Shut the hell up, MFA. No country wants, needs, or cares about your opinion. Singapore should always stay neutral unless our own interests are directly threatened.
ricky l23 seconds ago
If you keep quiet when someone break International Law, if everyone keep quiet when someone break International Law --- then in future who will observe International Law?
If one day, your position, your interest are compromised --- who will raise objection and who will uphold International Law?
Then the whole World become a jungle law --- because everyone keep quiet when someone break International Law.
ricky l13 seconds ago
Every member in the UN that collectively draft International Law - must abide by the International Law so that there will be peace, harmony, coexistence - interoperate, trade and do business in harmony.
Member who violate the Law - must be reminded to observe International Law - so that there will be peace and appropriate behaviour.
Otherwise, in the name of self-interest - people shoot missile into international space, people explode when ships, airplane fly in international airspace, people burn and cause haze and smog, people block passageway and hinder trade and travel etc.
Then will there peace, conduct business, trade and travel in the World?
World War 2 and World War 1 arises --- precisely because no member Countries observe International Law - that is why Army is used to conquer and snatch resources and land. Because there is no UN, there is no International Law to govern how members Countries operate.
Then all members want to build their own nuclear weapons - and fight in World War 3.
Is this what all people want?
ricky l13 seconds ago
As an International Hub - in finance, in trade, in International law arbitration and mediation centre, as MNC regional HQ etc ---- we must observe International Law and expect members Countries in the World to respect International Law ---- so that trade, travel, business, investment, diplomacy etc can take place properly, legally.
We must strive to convey racial, religious harmony - as a model, a place of goodness for member Countries to emulate ---- so that the World will be a better place to live, to work, to do business.
If wrong things - you keep quiet.
Right things - you don't promote.
Then when the World degenerate and fight regional war, fight world war --- then you start to lift the ostrich head from the sand and tell people don't fight, observe law ---- then who will listen to you?
ricky l13 seconds ago
Last time, Mr LKY speak up about regional issues, world issues - that affect the regions and the World - when he realise in his Vision that something is going to go wrong --- to alert and raise awareness --- the World look up and appreciate his Wisdom --- so that the World can take note, take proactive or reactive actions - to avoid disaster and catastrophe --- by collectively working for the Common Good.
Is people here so afraid to speak up with Wisdom, with Compassion, with Vision ---- when one notice something is going wrong in regional affair or world affair?
The World will appreciate and respect one who talk facts, who talk with Vision, who talk with Wisdom, who talk with Compassion --- for the overall good.
Why afraid to speak up --- if it is for the overall good?
Why must bury the head in the sand --- when something is seriously wrong - and need to be corrected?
chua9 minutes ago
Why isn't SG govt concerned about HDB prices, healthcare cost, jobs, MRT breakdowns, COEs, education etc.... Why talk about N Korea?
ricky l22 seconds ago
We invested heavily in China - at Shenzhen, Tianjin, Chongchin.
We trade heavily with Japan and South Korea.
If anything happen to these 3 Countries - it will affect us adversely.
So if N Korea is not doing something right - should we not have an interest to voice out?
Abdul4 minutes ago
I just hope that North Korea will not be intimidated by Singapore's MFA statements. Otherwise, if they are, I could hardly imagine a nuke launch to Singapore's soil.
ricky l12 seconds ago
Yah, China strongly oppose N Korea on the nuclear test.
Are you saying that N Korea will do a nuke launch into China?
Russia ever say that it will fire a nuclear missile at N Korea if N Korea build nuclear, are you saying that N Korea will do a nuke launch at Russia?
ricky l2 seconds ago
N Korea should not continue on nuclear and missile path.
Because this will cause mutual destruction - because if N Korea ever launch a nuclear missile at any Country - collaterally, nuclear will also be launch against it --- and it means N Korea will also be destroyed.
What N Korea should do - is to negotiate for a nuclear deal - similar to the Iran nuclear deal - where it will bring mutual benefits and become a useful member of the International community - rather than become increasingly isolated and bear the brunt of Economic sanction --- where everyone in N Korea is suffering.
Constructive Peace talk to resolve the 5 decades of hostilities is the only way out.
Going down the nuclear and missile path -- will eventually lead to mutual destruction.
Iran make a good and right choice --- and escape from the vicious cycle of isolation and economic poverty - by striking a nuclear deal.