Singapore accuses Chinese paper of fabricating South China Sea story
ricky l4 seconds ago
I don't think Singapore is taking sides in the South-China Sea dispute.
It does not serve Singapore any interest for doing so - as this is none of our business.
Singapore stand is merely to ask both sides to resolve issues diplomatically without resorting to military confrontation and conflict which serves no one interest in the region.
And Singapore advocate negotiation, mediation, arbitration - among the approach to conflict resolution. And observing international law is the foundation in all of these approaches in conflict resolution.
US navy operating in Singapore has nothing to do with China - as US navy have been operating in Singapore long before the South China Sea dispute start fraying.
ricky l2 seconds ago
China's Foreign Ministry did not directly comment on the spat between Singapore and the paper, with a spokesman saying only that they had "noted" the reports and that the two countries should understand and respect each other's core interests.

ricky l2 seconds ago
Singapore as a nation in South China Sea - has the right to state our position on the South China Sea issue - because Singapore has the interest not to see the issue run out of control - and escalate into a military conflict in which our lifeline in business, trade, travel depends on.
By stating our position and urging conflicting nations to resolve the maritime issues diplomatically - is not akin to taking sides in the dispute.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Contesting parties should take heed and learn from historical lessons - on why WW1 and WW2 were fought.
It is precisely there are no United Nation, no International law, no platform for conflict resolution such as negotiation, mediation and arbitration, no International Courts.
That is how WW1 and WW2 are fought - where millions and billions of lives are lost ---- as the "Jungle Law" rules --- where "might is right".
Singapore position - is to exhort contestants to heed and learn from the lessons of WW1 and WW2 --- no to repeat the 2 most expensive lessons in human mankind.
There are better ways to resolve conflict - without resorting to military confrontation and conflict.

ricky l2 seconds ago
Peace is priceless --- and this is anchor on 3 Wholesome Universal attributes of :-
(1) No-Self (无我,无私)
(2) Universal Compassion (慈悲)
(3) Panna Wisdom (般若智慧)
Not based on 3 Unwholesome attributes of
(1) Greed (贪)
(2) Hatred (嗔)
(3) Ignorance (痴)
ricky l2 seconds ago
Only then can WW3 be avoided.
ricky l2 seconds ago
If this position is not heeded ----- can anyone not see South China Sea, Asia Pacific --- the hotbed for seeding a WW3 --- where SuperPowers converged?
ricky l2 seconds ago
Singapore position is priceless --- because she preached :-
ricky l2 seconds ago
这乃是 - 菩萨偈。
ricky l12 seconds ago
In WW2 - Japan say :- 我要打十个。
In the end, 被人炸两颗。
This is an expensive lesson。
In WW3 - is China saying :- 我要打十个?
In the end, 要炸几粒 (how many 颗 going to explode) in Asia-Pacific?
So is it wise to adopt the priceless position of :-
ricky l2 seconds ago
If Singapore is not steadfast in this priceless position - and start taking sides --- either sides ---- it will escalate and trigger into a WW3 --- where it will become a point of no return.
Thus Singapore consistent position = is a priceless position ---- a position to secure PEACE.
ricky l2 seconds ago
A good example, Syria civil war :-
The West take the side of the Arab and the Syria rebel.
Russia take the side of the Syria incumbent.
See what lesson everyone learns?
The fighting fight, stop, fight, escalate, free-for-all, ISIS terrorists - free-for-all ---- running out of control.
ricky l2 seconds ago
ricky l2 seconds ago
If there is an unbiased middleman -- the 2 SuperPower Blocs will not clash.
In Syria, there is no unbiased middleman - the 2 SuperPower Blocs clash, smash, blow, at-one-another's throat.
Thus Singapore unique position as the unbiased middleman, the fulcrum must be steadfast -- to mediate, to bridge, to provide workable solutions - to prevent the the 2 SuperPower Blocs from clashing.
In Asia Pac, if 2 SuperPower Blocs clash ---- WW3 erupted and end of the World ensue.
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