchens have been established to assist the estimated 430 people left homeless, with blankets and clothing being trucked in by emergency crews.
Elsewhere in West Java, emergency crews were still searching for one person missing in the wake of a massive landslide in Sumedang district that killed three others, disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho told AFP.
An avalanche of mud, rock and water tore through a village in Sumedang late Tuesday without warning, flattening homes and a mosque and burying people beneath rubble.
Landslides and flooding are common in Indonesia, a vast tropical archipelago prone to natural disasters and torrential downpours.
The country's disaster agency has warned people to be alert for disasters this wet season as a La Nina weather phenomenon threatens unseasonably heavy rain.
In June nearly 50 people died when heavy downpours sent torrents of water, mud and rock surging into villages in Central Java, another densely-populated province on Indonesia's main island.
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