Indonesian clerics issue fatwa against forest fires
ricky l3 seconds ago
This is another positive move to curb the palm plantation fire - after President Jokowi enforcement to curb such fire.
Starting fire to burn trees, is in effect hurting one of the 2 aspect of Universal Attributes - that sustain 10 realms lives.
(1) 5 Mental Aggregates
(2) 4 Great Elements (Matter, Air, Liquid, Temperatures) - Physical Attributes
And set fire to burn trees - harm the 4 Great Elements - that will attract Universal Law of Karma ---- because trees - provide oxygen (air) to sustain mankind instead of toxic haze, prevent flood (liquid), cool global climate (temperatures), provide palm oil in a sustainable manner (matter).
The weigh in by religious body - is doing the right thing - to stop the forest burning - that harm the Universal Physical Attributes --- and will attract Good Universal Karma.

ricky l2 seconds ago
Indonesia to resume work on 'Giant Sea Wall' to save sinking Jakarta
Posted 14 Sep 2016 12:08 Updated 14 Sep 2016 20:15
JAKARTA: Indonesia will resume land reclamation that will help prevent Jakarta from sinking below sea level, a cabinet minister said, five months after work was suspended due to regulatory and environmental concerns.
Greater Jakarta, one of the world's most densely populated cities, sits on a swampy plain and is sinking at a faster rate than any other city in the world.
Jakarta has focused its attention on bolstering its defences with a 15-mile sea wall and refurbishing the crumbling flood canal system.
See the above article, there is always Universal Law of Karma.
For 18 years of plantation burning, Universal Law of Karma from the 4 Great Elements of Universal physical attributes will sets in.
Thus Universal Law of Karma is true - and has descended into Earth Time, not Universal Time.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Universal Law of Karma say :-
"Do Good, Refrain from Bad".
"Do Good - Reap Good Outcome."
ricky l2 seconds ago
Luckily, President Jokowi has the Wisdom to understand this - and intercept and take corrective stance to attempt to stop the plantation burning.
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