Sunday, September 28, 2014

Police investigate CPF protest march at Hong Lim Park

By | Yahoo Newsroom – 12 hours ago
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
When someone is holding an event, you lead a large congregation to intrude into other people's space and disrupt the event.

This is not only ill-manner but reckless and with no regard for any untoward consequences that may have cause when one large group converged into another group.

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along  •  1 minute 44 seconds ago Report Abuse
"Why did YMCA have to hold their event at Hong Lim Park? They must have their own premises to hold the event. If they have to hire a bigger venue, they should be able to pay for the hire of the venue, or get sponsors to foot the bill.
Hong Lim Park was created to be a place for people to exercise their freedom of speech and to hold protest."
-Tan Kin Lian
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Freedom of speeches means freedom of activities.
    Just curious, other than protest voices, you mean other activities are out of bound in Hong Lim Park?

    Is this not infringing freedom of activities and freedom of speeches and expression?

    Sorry don't understand your logic.
  • Michael
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    Michael  •  1 minute 8 seconds ago Report Abuse
    For non political events, you have 1001 venues to choose from, unlike political ones where you don't have a choice! Istana is a better venue for YMCA because it is free, safe and a lake with swans! Besides, the President can attend to show his support and also can earn brownie points!

  • ricky l

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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Freedom of choice.
    Why must Hong Lim Park be out of bound to other activities other than protest activities?

    Should sing what you preach. 
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    Michael  •  2 minutes 53 seconds ago Report Abuse
    Sure, but you have better venue! Why hlp?
    ricky l
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    ricky l  •  7 minutes ago Remove
    "Which law, which section" say other than protest activities, other activities cannot be held at Hong Lim Park "Pse show black and white and send Singaporeans the email that say so?" 
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    why hlp is free what. which law say cannot? 
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Cannot be 365 days reserved for protest activities what - and other activities cannot be held there what.

    Then most of the time, the Hong Lim Park is just sitting idle attracting houseflies as it cannot be used and reserved for protest activities only.

    That why cannot understand the logic.

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