Officials: Duterte skips summit meets because of migraine
ricky l3 seconds ago
Drug lords and drug abuse - is a very grave sin - as it not only cause great sufferings to addicts but also to their families as well as a big burden to a Society.
In addition, to feed drug addiction, drug addicts will commit other crimes to finance their drug habits.
Hence drug menace is a very grave sin, a grave crime that need to be eradicated from a Society.
Having say so, the extreme measures of gunning down drug lords and drug addicts ---- even though a quick but ruthless eradication of drug menace do come with a price ---- because Killings (no matter how justifiable - do attract Universal Law of Karma).
There is no such thing as holy killings, justifiable killings --- because killings - which is termination of a human life - is also a heavy sin, a heavy karma. One will have to pay a price for killings --- even though drug menace is a sin, a crime that must be eradicated.

ricky l12 seconds ago
Presidential spokesman Martin Andanar said the throbbing headache would have made it difficult for Duterte to concentrate amid the overwhelming barrage of summitry.
Andanar was unaware if Duterte's absence in the meetings had anything to do with a reported miscarriage suffered by his daughter, the mayor of their southern Philippine city of Davao.
ζηδΈ - Refrain from Killings is the 1st precept of Universal Law of Karma --- must be observed --- because it is directly related to Hell --- no matter how justifiable it is ---- especially Mass Killings.
ricky l2 seconds ago
This is because drug addicts can be rehabilitated and turn over a new leaf.
Innocents not related to drugs may be killed by extra judicial killings due to wrong identity or abuse.
All these attract Universal Law of Karma.
And Universal Law of Karma has come down to Earth Time and not Universal Time ---- hence humans can see their outcome from their action --- in this life time.

ricky l2 seconds ago
I have wanted to convey this a week or 2 back.
But knew that it will be futile - because it will be fall on deaf ears or subject to colorful messages or burn the flag.
But I know, the right time will come ---- to expound this discourse of Universal Law of Karma - when the condition ripen.
ricky l2 seconds ago
Having say so, drug lords that have benefited from drug trafficking --- must subject to capital punishment - the death penalty ---- because drug lords bring immeasurable sufferings to the entire Society at large.
ricky l2 seconds ago
And another thing, Precepts of Speech --- which is the 3rd Universal Law of Karma --- of not making ill-speeches, false speeches etc ---- will also attract Universal Law of Karma.
Remember :-
"Right Thoughts
Right Speeches,
Right Actions".
===== are wholesome values.
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