Thursday, June 25, 2015

5 things you might not know about Buddhism

By Yahoo! Singapore | Yahoo Newsroom – 2 hours 46 minutes ago
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
This is a very good condensed summary of Buddhism.

A Buddha Heart – represent “Compassion”.
A Buddha Mind – represent “Panna Wisdom”.
A Buddha Disposition – represent “No-Self” – that is has let go of wordly attachment – and attain Nirvana – Enlightenment.

This 3 wholesome values – represent a Buddha’s Enlightenment.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
The 3 wholesome Divine Values - Nirvana values ----- has 3 opposing poles that bind sentinent beings in this Samsara world (a sea of sufferings).

The 3 opposing poles are 3 unwholesome Samsaric values of - Ignorance of Universal Law/Truth, Hatred/Anger, Greed/Attachment to Self (Self-Centredness) - that bind us to vicious cycle of rebirth and eternal sufferings - until Nirvana is attained.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Not a single word of violence, bloodshed, war, conflict etc are said by the Buddha - a true reflection of the Buddha Nirvana Mind - because what the Buddha's and His Enlightened Disciples see and hear - are serenity, equanimity, bliss, silencing of the Mind.

And The Mind of the Buddha and His Enlightened Disciples are fill with "Panna Wisdom" and their Heart are overwhelm with "Universal Compassion" and the Disposition of the Buddha and His Enlightened Disciples are one with "No-Self" - the hallmark of a Saint.

大舍(无我),大慈大悲, 般若智慧。
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Since throughout His Life as a Buddha, not a single unwholesome word is utter by the Buddha, hence the sutra (the Buddhism scripture) contain not a single word - that is unwholesome.

Such is the Pureness of Buddha. Such is the Perfection of the Buddha - who have attained 3 times Perfection in attainment of Nirvana (the Final Attainment).

A Boddhisattva attain 2 times Perfection in attainment of Nirvana.

An Arahat attain 1 time Perfection in attainment of Nirvana. 

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Divinity is realised in attainment of 4 Rupa Jhana Samadhi (form concentration) :-
(1) 1st Jhana Samadhi
(2) 2nd Jhana Samadhi
(3) 3rd Jhana Samadhi
(4) 4th Jhana Samadhi

Divinity is realised in attainment of 5th ARupa Jhana Samadhi (formless concentration).

Divinity is realised in attainment of 4 categories of Nirvana Fruition (Phala/Magga) :-
(1) 1st Nirvana Fruition – Sotappana
(2) 2nd Nirvana Fruition – Sakadagami
(3) 3rd Nirvana Fruition – Anagami
(4) 4th Nirvana Fruition – Arahatship (final Nirvana)

There are 4 Sainthood of Nirvana :-
(1) Arahat – 1 time Perfection in attainment of Nirvana through the learning and practising of 4 Noble Truth taught by Buddha
(2) Pacekka Buddha – 1 time Perfection in attainment of Nirvana through the learning and practising of 4 Noble Truth by His own discovery
(3) Boddhisattva - 2 times Perfection in attainment of Nirvana through the learning and practising of 4 Noble Truth, make His/Her Bodhi Vows to liberate sentinent beings and awaiting the perfect fulfilment of His/Her Bodhi Vows before becoming a Buddha
(4) Buddha – 3 times Perfection in attainment of Nirvana through the learning and practising of 4 Noble Truth. 
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Some practitioners attained realization or attainment 1 stage at a time - which is known as "Incremental Enlightenment" = 渐悟。

Some practitioners can attained a series of realization or attainment all at once - which is known as "Immediate Enlightenment" = 顿悟。

It all depends on the practitioner's - readiness in their balance and equilibrium - on all His/Her Factors of Enlightenment. 

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Enlightenment - is a "total transformation" from "mundane human life and vision" into a "Nirvana vision" - an experience that are experienced by practitioners who has attained Samadhi Jhana and Nirvana Fruition.
The transformation are 2 fold :-
(1) Physical attributes (5 Great Elements - Matter, Air, Temperature, Liquid) - transformation (such as body sariras) that everyone see - which is Supramundane (Divine) and not normal human body (mundane). ----- 四大皆空(4 Great Elements Emptiness).
(2) Mental Aggregate attributes (5 mental attributes of 5-sense consciousness – hear, sight, taste, touch, smell; 3 feelings of pleasant, unpleasant, neutral; perceptions, judgement and mental formation) – transformation into Jhana Samadhi of rupa and arupa and Nirvana Fruition that enwrap the entire Universe ------ of 3 wholesome values with No-self, Universal Compassion and Panna Wisdom --- and experience the Universal Dharma Wheel Phenomenon – that enwrap the whole Universe :- (五蕴皆空 – 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness) - Nirvana is experienced.
(a) Experiencing no stray thoughts, cessation of sufferings, no birth, no death
(b) Realising the Samsara dependant origination of life – that will fail to penetrate the Nirvana mind – and end the Samsara rebirth in vicious cycle
(c) Serenity, Bliss, Equanimity, Silencing of the Mind sets in
(d) Body – experience Sariras like Jhana Samadhi

When these 2 fold transformation are experienced --- practitioners will realise that all those holy words documented in the Buddhism Scriptures – can be wholly and fully realised ----- Heart Sutra, Abidharmma, Pali Canon etc ------ and every Words that are expound by Buddha are the Universal Truth.

Thus during the 1st Assembly of the Enlightened Arahats – more than few hundred of them ---- have confirmed and verified all that are documented in the Buddhist Scriptures – are the True Word of the Buddha, True Words of the Dharma, True Words of the Sangha !!! (The Triple Gem – 三宝). 
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
And it is such attainment (attainment of No-Self, Universal Compassion, Panna Wisdom) - that will save the World from - "End of the World" one day. 

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