400 asteroid impacts may destroy `life on earth` between 2017-2113
By ANI | ANI – 2 hours 49 minutes agoHave posted this a couple of time :-
"But, the horrible vision of the Earth (not so much about the World) - being blown apart in a massive explosion - occur a few times on and off for the past many years ...............
Not sure whether is it nuclear explosion (this is man-made - which is avoidable)
inter-celestial object hitting into Earth (no one can do anything - except to sit and pray)
Earth suck into a Black hole (no one can do anything - except to sit and pray)."

Peter • Report Abuse
Should any asteroid hit the earth and cause severe consequences affecting mankind, could it not be deemed an "Act of God" ?Reply
ricky l • Remove
Not an "Act of God" - it is due to collective karma (the result of our collective thoughts, speeches and actions as a result of our 3 inherent evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred, Greed) inherited by all inhabitants on Earth.
Hau • Report Abuse
Revelation 6:12-14
12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. - ricky l • Remove
Karma refer to Universal Justice.
An analogy, it is a balance sheet of credit and debit.
An accumulation of good merits refer to positive credit.
An accumulation of bad merits refer to negative debit.
When good merits exceed bad merits, inhabitants on Earth - including Humans and Animals and other living things can continue to live.
When bad merits exceed good merits (through the accumulation of collective karma - due to collective thoughts, speeches and actions as a result of our 3 inherent evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred, Greed - then end of the Earth or the World - will be the eventual outcome.
There are 3 ways of administering justice :-
(1) Human legal law - if adequate to administer justice - karma neutralise - good merits accumulate.
If inadequate to administer justice - bad karma accumulated - bad merits accumulate.
(2) Heavenly law - take over to administer Heavenly justice - in this case, the scenario of asteriod or other celestial bodies hitting Earth - that will bring about the end of the Earth or the World will come.
However, if Heavenly law is not able to adequately administer justice due to restriction of Heavenly boundary (note :- Heaven are made up of Sensual Desire Heavenly realm, Form Heavenly realm, Formless Heavenly realm) - then bad karma accumulated - bad merits accumulate.
(3) Universal Law of Karma - will take over to administer jusitce according what is accrue in the residual karma - which will be the last and final outcome - where the balance sheet of debit = credit.ricky l • RemoveIt is thus important for Human Legal Law - to concentrate on administering "True Justice" - in the true spirit of the law - and focus less on the "Point of Law" - that will be exploited - and obstruct the dispensing of "True Justice" - to negate and neutralise negative karma.
Otherwise Human mankind will face an unprecedented catastrophe administer by Heavenly Justice or Universal Law of Karma that Human and inhabitants on Earth that no one can escape - such as what this article are warning and what those who witness by the Visions with Divine Eyes.
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