Myanmar Buddhists jeer ex-UN chief on peace mission

ricky lnow
This does not sound like a religious issue.
Because Buddha who founded Buddhism preach tolerance, inclusiveness, patience, Compassion.
Buddhism forbid killings, ostracism, discrimination - but preach inclusiveness.
By labeling Buddhists for misbehaving is an insult to Buddhism - because according to Buddha, for disciples who practise Buddhism but fail to observe Buddhism values are not Buddhists.

ricky lnow
This article should replace "Buddhists" with "Rakhine" - because this is a racial issue and immigration issue - that should be address by the Government - not by Religious Leaders.
Because it is very clear in Buddhism teachings and Buddhism values - that all the above conduct contradict and go against the values of Buddhism.
In other words, they are not Buddhists as they fail the values of a Buddhists and Monk Order.
ricky lnow
Take out any Buddhism scripture and teachings ---- no scripture or teachings preach violence, killings, ostracism, discrimination.
In fact, no single bloodshed or a single blood is shed ever recorded in Buddhism scriptures --- such is the Holiness and Universal Compassion of Buddhism.
For Buddhism is the only religion that will salvage Beings from Hell Realm, Hungry Ghosts Realm, Animal Realms - in fact all 10 Realms in the Universe.
No other Religions have such Universal Compassion.
So how can Rakhine call themselves Buddhists - where this fundamental Universal Values of Buddhism is not observed?
ricky lnow
Where in fact, the Ultimate Bodhi Vows of Buddhism is :-
"Leave no one behind.
Leave no sand behind.
==== in this mundane Samsara Universe" === until all 10 Realms Beings are Salvaged into the Final Nirvana --- of no birth, no death, no sufferings, no karma - of Eternal Bliss.
This is the Universal Compassion of Buddhism.
Any Buddhists who does not possess the fundamental values of Universal Compassion - 大慈大悲 - Great Compassion, Grieving on the sufferings of 10 Realms ----- are not Buddhists.
- amir5 hours ago
- ricky l2 seconds ago
- ricky l2 seconds ago