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ricky l • Remove
Pre-Universe StateReply
Let us explore what is the state before Universe is born.
The State is known as :-
(0 or Emptiness in Mental State)
(0 or Black Hole in Physical State).
The above experience can be verified by Heart Sutra (心经)
空即是色。色即是空。- which means Emptiness is Form (Black Hole), Form (Black Hole) is Emptiness.
The Pre-Universe State – is also known as Nirvana.
Characteristics of Nirvana :-
(1) Mental State – No-Self, Compassion, Panna Wisdom
(2) Stray thoughts (anchor on Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred, Greed) does not arise/ Stray thoughts (of good or bad) does not arise
(3) No stray thoughts arise (even the notion of good or bad stray thoughts arise will trigger 12 dependant origination of life – to be born into a vicious cycle of birth, life, decay, demise and rebirth). In Nirvana, no matter how one force it, by nature, stray thoughts will not arise. Stray thoughts will only arise if the 3 rings of No-Self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom – are pierce from outside Nirvana (ie. Samsara – the Sea of Sufferings of the Physical Universe) ----- this will normally happen when the force of Samadhi Jhana and Nirvana Fruition weaken.
(4) No Birth, No Death
(5) Cessation of Sufferings and Pain
(6) Eternal Equanimity, Serenity, Silencing of the Mental State
(7) Physical State – is non-consequential (ie. Irregardless of black hole of energy – no physical state, or expanding universe, or contracting universe or demising universe) – in Nirvana state, physical state is non-consequential. (Note :- in Pre-Universe state of 00 – Universe physical state is a big black hole – before the Universe is born).
ricky l • Remove
Birth of Universe
Then how was Universe born?
Is there life before Universe is born?
Answer :-
(1) There are no mundane sentinent beings and thus no sentinent beings before Universe is born. Only when after Universe is born, does sentinent beings – such as animals, human beings and other sentinet beings are subsequently born and evolved when (matter, liquid, air, temperature, wind) in Universe are conducive for sentinent beings to be born and live in Universe.
(2) Before Universe is being born, there are Nirvana Divine Beings Mental State of 00.
(3) Then how does Universe born?
Universe is born – because :-
(1) Just One stray thought of just one Nirvana Being – will trigger the birth of Universe.
One stray thoughts arise (even the notion of good or bad stray thoughts arise will trigger 12 dependant origination of life – to be born into a vicious cycle of birth, life, decay, demise and rebirth). In Nirvana, no matter how one force it, by nature, stray thoughts will not arise. Stray thoughts will only arise if the 3 rings of No-Self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom – are pierce from outside Nirvana (ie. Samsara – the Sea of Sufferings of the Physical Universe) ----- this will normally happen when the force of Samadhi Jhana and Nirvana Fruition weaken.
When this happen, 00 become 01 (where 0 is Nirvana, 1 is the birth of Physical Universe).
So all religions (except Buddhism) believe that 1 GOD created the Universe.
Is it correct?
Yes and No.ricky l • Remove
Yes, because all it needs is just 1 Nirvana Being - trigger 1 stray thought (which by nature even 1 stray thought is not possible to arise in Nirvana) - unless Samadhi Jhana and Nirvana Fruition weaken and succumb to the Universe Samsara - 3 inherent unwholesome states of Ignorance of Universal Law, Greed and Hatred.
ricky l • Remove
No is because it is not just 1 Nirvana Being can trigger the Physical Universe.
It is infinite Nirvana Being can trigger.
But in Nirvana, by its Nature - no stray thoughts will arise - unless its Samadhi Jhana and Nirvana Fruition weaken - and succumb to Samsara stray thought which is a very rare situation.ricky l • Remove
In Samsara, all human beings and all 6 realm sentinent beings - by its nature will have stray thoughts (good or bad) every second, every minute.
Without stray thought is abnormal for human being and for all sentinent beings (including heavenly beings).
In Nirvana, stray thoughts will not arise by nature. No matter how one force it, in Nirvana, stray thoughts will not arise. - ricky l • Remove
So it is this 1 Nirvana Being (which almost all religions call GOD except Buddhism) - trigger or create the Physical Universe.
Who is this Nirvana Being first trigger the birth from Black Hole, the Supernova, the evolution into the current Universe?
Don't know? Except all religions call "GOD" except Buddhism who know is one of the Nirvana Being - 古佛。
ricky l • Remove
Life and Death - is the pre-occupation of all religions.Reply
Life - is due to lust.
Death through killing - is due to hatred, anger and could be Ignorance.
救人一命 胜造七级浮屠
Giving life, saving life --- is more Divine than killing a life.
Killing a life - is Hell Bound.
Saving a life - is Heaven Bound.
But of course giving life - must not come from sexual misconduct but through a marriage - but in gravity, the sin of killing life is extremely heavy.
ricky l • Remove
In Physical Universe of Samsara ---- unfortunately, human beings & all 6 realms sentinent beings inherited 3 unwholesome values as its nature :-
(1) Ignorance of Universal Law - 1st and foremost - that bound all sentinent beings into the Physical Universe - and not awaken to return back to Nirvana.
(2) Hatred and Anger
(3) Greed, Attachment to Self
ricky l • Remove
In most religions, human mankind rely on "GOD" to go back to Heaven (GOD's place) ---- which in fact should be Nirvana. (Heavenly realm is still a place of existence unlike Nirvana).
No one see "GOD" - because Nirvana is not a "Physical State".
But people see prophets, see Buddha, see Bodhisattva, see Arahats, see Saints - a physical state.
Nirvana is a Mental State and Physical state is in-consequential.
ricky l • Remove
How do you describe Nirvana?
Nirvana is :-
(1) Mental State – No-Self, Compassion, Panna Wisdom
(2) No stray thoughts arise (even the notion of good or bad stray thoughts arise will trigger 12 dependant origination of life – to be born into a vicious cycle of birth, life, decay, demise and rebirth). In Nirvana, no matter how one force it, by nature, stray thoughts will not arise. Stray thoughts will only arise if the 3 rings of No-Self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom – are pierce from outside Nirvana (ie. Samsara – the Sea of Sufferings of the Physical Universe) ----- this will normally happen when the force of Samadhi Jhana and Nirvana Fruition weaken.
(3) No Birth, No Death
(4) Cessation of Sufferings and Pain
(5) Eternal Equanimity, Serenity, Silencing of the Mental State, Eternal Bliss
(6) Physical State – is non-consequential (ie. Irregardless of black hole of energy – no physical state, or expanding universe, or contracting universe or demising universe)
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