As America Legalises Gay Marriage, Singapore Struggles With Gay Acceptance

ricky l • Remove
This time LBGT ask to be legalized because of deviant love - and with misplaced compassion has accede to their deviant union against nature.Reply
In future will LBGT go one step further to legalise human and animal union - in name of another misplace compassion of ultra deviant love?
If yes, the offspring will no longer be called Human - it will become Asura - and Humanity will be in trouble as union between Human and animals - will produce :-
- birdman
- horseman
- batman
- cowman
- pigman
- turtleman
- chickman
- elephantman
and Asura will defeat human to rule the world.
Doing things that go against nature will reap the backlash from nature.
AiDs is the bad karma of unnatural union.
This may seem far fetched now. But further down the road, it may turn out to materialize and human are doing themselves in for failing to observe the law of nature.
ricky l • Remove
In future, there maybe 2 categories of Asura :-N
(1) Man brain with robot bodies
(2) Man brain with animal union bodies
These 2 categories of Asura will possess intellectual power and physique bodies that surpass human and will eventually wipe out the humans on Earth.
This is a vision that flash across and humans are legalizing and slowly developing this vision to eventually bring about the demise of human mankind.

Nick D • Report Abuse
The only one who is farfetched here is you, Ricky. Get a life, please. You're only taking your prejudice and making mountains out of nothing. The only unnatural thing here is you and your manner of prejudiced thinking.

Simon • Report Abuse
As a taxpayer, I now have to support freaks and animals ? No way man !!S

Smile • Report Abuse
It's hard to take so many of these ridiculous comments seriously. Is this the Onion? Where are people getting their educations?
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