Philippine 'hitman' charge sparks Duterte probe calls
ricky l13 seconds ago
Posted in :- Thursday, September 8, 2016
ricky l3 seconds ago
Drug lords and drug abuse - is a very grave sin - as it not only cause great sufferings to addicts but also to their families as well as a big burden to a Society.
In addition, to feed drug addiction, drug addicts will commit other crimes to finance their drug habits.
Hence drug menace is a very grave sin, a grave crime that need to be eradicated from a Society.
Having say so, the extreme measures of gunning down drug lords and drug addicts ---- even though a quick but ruthless eradication of drug menace do come with a price ---- because Killings (no matter how justifiable - do attract Universal Law of Karma).
There is no such thing as holy killings, justifiable killings --- because killings - which is termination of a human life - is also a heavy sin, a heavy karma. One will have to pay a price for killings --- even though drug menace is a sin, a crime that must be eradicated.
ricky l
ricky l12 seconds ago
Presidential spokesman Martin Andanar said the throbbing headache would have made it difficult for Duterte to concentrate amid the overwhelming barrage of summitry.
Andanar was unaware if Duterte's absence in the meetings had anything to do with a reported miscarriage suffered by his daughter, the mayor of their southern Philippine city of Davao.
ζηδΈ - Refrain from Killings is the 1st precept of Universal Law of Karma --- must be observed --- because it is directly related to Hell --- no matter how justifiable it is ---- especially Mass Killings.
ricky lMass rampant drug abuse has been resolved - by Security Act that justify arrest without trial, confiscation of assets from drugs and other measures - without resorting to mass killings.
ricky l2 seconds ago
This is because drug addicts can be rehabilitated and turn over a new leaf.
Innocents not related to drugs may be killed by extra judicial killings due to wrong identity or abuse.
All these attract Universal Law of Karma.
And Universal Law of Karma has come down to Earth Time and not Universal Time ---- hence humans can see their outcome from their action --- in this life time.
ricky l
ricky l2 seconds ago
I have wanted to convey this a week or 2 back.
But knew that it will be futile - because it will be fall on deaf ears or subject to colorful messages or burn the flag.
But I know, the right time will come ---- to expound this discourse of Universal Law of Karma - when the condition ripen.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Having say so, drug lords that have benefited from drug trafficking --- must subject to capital punishment - the death penalty ---- because drug lords bring immeasurable sufferings to the entire Society at large.
ricky l2 seconds ago
And another thing, Precepts of Speech --- which is the 3rd Universal Law of Karma --- of not making ill-speeches, false speeches etc ---- will also attract Universal Law of Karma.
Remember :-
"Right Thoughts
Right Speeches,
Right Actions".
===== are wholesome values.
ricky l3 seconds ago
Do believe in Universal Law of Karma.
Because Karma will come --- it is whether immediate, near future, or far future.
And whether it will be this lifetime, or future lifetimes.
This is the Universal Law of Karma - irregardless of religions or faiths.
ricky l3 seconds ago
Thus never abuse the authority and never abuse the law.
Must follow law ---- whether human legal law, international or Divine Law - Heavenly laws or Universal Law.
Where Universal Law is the final, ultimate, all-encompassing Law.

ricky l3 seconds ago
No 6 realms sentinent beings are spared from the Universal Law of Karma.
All 6 realms sentinent beings exist in the Physical Samsara Universe because of Karma - where Karma is directly or indirectly related to Thoughts, Speeches and Actions.
Karma will only cease, Universal Law of Karma will no longer operate in a State known as Nirvana ---- where Stray Thoughts no longer arise.
When stray thoughts cease to arise, no birth, no death, no sufferings, no karma will arise --- and Eternal Peace in Mind, Heart and Physical Matter - in a State of Nirvana.
ricky l3 seconds ago
So unless the State of Nirvana is attained - and the Physical Body demise - and enter into PariNirvana ---- observe the Law, whether :-
(1) Human Legal Law - domestic or International law
(2) Heavenly Laws
(3) Universal Law of Karma
Even a person attain Nirvana, but with physical body in Samsara Physical Universe, the person will still be subjected to Universal Law of Karma, Heavenly Laws and Human Legal Law.
Universal Law of Karma ---- is the administration of rewards or punishment.
The reaping of good feelings or sufferings.
ricky l3 seconds ago
This is known as :-
"ζ£η₯, ζ£θ§“。
ricky l3 seconds ago
Why so important to observe law ? Whether Human Law or Divine Law?
If fail to observe law :-
(1) Cosmic bodies in the Universe will collide and cause massive explosion in the vast Universe - result in lawlessness and destruction of cosmic bodies.
(2) Heavenly realms, 6 realms sentinent beings - will cross-realm to wage war or extermination.
(3) Countries will fight one another in war - - result in lawlessness and destruction of infrastructure, human death and miseries.
(4) Lawlessness, civil war, chaos - within a Country.
Thus so important to observe :-
(1) Human Legal Law - domestic or International law
(2) Heavenly Laws
(3) Universal Law of Karma
- that governs how 6 realms sentinent beings coexist and interoperate - between and among sentinent beings, between and among beings with the environment and cosmic bodies in the Universe.
Palace: Duterte respects HR, except those of drug suspects

By Christina MendezSeptember 15, 2016
He respects human rights, except maybe those of drug suspects.
Presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella yesterday said President Duterte respects human rights but that these cannot be used as an excuse to allow drugs to run rampant.
Abella was reacting to the statement of United Nations High Commissioner Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein at the 33rd session of the Human Rights Council on Tuesday where he singled out Duterte.
“The President of the Philippines’ statements of scorn for international human rights law display a striking lack of understanding of our human rights institutions and the principles which keep societies safe,” Al Hussein told the council.
Filipinos have a right to impartial judicial institutions operating under due process guarantees, and a right to a police force serving justice, the UN commissioner said.
Abella, however, said no charges have been filed against Duterte relating to human rights violations since he was mayor of Davao City and now that he is President.
“Notwithstanding the accusations hurled against him, no formal charge of human rights violations has been filed,” he said.
Extrajudicial killings are not the norm under the Duterte administration, he added.
Abella said Duterte knows how to respect the rule of law.
“As a lawyer and former prosecutor, the President knows the limits of the power and authority of the presidency,” he said.
“In his inauguration he said, ‘I know what is legal and what is not. My adherence to due process and the rule of law is uncompromising.’”
Last Tuesday, Duterte said he does not mind the UN calling his attention on human rights issues – but that he should not be lectured or criticized in public.
“They have to do it the right way,” he said during his speech before airmen at the Philippine Air Force Multi-purpose Hall in Villamor Air Base, Pasay City.
Coming from last week’s Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit in Vientiane, Laos, Duterte said he rebuffed criticisms from the US and the UN for human rights abuses due to his anti-drug campaign.
Duterte said he has authorized the release of photographs depicting the horror that the Philippines suffered under the Spaniards and the Americans to show the atrocities committed against Filipinos.
“It’s the sentimental value that is really attached,” he said.
“It is the massacre that happened to the Filipinos in Samar. Take note about that in the chapters of our history.”
Duterte said if his critics would like to criticize or call his attention to human rights issues, they have to do it in the proper way.
“If you want to criticize me, you bring the matter to the United Nations. They call my attention. Then I will answer, maybe in writing or send somebody there. But I cannot go there personally.”
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