Wednesday, September 3, 2014

China's top leaders remember victory over Japan

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Actually, China and Japan problem can be easily resolved - as they have a good foundation in trade, business, investment and travel.

Both Countries only need to focus on :-
(1) Addressing the unhappiness of Historical war - with some sort of agreement to close the chapter acceptable by both Countries.
(2) Addressing the island dispute with sweetened deals.

And this will solve the China-Japan lockhorn problem.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Both are bitter issues that hurt both National Egos and Nationalist Sentiment.

    If both are willing to work out something that address both National Egos and Nationalist Sentiment - then China and Japan will have no major issues.
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    As long as both sides refuse to budge on National Egos and Nationalist Sentiment - the blickering will still go on - until one day, both sides decide to do so - because National Egos and Nationalist Sentiment don't carry Economic values - but are big obstacle that prevent both Countries to move forward positively. 
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    park  •  9 minutes ago Report Abuse
    wah you so clever than go become politician and solve the problem mah.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    It is just a change of Heart and Mind - nothing difficult to resolve - if only the Mind and Heart is willing.

    Some islands - whether got Economic value is questionable - more like Nationalist Sentiment - to lose some rocks and some lands versus the overwhelming huge land mass that both Countries have.

    Some historical war memories - that if both sides sit down to close the chapter with some meaningful agreement - will have become memories that will no longer bother both Countries - only if both Countries have the resolved to solve it once and for all.

    Both issues - have no insurmountable "do or die" problem - that if go unresolved, both Countries will not be able to survive Economically or Politically. Isn't it? 

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