Submarines surface as key tool in world's navies

ricky l5 seconds ago
Submarines can fired missiles to destroy the air defenses, and when the air defenses are destroyed - fighter planes and bombers can be launched to neutralise the mobile platform, troop concentration or adversaries fighter planes.
This is one battle strategy to attack and invade a well defense coastal defense.
Then the counter measure is to be able to fly "submarine-detection" overflight to detect submarines.
ricky l3 seconds ago
A normal coastal defense --- will be to line up :-
(1) Anti-aircraft missiles - to defend against air attack
(2) Anti-ship missiles - to defend against attack naval ships
These will be suffice as a good coastal defense - because aircrafts are deter from approaching the land.
Ships are deter from nearing the coast line - to launch amphibious platform to storm the beach.
But if attack submarines can stealthily launch missile attacks on the air defenses and naval defenses - then breaching the coastal defense become possible.
Thus the only way to defend against submarines stealth attack - is submarine detection aircraft or surface ships using sonar and depth charge etc - to detect and destroy submarines.
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