Mexico contradicts Trump on paying for border wall, clouding visit
By Christine Murray, Ana Isabel Martinez and Dave Graham

ricky l16 seconds ago
When Donald Trump tell his supporters that he will build the wall and make Mexico pay for the wall - about few hundred billion dollars - i was thinking that he is insulting the intelligence of both his American supporters and the Mexicans.
But then when Donald Trump's supporters cheer loudly after he say so, I am thinking his American supporters have become as foolish as Donald Trump.
(1) Mexico already say that they will not pay the few hundred billion dollars wall, and Donald Trump say that he will press Mexico to pay for it. How do Donald Trump get Mexico to pay? Pointing gun at them?
(2) Even if Donald Trump go ahead without Mexico consent, no contractors will take up the job as there is no guarantee they will get pay for the job - as Donald Trump is reputable of not paying his contractors nor does Mexico commit to pay for the wall.
So how does Donald Trump build his wall?
Is Donald Trump supporters so foolish to believe he will build it?
It is more like an election gimmick.
Do the Senate and Congress support Donald Trump's wall ---- a few hundred billions of dollars --- a big white elephant.
(3) Even if Donald Trump did managed to build a 10m by 10 m wall, the immigrant can still dig a 11m tunnel across the border - and render the wall useless. Or the immigrants can climb the wall.
So what is the used of building a multi-billion dollars wall - where it can be easily breached?
(4) Also report mention that 50% of the immigrants come through the airport and not across the border. So what is the used of building such a big border wall - when 50% come from other sources?
So do everyone think Donald Trump is a Bozo, the Clown?
Evidently Donald Trump is a BIG CLOWN, and yet his supporters are cheering for him for coming out with such foolish position.

ricky l5 seconds ago
And everyone should look at Donald Trump how proud he make himself to be after declaring he will build the wall and make Mexico pay for it - when his supporters cheer loudly.
I almost choke on my coffee.

ricky l5 seconds ago
I will only believe Donald Trump is serious if he pledge to sell his business empire to build the war - albeit a section of the wall.
Else Donald Trump is making the Americans look silly in front of the World.
On the hindsight, will America lose its World Leadership in the World Economy, World Security - if Donald Trump ever become a President?
The World will not listen or follow what US propose under the leadership of Donald Trump - because many of his are silly and non-workable ideas.
The World must prepare for such contingency, else the World will be caught off-guard like the Brexit.
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