Thursday, September 8, 2016

ricky l

Officials: Duterte skips summit meets because of migraine

Associated Press
Drug lords and drug abuse - is a very grave sin - as it not only cause great sufferings to addicts but also to their families as well as a big burden to a Society.
In addition, to feed drug addiction, drug addicts will commit other crimes to finance their drug habits.
Hence drug menace is a very grave sin, a grave crime that need to be eradicated from a Society.
Having say so, the extreme measures of gunning down drug lords and drug addicts ---- even though a quick but ruthless eradication of drug menace do come with a price ---- because Killings (no matter how justifiable - do attract Universal Law of Karma).
There is no such thing as holy killings, justifiable killings --- because killings - which is termination of a human life - is also a heavy sin, a heavy karma. One will have to pay a price for killings --- even though drug menace is a sin, a crime that must be eradicated.

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