Clinton blasts Trump's comments on military generals, Putin
ricky l3 seconds ago
Donald Trump will request Russian to hack US network again.

ricky l2 seconds ago
This is Donald Trump idea of cyber-warfare which he want his General to plan.
ricky l12 seconds ago
Donald Trump want to commit large troops into Middle East to fight ISIS.
That means it will take at least 6 months to transport large troops into Iraq and Syria, bring in tanks, large-scale equipment etc.
That means multi-billion dollars of tax payers money will be spend.
Which currently Iraqi regular troops plus other milita group is already surrounding Mosul ready to launch attack and retake the final battleground.
Does it means the Iraqi troops pull back and shake legs while waiting for Donald Trump troops to take over them?
And then Donald Trump troops will be hinder by all the booby traps and IEDs --- and is Donald Trump think that US troops can quickly win the war with all these booby traps littering around the city?
ricky l2 seconds ago
Then how about ISIS presence in Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan etc?
Is Donald Trump going to commit large troops into all these Countries?
How much US Treasury is going to finance Donald Trump war in all these Countries using taxpayers money? US$500 billion enough?
How many troops will Donald Trump commit into all these Countries to defeat ISIS?
Eg. Iraq - 50,000 troops ?
Syria - 100,000 troops?
Yemen - 50,000 troops?
Afghanistan - 50,000 troops?
Libya - 50,000 troops?
Nigeria - 100,000 troops?
Pakistan - 100,000 troops?
ricky l2 seconds ago
Previously, US fought 2 wars Iraq and Afghanistan -- the US military already very stretch.
Now Donald Trump want to fight all out war in so many Countries alone ---- ask Donald Trump how he want to stretch his Army to do it?
Will US Economy enter into a deep recession under the rein of Donald Trump?
Are you sure Donald Trump can make it as President - without sending US into a spiral blackhole?
ricky l2 seconds ago
And then Donald Trump want to cancel Iran nuclear deal - and enter into hostilities with Iran.
And then Iran will start building nuclear weapons.
So what Donald Trump will do to counter Iran missiles and nuclear weapons?
Donald Trump troops are already very stretched in so many Countries fighting ISIS.
How much more troops and equipment will Donald Trump commit to handle the hostilities with Iran?
How much more money will Donald Trump want to get from Congress with taxpayers money to contain Iran?
Oh Donald Trump is certainly making US great again --- too many great hostilities and problems to handle --- that is what Donald Trump means.
ricky l2 seconds ago
So Donald Trump begin to inflame the Middle East --- and start a large Middle East war again ----- draining US Treasury, depleting taxpayers money, causing large budget deficit to sustain the Middle East war ---- and causing big US troop casualties and body bag home.
This is Donald Trump vision of making US great again ---- Great Problem, Great Blackhole that sucks taxpayers' money, Great Big Hole that bury the lives of Americans.
ricky l2 seconds ago
And with Donald Trump concentrating on military buildup causing regional tension and world tension ---- Donald Trump neglect Economic Growth ---- and cause US Economy to plummet and consequently impacting the World Economy.
Donald Trump is making US great again --- for causing great problem to US Economy and the World Economy.
ricky l2 seconds ago
And Donald Trump want to re-negotiate all Trade Agreements - causing Countries to annul all preferential treatment to US companies that is accorded under the Trade Agreements --- adversely impacting US Economy due to fall in trade impacting US Economic Growth.
So did Donald Trump make US great again Economically and Militarily?
I am afraid not.
Donald Trump will break US !
ricky l2 seconds ago
Do you think other foreign Countries will help Donald Trump?
(1) He offended NATO, EU and UK - and gloat over it.
(2) He offended Mexico - and gloat over it.
(3) He offended all Muslim Countries.
(4) He offended S Korea, Japan.
(5) He offended S America.
(6) He offended China.
The only Country that will help him is probably Russia - his admirer.
He can request Russia to hack his Country network again.
ricky l12 seconds ago
One thing is sure :-
Clinton will be able to keep US Economy humming and US military operating optimally and achieving the goal of IS in the medium term.
Donald Trump will bring down US Economy and put US military in a position that will harm and drag US down.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Clinton will be able to maintain an even keel in foreign affairs and US will be able to maintain a well-balanced relationship with the rest of the World.
Donald Trump will mess up the foreign affairs and put US in a position that make it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with the rest of the World.
ricky l12 seconds ago
Clinton will be able to maintain a respectable fiscal budget.
Donald Trump will burn a big hole in the US Treasury --- due to huge military buildup, building a white elephant multi-billion border wall, rescind all Trade Agreement - depleting in flow of trade revenue.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Clinton will be able to finally defeat ISIS in a surgical war - with minimal US casualty.
Donald Trump will overcommit US army resources in unnecessary war and bring home many US casualties and body bag.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Clinton will make it as a qualified President.
Donald Trump will bring great sufferings to Americans.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Clinton will not divide US Society.
Donald Trump will intensify the divide among the Whites, the Black, the Latino, the Muslims, the rest of the minorities - and in the extreme may even trigger social unrest within the US Society.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Clinton will honour the Climatic Agreement.
Donald Trump will restart the coal industries -- causing toxic gas that cause global warming and choking Americans with poisonous gas - leading to respiratory illness causing death (similar to China and India) - and causing US sky to be choke with smog and pollution.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Voting for Hillary - Americans can live on with dignity.
Voting for Donald Trump - Americans are risking their lives in the hand of a dangerous fool.
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