Iraq PM says allies not doing enough to battle Islamic State

ricky l • Remove
IS is not effectively tackle because Sunni Countries are not eager to curb them when IS are fighting in Iraq and Syria which are Shiite dominated Government.Reply
This is the real issue why IS is gaining ground in Iraq and Syria.
- ricky l • Remove
But once IS gain a foothold in Iraq and Syria, they will turn around and bite back the Sunni Countries - when they want to establish their "caliphate" and consider the neighboring Sunni Countries illegitimate.
But the vision on this is currently dormant as the Sunni Countries view Shiite gaining ground in Middle East a bigger threat.
This is the real crux why IS suddenly surge in seizing more and more lands in Syria and Iraq.
This is a very dangerous trend - as both sides are playing with fire - dancing with the Devil - who one day will turn around and bite both ways - Shiites and the Sunnis. - ricky l • Remove
While Sunnis Countries dislike the IS, they are equally wary of Shiite gaining ground in a few Middle East Countries that were once Sunnis' dominant.
This dilemma will fuel IS foray for sometime to come - until and unless Sunnis and Shiites sit down to hold hand and decide for themselves not to engage in influence and power struggle ----- where only then IS success in battlefield and their dreams of caliphate will end.
So for the major power to curb IS success in ideology and battlefield ----- solve the problem of Sunnis and Shiites power struggle first. - ricky l • Remove
Otherwise, no matter how much the allied forces concentrate on IS, it will not solve the root cause of the problem - as it will be barking at the wrong tree - 事倍功半 and not 事半功倍,
ricky l • Remove
Even if Sunnis Countries want to curb the IS, when they see IS militants going into Iraq and Syria to fight ---- their flesh will be weak and their heart will be unwilling to curb the IS ---- because the IS is doing the job for them --- -to curb the influence of the Shiite.
Thus the major power who want to seriously stop IS - will have to bring the Sunni Countries and Shiite Countries into a negotiation table and talk it out. Only then can IS foray be effectively stop.
Otherwise whatever bombing or organizing Shiite troop to IS will not yield good result because the moment the land is recapture, the IS will have fresh supply to come back in.ricky l • Remove
Why did not heed this advice posted in 4 April 2015 :-
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Too many blood are spill, there are too many bloodshed in Middle East since bilblical times.
Blood are still spilling today non-stop.
The wound since biblical times are too deep - and are still spilling blood.
The blood that flow since bibilical time until now which has not stop flowing - will have swell the river and swollen the sea.
There is a need to heal the biblical wound and stop the blood flowing - and the solution is to form MESE Forum.
A MESE Forum - Middle-East Security and Economic Forum should be established.
The Forum should focus on Security and Safety first - with the objectives of ensuring peace and stability.
The Forum should then focus on Regional Economic initiatives - with the objectives of promoting trade, business, investment etc - to resolve the issue trigger by "Arab Spring" - ie. solve the social divide and income divide.
Both focus will help to resolve the root of Global Terrorism and there will be less appealing to support and finance Global Terrorism as the climate for business and economic growth - is peace and stability - offered by the Security and Safety framework.
Members to the MESE Forum should make up of all Middle-East Nations comprising Arab Sunni, Iran Shiite, Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Syria etc.
Middlemen to bring everyone together can make up of committee members such as the current Iran nuclear deal - namely US, China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany.
Global Terrorism is in every Global Members' radar - and by forming MESE Forum - will help to eradicate Global Terrorism - and is a big incentive for Global Powers to make MESE Forum happen.
ricky l • Remove
Why no one heed the advice on MERS? And MERs return.Reply
Why no one heed the advice on ways to tackle IS when ground are gain over IS? And IS return.
Why no one heed the advice on South-China Sea? And the tension arise again.
Why no one heed the advice on Ukraine crisis? And the fight in Ukraine resume again.
Why the World are constantly engage in conflict, confrontation - for influence, for power? And sufferings and pain return again.
For attachment to selfish gain, for attachment to evil and cruelty - are Sufferings and Pain to mankind.
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