Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Singapore blogger Amos Yee to spend three weeks in remand

By | Yahoo Newsroom – 9 hours ago
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Ricky • a second agoRemove
This guy has a strong traits of a "Hungry Ghost" - stubbornly attached to his self-centeredness and will not yield or repent his ways.

Hungry Ghost traits - is strong attachment to self or an object or subject. Hence consider a woeful state of existence. Such traits is difficult to counsel - and require layer and layer of peeling of his attachment - before he will repent.

Hell being traits - is strong attachment to evil and cruelty (the IS is a good example of Hell being traits). An extremely woeful state of existence. Such trait will require - extremely pain and suffering - before he will repent.

Both Hungry Ghost traits and Hell Being traits require very long duration - to break their traits - not easy to counsel them. Earth Store Bodhisattva is the only Bodhisattva that is willing to endure such difficulties to expound the "mission impossible" Bodhi Vows to liberate these 2 realms of sentinent beings. Not an easy job.

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Ricky • a second agoRemove


Hell if not empty, I vow not attained Buddhahood.
When all sentinent beings in Hell are liberated, will I attained the Final Enlightenment.

Such is the Bodhi Vow of Earth Store Bodhisattva.

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Ricky • a second agoRemove
Strong attachment is Sufferings.
This guy is Suffering - due to his strong attachment to his view - which he thought is right and is his right to do so.

But the Sufferings that will follow him like a "Shadow" - will continue to "haunt" him as long as he is not willing “to let go of he this wrong attachment" to his viewpoint or ways which he thought is his right.

Such is the traits of a "Hungry Ghosts". 

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