Wednesday, September 14, 2016

ricky l

Indonesian clerics issue fatwa against forest fires

AFP News

This is another positive move to curb the palm plantation fire - after President Jokowi enforcement to curb such fire.
Starting fire to burn trees, is in effect hurting one of the 2 aspect of Universal Attributes - that sustain 10 realms lives.
(1) 5 Mental Aggregates
(2) 4 Great Elements (Matter, Air, Liquid, Temperatures) - Physical Attributes
And set fire to burn trees - harm the 4 Great Elements - that will attract Universal Law of Karma ---- because trees - provide oxygen (air) to sustain mankind instead of toxic haze, prevent flood (liquid), cool global climate (temperatures), provide palm oil in a sustainable manner (matter).
The weigh in by religious body - is doing the right thing - to stop the forest burning - that harm the Universal Physical Attributes --- and will attract Good Universal Karma.

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