Reversing course, Trump admits Obama was born in the US
ricky l4 seconds ago
It is a well known fact that Donald Trump - never speak with facts.
Donald Trump has always been making up "story" in his speeches - devoid of real facts.
And Donald Trump then propose policies based on his "make up facts".
This make Donald Trump a very scary candidate to be the President of US.

Harry4 minutes ago
Trump is an oligarch who is pretending to be a man of the people. He will keep slave wage earners making the same or lower wages, make sure these slave wage earners pay their taxes while he pays as little as possible. He will put money into national defense while not funding education programs and health programs that benefit average worker americans. As president he will promote his business interests around the world as he has done...He will be the most self serving, money focused president in history. Money will be his sacred cow and average people will continue to grease his money wheel of fortune through lower wages, no improvement in working conditions, stagnant or non existent educational programs and health programs.
His agenda will role back the progress americans have made to make our democracy work as it should for all americans instead of for the power elite moneyed people who control the political process. The average American has made enormous sacrifices for the benefit of the power elites like Donald Trump by paying their taxes. But the power elites like Donald trump have paid little or no taxes. It is time for these oligarchs like Donald trump to pay their fair share of taxes so we have the money to support better schools for our kids, higher wages for our workers, preserve our environment for future generations.
- ricky l2 seconds agoricky l2 seconds ago
- ricky l2 seconds agoRob3 minutes ago
- ricky l2 seconds ago