Saturday, June 6, 2015

SOUTH CHINA SEA WATCH: US ups pressure with overflights

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
There will be more spark and fire in this region - if not careful.
If ever unfortunate incidents does arises - there must be restraint on both side to de-escalate.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
There are few visions – that have become reality (it turn well but then manifest & turn bad) :-
(i) IS 3 threat
(ii) Chemical weapons in Syria – IS may possess it even if Syria destroy the whole stock
(iii) Ukraine crisis – that may pit Nato directly with Russia
(iv) MERs manifestation
(v) Sunni vs Shiite conflict
(vi) Asia Pacific maritime conflict – both East Sea & South China Sea
(vii) Korea Peninsula crisis (not turning bad yet)

• All these constitute the 3 World hotspots – that may cause catastrophe to the World – not to mention Africa continent baby hotspots – the Ebola and Boko Haram – IS threat.

Just be careful – they will not turn bad all at once at the same time.

The only way to turn all the above “visions” around are anchor on 3 Universal Wholesome Values :-
(1) No-Self (less self-centredness ------ more give and take, more win-win solution)
(2) Compassion (I ok, You ok)
(3) Panna Wisdom (striving for Win-Win solution – both competing sides must attempt to resolve dispute through such wisdom)

Else the 3 World Hotspots may manifest and spell danger to mankind.

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