Wednesday, September 7, 2016

ricky l

The Latest: Trump would give generals 30 days for IS plan

Associated Press
See how Donald Trump has sabo and pull down the Government official that host him - even he has been elected as a President ---- but has bring considerable harm and damage to others.
Do you think any allies and friends will support Donald Trump - in his security plan?
Donald Trump will have to fight his own war and he will be surrounded by hostilities.
See what he has done to Mexico -- just one visit :-
Mexico finance minister out in shakeup after unpopular Trump visit
Posted 07 Sep 2016 23:15
Mexican Finance Minister Luis Videgaray smiles after attending a news conferece on the Brexit at the National Palace in Mexico City, Mexico, June 24, 2016. REUTERS/Henry Romero
Finance Minister Luis Videgaray has stepped down, his ministry said on Wednesday, pushing out of the government the closest ally of President Enrique Pena Nieto, who has been under pressure since Donald Trump's controversial visit last week.
A ministry spokeswoman said Videgaray would step down not long after the government said Pena Nieto would hold a news conference later on Wednesday morning.
Pena Nieto was pilloried for hosting Trump, the Republican U.S. presidential candidate, at short notice last Wednesday. Senior diplomats said Videgaray had been instrumental arranging the visit.
Videgaray ran Pena Nieto's presidential election campaign, and was widely seen as the minister closest to the president.
The resignation comes shortly before the government presents a 2017 budget with cuts needed to restore confidence.
Videgaray will not take another public post, the spokeswoman said. Two people familiar with the matter said that Videgaray will be replaced by Jose Antonio Meade, a former finance minister. The spokeswoman could not confirm this.
(Reporting by Dave Graham; Editing by Jonathan Oatis)
- Reuters

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